
Trump threatens to shoot people protesting against killing of George Floyd

President Donald Trump says he will order the military to shoot at people protesting against the killing of #GeorgeFloyd, a black person was murdered by police officers in Minneapolis. Trump says he "can not stand back & watch" violent protesters looting shops in Minneapolis.
Trump tweeted: "I will send in the National Guard [so that] when the looting starts, the shooting starts". Unlike in the US, when Malawians protested against the 2019 presidential polls, soldiers granted them security.

Former Rwandan Mayor sentenced to life over genocide

Rwanda's High Court has sentenced a former mayor to life in prison for his role in the 1994 genocide.
Ladislas Ntaganzwa - who was arrested in the Democratic Republic of Congo five years ago - was found guilty of personally leading a series of massacres of Tutsi civilians, including an attack on a church where thousands had taken shelter.
The former mayor of southern Nyakizu was also accused of orchestrating the rape of many women.
Earlier this month, investigators tracking genocide suspects had a major breakthrough when the alleged financier of the genocide, Félicien Kabuga, was arrested in France.
He is due to be tried at a tribunal in Tanzania.
It emerged last week that another top suspect, former Defence Minister Augustin Bizimana, had actually been dead for several years.

Premier league to return on June 20

It's understood the Premier League are determined to complete the season inside six weeks to conclude no later than August 2. 
That would entail seven weekend rounds and two midweek features, should June 20 be the restart date.
Bundesliga is already back while other leagues are also on their way.

Boyfriend faints due to punani smell

A Soweto woman is facing a charge of attempted murder after her boyfriend passed out after she took off her pants during a love making.
The odor from her cookie jar knocked the boyfriend out cold as soon as it hit his nostrils.
The girl, only identified as Lerato, was heard screaming for help when her boyfriend became unresponsive as they made out.
Alert neighbors came to investigate and at first thought the man, Jabulani Sizwe, had died but the soon felt a faint pulse.
An ambulance was summoned and paramedics managed to resuscitate Jabulani who spewed bile the moment he regained his senses and blamed Lerato of trying to kill him with her punani smell.
According to eyewitnesses, Jabu could not have none of it and told all those who had gathered that he had fainted because of Lerato,s smell.
“One minute we were making out nicely but when she removed her pan_ties, it felt like a skunk had done its business in the room. I felt like I was being choked and last thing I remember is heading for the door but I did not make it because the smell was too much”, he said.
According to her medical records Lerato had a fungal infection on her punani.
A shy Lerato said she had ‘forgotten’ to have it treated for the past 3 weeks or so.
“I’m under so much pressure at the moment, I have exam stress as well so I forget things sometimes”.
Jabulani went to the police to lay a charge of attempted murder against Lerato and also broke things off with her.
Apparently he believes that she was intentionally trying to give him an STD whereas it’s just an ordinary fungal infection.

Bakili Muludzi campaigns for DPP-UDF Alliance, thanked Professor Mutharika for choosing his son as his runningmate

Muluzi senior has started the campaign his home village Kapoloma in Machinga district where he organised a meeting this week.
Muluzi gathered chiefs and villagers at Kapoloma, saying the meeting was meant ” to thank Professor Mutharika for choosing one of our sons as his runningmate”.
A video clip circulating on social media shows Muluzi saying Atupele will become ” President of Malawi” before correcting himself of the ” mistake”.
Muluzi also told the gathering that the “whole” Eastern region has agreed to vote for Mutharika.
However, many people view Muluzi’s decision to join the campaign as a continuation of his cherished desire to rule the country through the back door and also fulfill his vow in 2009 to ‘deflate the tube’ by getting DPP back to UDF, now through his son.
Between 2001 and 2003 Muluzi attempted to prolong his rule through Open and Third term bills.

Cotton farmers stranded at Admarc's after Atupele promised market during campaign

The campaign promise by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)-United Democratic Front (UDF) Alliance runningmate, Atupele Muluzi in which he told cotton farmers in Chikwawa district to immediately bring the cash crop to the Admarc as money used for buying was readily available has plunged dozens of farmers into a stranded situation, as nobody is coming in to buy their commodity, nearly two weeks after they adhered to the young Muluzi’s call.
Farmers we visited at Ngabu Admarc Market have openly expressed their anger and disappointment, as they believe authorities are taking them for granted after they joyfully responded to the authoritative call by President Peter Mutharika’s official partner in the forthcoming Presidential polls.

