
The Malawi Electoral Commission MEC says it will delete from the system all names of new registrants

This follows the Supreme Court ruling that ordered that only those who registered during the May 2019 polls should be allowed to vote in the fresh presidential this July.

There have been growing fears that the voters roll could be manipulated as MEC in conjunction with National Registration Bureau had already registered new voters in the first 2 phases of voter registration exercise.

But in a joint press briefing held in Lilongwe, the two bodies conceded that they are aware of the fears going around but was quick to assure Malawians that no new voter will appear in the system database as all the names will be deleted from the system.

According to MEC Commissioner responsible for Electoral services Dr. Jean Mathanga the Commission respects the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Wife Allegedly Throws Husband’s 2 Children Into Well

A house wife, Aisha Isa, who is the second wife of her husband, has allegedly killed the two daughters of her husband’s first wife in Yelwabassa village in Kokona LGA of Nasarawa State, Nigeria.

The two girls, Zainab (4yrs) and Ramatu (2yrs) were bound hands and feet, and allegedly thrown into a well by Aisha where they got drowned.

The Commissioner of Police in the state, Mohammed Kura, who confirmed the heartless act, said the suspect is now in the custody of the State Criminal Investigation Department.

Kura said the 20-year-old wife stated in a confessional statement to detectives handling the case that she committed the alleged homicidal act because the mother of the two little girls forbade them from running errands for her.

He said trouble began 6-years-ago when she got married to Alhaji Isa and that it was not long before the new wife began to quarrel with the mother of the two girls.

He continued that in April 2017, Aisha killed the first victim, two-year-old Ramatu, whose hands and legs she tied and threw into the well, where the little child died.

With the enormity of her offence, a sense of remorse overwhelmed Aisha and she pleaded, “I want the family to forgive me for what I did; I have regretted my mistake and want my husband to forgive me.”

Coronavirus Spike in Russia, Brazil, India and Others Show Pandemic is Far From Over

Coronavirus cases are spiking from India to South Africa and Mexico in a clear indication the pandemic is far from over, while Russia and Brazil now sit behind only the United States in the number of reported infections.

The surges come as much of Asia, Europe and scores of U.S. states have been easing lockdowns to restart their economies as new infections wane. U.S. autoworkers, French teachers and Thai mall workers are among hundreds of thousands of employees back at work with new safety precautions.

Russia reported a steady rise in new infections Tuesday, and new hot spots have emerged across the nation of about 147 million. Russia registered nearly 9,300 new cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to almost 300,000 infections, about half of them in Moscow. Authorities say over 2,800 people with COVID-19 have died in Russia, a figure some say is surely higher.

South Africa has the highest number of cases at over 16,400 and nearly 290 deaths. Infections have increased dramatically in Cape Town and the surrounding Western Cape province, which now accounts for 61% of South Africa’s total.

Latin America has seen more than 480,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and about 31,000 dead. The highest number of cases is in Brazil, which became the world’s third worst-hit county Monday with more than 250,000 infections despite limited testing. Hospital officials reported that more than 85% of intensive care beds are occupied in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

In India, coronavirus cases surged past 100,000, and infections are rising in the home states of migrant workers who fled cities and towns during a nationwide lockdown when they lost their jobs.

Colombia struggled with an outbreak in Leticia, a city on the border with Brazil, where hospitals were overwhelmed and patients were being sent to commandeered hotels. Colombia has recorded about 16,300 confirmed cases and close to 600 dead.

In Europe and in the United States, which has seen 36 million Americans file for unemployment, economic concerns dominated the political landscape.

Unemployment claims in Britain jumped 69% in April, the government reported Tuesday. European car sales collapsed by an unprecedented 76% last month.

Four dead after earthquake in China

Four people were killed and another 24 injured when an earthquake shook southwestern China, local authorities said Tuesday.

The shallow quake in Qiaojia county struck late Monday evening, the Yunnan government said on its social media account.