Satanic church officialy launched in SA

The First Satanic Church which was launched in February 2020 has now been officially registered in South Africa this month, May 2020.
The church’s mission reportedly is to educate the public on the Satanic Religious Board and to address common misconceptions about Satanic practises as well as Satanic panic.
The co-founder of the Satanic church in South Africa, Riaan Swiegelaar, says the registration has been a 4-year process. The church has a council comprising of 7 people dedicated to representing Satanism in South Africa.
Speaking to local radio stations, Riaan Swiegelar said, “When I discovered Satanism by myself, it wasn’t really an organized organization. And there was no representation so I had to find my way, through the dark, so as to speak, till I met fellow Satanists and we became a very close-knit set of people. So it’s important to have a group that resonates with the philosophy and be able to meet”.

DPP/UDF leaders drums up support for Mutharika

Traditional Authority (TA) Mkumbira of Nkhata Bay has assured Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and United Democratic Front (UDF) Alliance of the district’s continued support for the alliance’s presidential torch bearer, Peter Mutharika to triumph during fresh presidential poll.
Mkumbira was speaking Wednesday at Nkhata Bay Boma during DPP and UDF Alliance campaign rally which was addressed by DPP Vice President for the north, Goodall Gondwe, Minister of Tourism and Wildlife Vuwa Kaunda, Minister of Health Jappie Mhango who is DPP’s treasure general and business tycoon Leston Mulli.
“People of Nkhata Bay have all the reasons to vote for the DPP and UDF Alliance. We have evidence that once voted into power, Mutharika will continue bringing development projects in this district.
“We have witnessed improved road network, bridges, bus depot, jetty, market and the magnificent Nkhata Bay District Hospital among other major projects under the leadership of Mutharika,” said Mkumbira.
Taking turns, the DPP officials advised people in the district to continue rallying behind Mutharika saying he is the only presidential candidate who has a vision towards building a better Malawi.
Also present at the rally, was DPP regional governor for the north, Christopher Mzomera Ngwira who said DPP is committed to implementing more development projects in line with the needs of the people in the district.
“The DPP lead government is run by the people, if people of Nkhata Bay say they want a stadium we are ready to deliver in response to their requests because the people themselves are the government,” Ngwira said.
Ngwira also promised the gathering that the DPP lead government will erect street lights from Nkhata Jetty to Mkondezi besides constructing bridges in Chikwina and Mpamba areas and secondary schools at Thanula.
Also speaking at the same rally, Kaunda advised people in the district to verify their voter certificates during the voter certificate verification exercise in order for them to cast their votes come June 23.
“Everyone should have his or her voter certificate and names verified because that is the only way you can in take part in the fresh presidential election and able support Mutharika to win,” said Kaunda.

Mtambo Drums Support for Tonse Alliance, Asks People to Vote DPP Out of Power

Citizens for Transformation Movement (CFT) leader Timothy Pagonachi Mtambo has urged people in the country to knock out the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government during the 2020 elections saying Malawi needs a government that can be held responsible and accountable for its actions.
Mtambo made remarks Wednesday, 27th May 2020 following a whistle stop tour conducted in Nkhata-Bay district.

In his remarks, Mtambo said people should vote for Tonse Alliance led by Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his runningmate Dr. Saulos Claus Chilima because they have a powerful manifesto that has been developed by incorporating manifestos of the nine parties under the alliance.
He said: “The time has come that Malawians must exercise their freedom to change the leadership of the country, we need a government that will be held responsible and accountable for its actions to its people once they are given the mandate to run the affairs of our country.”

Student Dies in Boyfriend’s House During Covid-19 Lockdown

A university student identified as, Claire Natukunda has died at her boyfriend’s home after failing to return home before the Covid19 lockdown.
The student died in Maganjo, at her boyfriend’s house identified as Junju. She was reportedly two months pregnant
Junju was not at home when his 20 year old girlfriend died because he had walked to Kampala to look for money to help him take Claire to hospital. He was asked to return by authorities and arrested on arrival and taken to Kawempe police station where he has spent Wednesday night.
The body was first taken to the nearby Community Hospital Kawempe Lugoba before it was taken to Mulago for postmortem.
According to the messages on her phone, it seemed to have family disagreements with her parents and siblings who live in Kitemu on Masaka road.
Messages found in her phone shows that she had family disagreements with her parents and siblings who live in Kitemu on Masaka road. According to the messages, she refused to come home after they had asked her to return. Consequently, she decided to stay with her boyfriend.