Video clips on China’s Twitter-like platform Weibo showed shoppers taking cover in a store as boxes flew off the shelves, while students in a classroom elsewhere scrambled to hide under their desks before covering their heads with textbooks.

The quake hit near the city of Zhaotong, which has a population of over six million and registered 5.0-magnitude, according to China’s government seismology authority.

Around 600 rescue workers have been sent to the disaster area, the Yunnan government said, including firefighters and soldiers from the local division of the People’s Liberation Army.

Videos on social media showed rescue workers combing through rubble and streets littered with fallen tiles and concrete.

Residents could be seen stepping over debris as they left buildings, and trying to avoid rocks that had fallen on a road while riding a motorbike.

China is regularly hit by earthquakes, especially in its mountainous western and southwestern regions.

A strong 6.0-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province last year killed 13 and injured nearly 200 people, damaging a large number of structures.

A powerful 7.9-magnitude quake in Sichuan in 2008 left 87,000 people dead or missing.

Mbakuwaku boss says no campaigns due to Covid-19

Peter Kuwani of Mbakuwaku Movement for Development (MMD) has said he is yet to start campaigning for coming presidential election and has attributed the situation to corona virus.

Kuwani says he wants to respect corona virus preventive measures set by the government and World Heath Organisation (WHO).

“We are running away from the traditional gatherings because we’re also trying to respect the COVID-19 pandemic preventive measures despite that the same authority is on the forefront defying the same measures. As party as an individual who strives to respect the health care system, we thought we should be part and parcel of preserving lives of ordinary Malawians, because we have to look beyond elections,” he said.
Currently, two major political parties contesting in the fresh presidential election, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have already started campaigns; gathering large masses against WHO directive of social distance.
Kuwani and his MMD has been rather quite as his fellow contenders for State House or their representatives crisscross the country in search of votes.

A 50 percent plus one majority will be expected of the winner, making the task even more daunting.

S.A Man Sentenced to Two Life Terms for Raping Stepdaughter

A regional court in Mpumalanga, South Africa has sentenced a 42-year-old man to two life terms for raping his 14-year-old stepdaughter.

The rapes, according to the National Prosecuting Authority, occurred in 2015.

“The court heard that the victim’s mother went to attend traditional-ceremony training when these incidents happened,” said Monica Nyuswa, spokesperson for the Mpumalanga director of public prosecutions. “The accused took the victim to his parental home where the first incident happened and again on their way back, he pulled off the road and forcefully raped her under a bridge. The victim reported the ordeal to her sister and her mother and the authorities were alerted,” Nyuswa said.

In court, the man denied the allegations and disputed DNA evidence linking him to the rapes.

“Asking the court for a harsh sentence, the state emphasised the seriousness of the offence and that it was committed against a child by her own stepfather who was supposed to protect and care for her in the absence of her mother. The state submitted that there were no substantial or compelling circumstances to deviate from the prescribed sentence of life,” Nyuswa said.

The man was deemed unfit to possess a firearm and unsuitable to work with children.

“The court further ordered that the name of the accused be entered into the National Register for Sex Offenders and that his employer be notified,” said Nyuswa.

MEC Commissioner Jean Namathanga refuses to resign

Commissioner for the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Jean Namathanga has refused to resign from her post, saying she will continue discharging her duties.

Namathanga said this during a joint media briefing between MEC and the National Registration Bureau (NRB) held on Tuesday in the capital Lilongwe.

Inn her speech Namathanga said says she is not incompetent and will not resign but will continue to discharge her duties to the end of her contract.

Her contract will expire on June 5, 2020.

The constitutional Court on February 3, 2020 nullified the May 21, 2019 Presidential polls and called for fresh Presidential polls within a period of 150 days.

The court also ordered the Public Appointment Committee (PAC) of Parliament to assess the competency of MEC commissioners and the committee declared all MEC commissioners incompetent.

PAC then asked President Peter Mutharika to fire all MEC commissioners but Mutharika refused.

Malawi artists announce live shows amid covid-19

reggae artist Ralph Kapanga has announced a live show in Balaka district on May 29 next week.

Kapanga’s announcement of the live show comes just two weeks after musicians under the banner Concerned Active Musicians announced their intentions to resume live shows after noticing that politicians who were supposed to lead by example were holding campaign rallies without any regard to covid-19 preventive measures.

Kapanga who has released album titled Rise Malawi, told media that the show will take place at Modern Park in Balaka and will be supported by local music giant Skeffa Chimoto and his Real Sounds Band, Katelele Ching’oma, Leslie and Prince Makase, among other artists.

“Initially I planned to launch the album in March but it coincided with this pandemic. By then I had already paid for the venue and the supporting artists but I had no choice but to shelve it,” Kapanga said as quoted in the Nation.

The artist said following recent developments, they have been left with no option but to follow suit by resuming live public performances.

“People have missed music and on the other hand, we as artists need to make ends meet. This inactivity has affected us badly,” he said.

Skeff Chimoto confirmed of the development but was quick to say the show may not take place considering that the ban of public gatherings is still intact.

“I am not sure if it’s going to take place because the ban is intact. But I have seen my client advertising the show. If it will take place, I am ready to take part because I don’t have any bookings elsewhere.”

On Sunday, the Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) acting president Gloria Manong’a told the press in Blantyre that they have no control over individual artists who will decide to start holding live performances.

Meanwhile, politicians are campaigning in readiness for fresh presidential election and covid-19 measures are not followed as their rallies usually attract thousands of people.

Vladimir Putin has just made an order of Covid-organic for Russia, and asks Africans not to follow W.H.O.

ladimir Putin has just made an order of Covo organic for Russia, and asks Africans not to follow WHO.
Vladimir Putin says:

"I just made an order of 1 million organic organic made in Madagascar for my country, to give to the Russians who are sick and contaminated with Covid19, because the first text on the organic proves it’s a cure and prevention of the corona virus,
I call on Africans not to follow WHO not to fall into a hole without depth, today Africa has just shown to the world that it is the cradle of humanity, now it’s Europe’s turn to bow to Africa.
I would like this message to be shared to all of Africa."

Trump’s threats to WHO could undercut global health, warn heath experts

Health experts say U.S. President Donald Trump’s increasing attacks on the World Health Organization for its handling of the coronavirus demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the U.N. agency’s role and could ultimately serve to weaken global health.

In a letter to WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Trump wrote that WHO’s “repeated missteps” in its response to the pandemic have proven “very costly for the world.”

On Monday, Trump threatened to permanently cut U.S. funding to WHO unless the agency commits to “substantive improvements” in the next 30 days.

“I cannot allow American taxpayer dollars to continue to finance an organization that, in its present state, is so clearly not serving America’s interests,” he wrote.

The U.S. is WHO’s biggest donor, providing about $450 million a year.

Devi Sridhar, a professor of global health at the University of Edinburgh, said the letter was likely written for Trump’s political base and meant to deflect blame for the virus’ devastating impact in the U.S., which has by far the most infections and virus deaths in the world.

“China and the U.S. are fighting it out like divorced parents while WHO is the child caught in the middle, trying not to pick sides,” she said.

“President Trump doesn’t understand what the WHO can and cannot do,” she said, explaining that it sets international standards and is driven by its member countries. “If he thinks they need more power, then member states should agree and delegate it more.”

Michael Head, a senior research fellow at the University of Southampton, said much of what Trump was demanding was beyond WHO’s intended scope.

“The WHO have limited powers, in terms of what they can demand of countries where outbreaks are taking place,” Head said. “They provide expert guidance and not enforcement by law.”

Head noted that there clear gaps in governance elsewhere that have allowed COVID-19 to spread — notably in the U.S., which has seen 1.5 million infections and over 90,000 deaths linked to COVID-19.

Trump has repeatedly accused WHO of being unduly influenced by China and wrote that the agency has been “curiously insistent” on praising the country’s “alleged transparency.”

WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib said the organization had no immediate response to Trump’s letter. The agency has previously noted that it declared a global health emergency on Jan. 30, when there were fewer than 100 cases of coronavirus outside of China.

When that declaration was made, WHO chief Tedros said China was setting a new standard for outbreak response. He said the world owed China its gratitude for the way it bought other nations time to plan with the extraordinary measures it was taking to contain the virus.

UK's oldest coronavirus survivor, 105, beat the bug in just five days

Pat Aldridge was admitted to Musgrove Park hospital at Taunton, Somerset having caught the coronavirus. Five days later the 105-year-old had beaten the viral disease.

An 105-year-old woman is one of the oldest people in the UK to survive Covid-19.

Pat Aldridge tested positive for the virus after suffering breathing difficulties and feeling weak.

She was rushed to Musgrove Park hospital at Taunton, Somerset, but conquered coronavirus within just five days.

Now Pat - who was born in Solihull in November 1914 - is back at her residential home.

She said: "I'm fine. I didn't know about the virus, I didn't know what it is. I'm the lucky one."

Musgrove Park Doctor Benedict Morris said he had concerns for Pat when her infection became clear.

He said: "We always worry about anyone who tests positive, particularly those who are a little bit older.

"You do worry but at 105 she is made of stern stuff and that's what we saw when we met her.

"It was absolutely remarkable and I'm so pleased to hear she is back at her residential home.

"She has made an amazing recovery."

Pat was discharged after five days.

Her daughter Mary-Jane Yates said: "She has got this great resilience. That is what has got her through whatever it is."

While data on the likelihood of Covid-19 fatality based on age is not complete, elderly people have a high chance of succumbing to the disease.

Great-great-grandmother Rose Heeley, from Parson Cross, in Sheffield, was given a guard of honour when she left Northern General Hospital at the end of May follow a bout of Covid-19.

Her daughter Tracey Appleyard told the BBC: "We were all so worried about her having the virus but we knew she was in safe hands and would come out dancing.

"Everyone was amazing on the ward and kept us updated, we are so thankful for the care they gave our lovely nanan.


Limbe heath center closed after heath workers found positive of Covid-19

Limbe Health Center in Blantyre has been closed after some health workers were tested COVID-19 positive.

A visit by Zodiak Online Tuesday morning witnessed scores of women seeking maternal health help returning home unattended to.

They said they were told the facility has been closed down after some of the health workers were tested COVID-19 positive.

“I came here for ante-natal services but the hospital is not open. They say some nurses were tested COVID-19 positive and they want to disinfect the facility.

“When coming here, my hope was to be assisted. Apart from the ante-natal service, I also needed to be assisted on some issues but I am going back home unattended to,” said one of the pregnant women from Bangwe.

Another expectant woman from Bangwe said “as pregnant women, we need regular medical check-ups to avoid complications. Not everyone can afford private hospitals. There are some women who need to deliver.

“We are many of us who rely on public hospitals. Government should provide the health workers with protective equipment to serve us better.”

Blantyre District Director of Health Services, Dr. Gift Kawalazira, says the facility has been shut down to disinfect it.

“As you are aware that Blantyre district has registered seven cases of COVID-19 among health workers. Out of the seven, four come from Limbe Health Center so we think it is another hot spot that we need to do more to protect the general public and also the health workers.

“The idea is to close the hospital and disinfect it for at least a minimum of 48 hours and then we will open it,” he said.


Africans at risk as virus toll tops 300,000

The coronavirus could infect a quarter of a billion Africans and put intolerable pressure on the continent’s fragile health system, a new report said Friday, as the pandemic’s global death toll topped 300,000.

Despite fears of a second wave of infections, borders began opening up in Europe and lockdowns continued to ease as governments try to get stalled economies moving again, with experts warning world output could shrink by 10 percent.

And Donald Trump ramped up his war of words with Beijing over responsibility for what he has dubbed the “Plague from China”, threatening to cut ties between the two countries.

But it was the very human cost of the disease that was thrown into sharp relief with the discovery of infections in the world’s biggest refugee camp, where upwards of a million Rohingya live in squalor.