Man sentenced for defilement

Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Mulanje has sentenced a 32- year-old man, Yusufu Selemani, to eight years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for defiling his 13-year-old stepdaughter.
Police Prosecutor, Jafalie Wemusi told the Court that Selemani committed the offence between October 2019 and February,2020.
He said the victim revealed to her mother that she had been defiled and impregnated by her stepfather.
Police at Muloza arrested Selemani and charged him with defilement contravening Section 138 of the Penal code.
But appearing before Magistrate Shahida Bakili, he pleaded not guilty and the state paraded three witnesses, leading to his conviction.
In submission, Police asked for a stiff penalty describing defilement as a serious offence.
The Prosecutor added that as a father, Selemani had the responsibility to protect the girl.
"Your worship, as a father, Selemani had the responsibility to protect the girl but what he did is a taboo that will haunt the victim for the rest of her life," Wemusi said.
Although Selemani asked for mercy, Second Grade Magistrate Bakili agreed with the state, lamenting an increase in defilement cases in the district.
"Depending on aggravating and mitigating factors, defilement attracts a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Further, these cases are high in the district hence the need for stiff penalties to deter would-be-offenders," she said.
Bakili sentenced Selemani to eight years IHL.
Meanwhile, the same Court has sentenced a 20 year-old man, Chikondi John, to eight years IHL for defiling a nine year old girl.
According to Police Prosecutor, Gladstone Kanyezi, John committed the offence on Thursday, May 21, 2020 as the girl was following her friends to a sweet potato garden.
He said while on her way, she met John who dragged her into a bush and defiled her.
Appearing before court, John pleaded guilty to defilement charges and the court convicted him.

The state asked for a stiff penalty to deter would- be-offenders.
The convict surprised people when, in mitigation, he asked for a one year jail term saying he has huge responsibility including helping a person with visual impairment.
But the Magistrate quashed the mitigations and sentenced him to eight years imprisonment with hard labour.
Selemani hails from Chinseu village, Traditional Authority (TA) Njema while John hails from Namisikha village, Senior Chief Mabuka both in Mulanje.

Hundreds gathered in the Minneapolis intersection where George Floyd died after police encounter

About 24 hours after George Floyd's death, hundreds of protesters packed the streets of Minneapolis, many gathering at the intersection where Floyd was pinned to the ground by police officers shortly before he died.

Floyd was arrested Monday evening after officers responded to a call about an alleged forgery in progress. Video from bystanders shows Floyd handcuffed and pinned to the ground and one police officer's knee pressing against his neck. Floyd pleaded he was in pain and couldn't breathe. Shortly after, he died at a nearby hospital. 
Four police officers involved in the incident were fired Tuesday, Minneapolis police said. State and federal authorities are now investigating the case. 

President Trump threatens social media companies with new regulation or even shuttering after Twitter moved to add fact checks to two of his tweet

President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened social media companies with new regulation or even shuttering after Twitter moved a day earlier to add fact checks to two of his tweets.

Claiming tech giants “silence conservative voices,” Trump said, “We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen.” 
And he repeated his unsubstantiated claim — which sparked his latest showdown with Silicon Valley — that expanding mail-in voting “would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots.”
The president can’t unilaterally regulate or close social media companies, as such moves would require action by Congress or the Federal Communications Commission.

Thirty Tunisians hospitalised after consuming poisoned alcohol on Eid

Six people have died and around 30 others hospitalised in Tunisia since Sunday after drinking tainted homemade alcohol. 

The alcohol was consumed across several towns and cities in the province of Kairouan.
The cases first came to light on Sunday – the day of Eid al-Fitr which marked the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
A man and a woman were arrested in the town of Hajeb Al Ayoun on suspicion of selling the tainted brew and 87 litres seized by police.
Toxic levels of methanol that is sometimes contained in homemade alcohol can be fatal or lead to visual impairment.
There have been several cases of methanol poisoning in Tunisia over the years.
Consumption of illegally sold brew is common because it is cheaper and more accessible to the majority, particularly in poorer areas.
The country has eased coronavirus containment measures but some restrictions still remain.

large public events are banned, a permit is required for travel between regions and shopping malls, bars and restaurants remain closed.

Mob kills suspected criminal in Chikwawa

A 28-year-old man in Chikwawa district has been killed by an angry mob on suspicion that he stole a goat.

The deceased has been identified as Paul Fulaitoni of Dzongwe Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Ngabu in the district.

Chikwawa Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Dickson Matemba confirmed the development in an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday.

He said Fulaitoni met his fate on May 22, 2020 around 11 p.m. at Nsanjama Village in the district.