“We are looking at the very real prospect that thousands of people may die from COVID-19” in these camps, Save The Children’s Bangladesh health director Shamim Jahan said.

“There are no intensive care beds at this moment” in the camps at Cox’s Bazaar, Jahan said.

Epidemiologists have long warned that the virus could race through the cramped, sewage-soaked alleys of the camps, where the persecuted Muslim minority have lived since fleeing a military offensive in neighboring Myanmar nearly three years ago.

The nexus of poverty and risk was also laid bare by a World Health Organization report that warned Africa is a hotspot waiting to happen, despite so far having escaped the worst of the disease.

Researchers say frangible health systems on the world’s poorest continent could quickly be overwhelmed, with modeling suggesting 231 million people could become infected.

Up to 190,000 of them could die, the study published in the journal BMJ Global Health suggested.

With large populations living in slums, social distancing is all but impossible for many on the continent, and health experts say only a vaccine will prevent widespread infection.

Despite scientists working flat out towards that aim, experts say it could still be many months — or even years — away.

And without a robust roll-out plan, even highly developed countries could struggle to take advantage of any breakthrough.

In the US, the man formerly charged with developing a vaccine told lawmakers the government in Washington has no “master plan” to fight the pandemic and is unprepared to distribute enough vaccines to immunize millions of Americans.

“We don’t have a single point of leadership right now for this response,” said Rick Bright, who was removed from his job last month.

‘Disappointed in China’
The United States has registered almost 86,000 deaths linked to COVID-19 — the highest toll of any nation, with a third of all known global infections.

In an interview aired Thursday, Trump again accused Beijing of concealing the true scale of the problem after the virus emerged in Wuhan late last year.

“I’m very disappointed in China. I will tell you that right now,” he said.

Asked how the United States might choose to retaliate against what he has dubbed the “Plague from China”, Trump said: “We could cut off the whole relationship”.

Beijing played down the spat, saying: “To maintain the steady development of China-US relations is in the fundamental interests of the people in both countries.”

The US and China are the world’s two largest economies, doing hundreds of billions of dollars of mutually beneficial trade every year.

Nevertheless, the US president is keen to make Beijing the bogeyman in an election year when gloomy news has become par for the course.

New figures showed a further three million job losses, taking the newly unemployed to 36.5 million — more than 10 percent of the US population.

Over a third of them will have trouble paying their bills, a survey has revealed.

States are slashing their budgets because of tax shortfalls caused by the job losses, with California announcing it would have a $54 billion deficit this year.

Germany’s treasury is also expecting a big hole in its budget, with around 100 billion euros wiped off the tax take in 2020.

Europe’s biggest economy has already slipped into a recession, with GDP expected to shrink by 6.3 percent this year — the biggest contraction since 1949.

The Asian Development Bank on Friday doubled its previous estimate of the cost of the pandemic, saying the world economy would shrink by $8.8 trillion — almost a tenth of global output.

Up to 242 million jobs will vanish due to the virus, the Manila-based bank said.

‘We may need more graves’
Much of Europe was back on the road to recovery, with more parts of the continent opening up.

Slovenia opened its borders on Friday after declaring an end to its coronavirus epidemic, despite new infections still being reported.

Austria and Germany were expected to open their shared border, while Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were set to create their own “mini-Shengen on the Baltic”, allowing free movement among the three countries.

But in Latin America, the news was looking increasingly dire.

Thousands of fresh graves are being dug in the Chilean capital’s main cemetery, as the infection rate soars and as Santiago enters lockdown from Friday.

“We may need more graves, because we see what’s happened in other countries,” cemetery director Rashid Saud told AFP


Cameroonian Pastor Dies to Covid-19 After He Claimed He Could Heal The Disease

A popular Cameroonian pastor, Frankline Ndifor has died from Coronavirus barely a week after contracting the disease he claimed he could cure.

The Pastor who was also a presidential candidate in the country’s last presidential election, had laid hands and prayed for the healing of some Coronavirus patients who turned up at the premises of his Kingship International Ministries Church.

Cameroonian Pastor who claimed he could heal Coronavirus dies less than a week after contracting the disease

Dr Gaelle Nnanga who was called to treat Ndifor after he started suffering severe respiratory difficulties less than a week after falling ill with the virus, told Voice of America that the Pastor died less than 10 minutes after receiving treatment.

Shortly after Pastor Frankline Ndifor died, his supporters addressed him as a ‘prophet’ and blocked entrance to his home in the capital city of Douala for eight hours on Saturday as medical staff tried to retrieve his body.

Cameroonian Pastor who claimed he could heal Coronavirus dies less than a week after contracting the disease

The Governor of the coastal region said a police force had to be deployed when supporters blocked the entrance to his home and claimed the pastor was on a spiritual retreat with God so could not be buried. They reportedly sang and prayed for his resurrection throughout last weekend.

However after security operatives gained entrance into the late Pastor’s apartment, his corpse was retrieved and buried in front of his residence by officials of Cameroon’s COVID-19 response team.

Cameroonian Pastor who claimed he could heal Coronavirus dies less than a week after contracting the disease

One of the late Pastor’s followers, Rigobert Che confirmed that the “prophet” prayed for him and several others diagnosed with COVID-19 last Wednesday. He said;

“This is a pastor that has been laying hands [on the sick] and claiming that he cures COVID-19.
“If you, the person that claims that you are curing COVID-19, you are dead, what about the fellow people that were affected by the COVID-19? Now that he is dead, I do not know how the people that he was laying hands on will be healed.”

Health officials are now asking all those who came in contact with the pastor to report to hospitals to be tested for COVID-19.

Ndifor came 7th out of nine candidates in 2018’s presidential election with 23,687 votes. There have been 3,529 confirmed cases of Coronavirus and 140 deaths in Cameroon.

Malawi registers 71st Covid-19 case

Malawi has registered another case of corona virus bringing the total number of corona virus cases to 71.

It is a 21 year old man traveled from South Africa and entered through Mwanza border.

According to the Minister of Heath Jappie Mhango, the samples of this new patient were collected from his contacts.

Meanwhile, the minister has urged Malawians to continue regular handwashing and physical distancing as they are keys to preventing spread of Corona virus

Malawi now has 71 confirmed cases with 27 recoveries.

MEC, NRB to hold joint press briefing over electoral commission data

Malawi Electoral Commission and National Registration Bureau are to hold a press briefing pertaining to a number of issues relating to electoral commission data.

Mec ICT Director, Muhabi Chisi, and NRB Chief Director, Macford Somanje, are expected to be the main speakers.

Issues to be addressed include NRB’s role in electoral processes, status of NRB database, how voters register is built using NRB database, how Mec will remove those were registered during by-election and in phase 1 and 2 of voters registration ahead of presidential election.

Man Commits Suicide by Hanging In Lilongwe

6 year old Gerald Chakwawa has hanged himself in Lilongwe’s remote location of Senti.

Public Relations Relations Officer for Lingadzi Police, Salome Zgambo told Manaonline that the deceased was discovered by his sister, Lucia Chakwawa, who described her late brother as a well known drunkard.

was staying alone in his house and was last seen on Saturday, May 16, 2020.

Zgambo said the deceased, who was last seen on Saturday, lived alone in the area and the sister decided to check on him today around 6AM his house after not seeing him yesterday.

“But she got no response after knocking,” explained Zgambo adding: “She then decided to force the door open and went straight to his bedroom where she found him hanging to the roof. Chikwakwa then reported the issue to police at Lingadzi who visited the scene of crime.”

The body was later taken to Kamuzu Central Hospital where postmortem revealed that death was due to suffocation secondary to hanging.

WHO Offered $20m Bribe To Poison COVID-19 Cure – Madagascar President Reveals

WHO offered $20m bribe to poison COVID-19 cure – President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina, has claimed the World Health Organisation (WHO) offered him $20m bribe to poison COVID-19 cure.

According to the President, the herbal remedy called COVID-19 Organics made from Artemisia can cure COVID-19 patients within ten days.

Meanwhile Tanzanian local newspaper, “Tanzania Perspective” reported on the front-page of its 14th May edition that President Andry Rajoelina was offered a $20 million bribe to poisoned their new COVID-19 medicine as seen below:

WHO offered $20m bribe to poison COVID-19 cureThe President of Madagascar believes the only reason the rest of the world has refused to treat Madagascar’s cure for the coronavirus with urgency and respect is that the remedy comes from Africa.

President Rajoelina made this known during an interview with French outlet, Rajoelina reportedly said he has noticed what he believes stems from usual condescension toward Africans.

“I think the problem is that (the drink) comes from Africa and they can’t admit… that a country like Madagascar… has come up with this formula to save the world.

If it wasn’t Madagascar, and if it was a European country that had actually discovered this remedy, would there be so much doubt? I don’t think so,” said Africa’s youngest head of state, the President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina.

“What is the problem with Covid-Organics, really? Could it be that this product comes from Africa? Could it be that it’s not OK for a country like Madagascar, which is the 63rd poorest country in the world… to have come up with (this formula) that can help save the world?”

The remedy, COVID Organics, is made from Artemisia, a plant imported into Madagascar in the 1970s from China to treat malaria. Artemisia has had proven success against malaria and according to President Rajoelina it can cure COVID-19 patients within ten days.

However, the WHO has condemned such natural therapeutic measures against the coronavirus as blind faith. In response to the skepticism with which the WHO is treating the COVID Organics, Rajoelina said, “No country or organisation will keep us from going forward.”

A host of other African countries including, Nigeria, Tanzania, Guinea-Bissau, DR Congo and Niger, have imported the Madagascan made recipe.

Thugs And Police Fight At Radio Station Over Radio Programme in Zambia

Police in Zambia have fired tear gas canisters at Isoka radio station following PF thugs invasion in search of Hakainde Hichilema who was featuring in a live radio programme.

Journalists and staff were gasping for air.

PF thugs in their dictatorial state, took over the radio station and demanded that the program be cancelled.

They also wanted to skin Hakainde Hichilema alive, had they found him in the studios.

Isoka FM is currently off air due to PF thugs invasion and unlawful take over.

Ben Phiri Says Putting MCP in Power is Voting Against Democracy, MCP Describes Remarks as Senseless

Director of Elections for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Ben Phiri has told voters in Neno that putting Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in Power is voting against democracy which was hardly earn in 1993.

Phiri who is on a campaign trail luring people to vote for President Peter Mutharika a DPP- United Democratic Front (UDF) candidate in the fresh presidential elections said people should not make a mistake of voting MCP back in power.

The minister of Local Government and Rural Development added that MCP which is leading the TONSE grand alliance did not form any democratic principles that can govern a democratic country like Malawi.

“In as far as democracy is concerned, during under one party system there was no room for democracy at all, people’s rights were infringed and there have never been a time that MCP came and denounced the same,” said Phiri.

Phiri recalled that MCP used to preach that democracy is war when people rose to fight against one party era.

“True to their word we have seen that after elections they started pulling down different structures in town, true to their word that the democracy will not work because in democracy the will of the people must be respected,” he said.

Responding to Phiri remarks, MCP’s publicist Maurice Munthali rebuffed Phiri’s sentiments describing them as senseless and irresponsible.

According to Munthali, it was Kamuzu Banda who gave room to multiparty democracy in the country adding that he had all the powers to say no if he had wished.

“Kamuzu was the one who ushered democracy in this country by allowing people to choose if they want multiparty or one party and he accepted defeat even when the votes were not fully counted. What sort of democracy do you want to see if you don’t regard Kamuzu as a democratic by offering Malawians a chance to choose?” asked Munthali.

Munthali then added that all the people who were responsible for killing and prosecuting innocent people in the MCP regime of one party are now belonging to DPP.

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