“It was alleged that the suspect was carrying a sack on his motorcycle containing a slaughtered goat suspected to have been stolen,” Matemba said, adding, “Unknown people asked him where he was going with the goat but failed to give a proper account.”

He said an angry mob descended on him and was badly assaulted before setting him and his motorbike ablaze.

49 people shot in Chicago in Memorial Day gun violence

At least 89 arrests were made and 216 guns seized during the holiday weekend.

Despite stay-at-home orders firmly in place to blunt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the Memorial Day weekend saw an old scourge reemerge with a vengeance on the streets of Chicago: gun violence.

At least 49 people were shot, 10 fatally, between 6 p.m. on Friday and 11:59 p.m. on Monday, according to data the Chicago Police Department released Tuesday to ABC News.

Police Superintendent David Brown said three of the shooting victims were juveniles, including one who was killed.

HRDC threatens to hold 3 million people demonstrations if new MEC commissioners are not appointed by 5 June

Human Rights Defenders Coalition has warned that it will mobilise three million people for State House demonstrations if new Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) commissioners are not appointed by June 5.

Chairperson of the coalition Gift Trapence told journalists in Lilongwe that the coalition will not entertain any delaying tactics for the upcoming presidential elections.

He also chided Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale for allegedly playing a part to delay the elections, warning that the court already found him compromised in his conduct.

Malawi is expected to hold fresh presidential elections in a month time following February 3, 2020 Constitutional Court nullification of May 21, 2019 polls.

Jane Ansah, who was MEC for 2019 tripartite elections resigned after series of protest in the country as such, there is a need to appoint new commissioner to chair the coming elections.

UK approves its FIRST coronavirus medicine

Coronavirus patients in Britain can now be treated with remdesivir, the Ebola drug which has shown promise in battling the infection.

The Department of Health announced today that adults and teenagers with severe COVID-19 will be allowed to be treated with remdesivir if they fit specific criteria.

This makes the drug, which destroys a part of the virus in order to stop it reproducing, the closest thing doctors have to a cure or treatment for the disease.

The criteria for who will get it have not been laid out by the Government but doctors will be expected to decide on a case-by-case basis who is most likely to benefit.

Early trials of remdesivir, which must be injected by a qualified medic, suggest it could speed up people's time to recovery by four days, British officials said.

Although the approval of remdesivir has been welcomed by scientists, it has come more than three weeks after the FDA in the US approved it on May 1, putting the UK weeks behind once again. It was also slower to increase testing capacity.

And Japan's ministry of health approved the drug on May 8. Britain is now following suit in the face of growing scientific evidence.

Remdesivir is expected to be available immediately to patients across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Costa Rica celebrates its first same-sex weddings, becoming the first country in Central America to allow same-sex marriage

The first same-sex weddings have taken place in Costa Rica, the first Central American country to equalise its marriage legislation.

A lesbian couple became the first to tie the knot in a ceremony that took place just after the new law came into effect at midnight.

The wedding was shown on national TV.

President Carlos Alvarado said the law change meant Costa Rica now recognised the rights lesbian and gay people had always deserved.

He tweeted (in Spanish) that "empathy and love should from now on be the guiding principles which will allow us to move forward and build a country where there is room for everyone".

The first same-sex marriage ceremony was broadcast as the culmination of a three-hour programme celebrating marriage equality.

Marriage equality came about after the constitutional court declared in August 2018 that a ban on same-sex weddings was unconstitutional and discriminatory.

The court gave Costa Rica's parliament 18 months to change the law.

Enrique Sánchez, Costa Rica's first openly gay member of parliament, welcomed the change and praised those who had spent years lobbying for the same-sex marriage ban to be lifted.

"With their experience, their struggles... they have helped build a society where there are no second-class families or second-rate people," he told Reuters news agency.

Same-sex marriage is already possible in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay and some parts of Mexico, but Costa Rica is the first country in Central America to allow it.

Some religious groups had opposed the move and more than 20 lawmakers tried to delay the change in the law.

Zimbabwean Army Attack Police Officers For Not Wearing Face Masks

Some members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) reportedly went berserk in Chivhu over the weekend and assaulted two police officers for not wearing face masks. The military men are said to have stormed a local store in the small agricultural town and assaulted everyone without asking any questions.

iHarare reports that two CID police officers were among those who were assaulted. A scuffle nearly broke out when the law enforcement officers resisted and threatened to hit back.

However, the officers, Detective Constable Austin Chikwinya and Sam Mutausi together with three other civilians have since lodged a report at Chivhu Police Station under RRB numbers 2187968; 2187969; 2187970; 2187971 and 2187972.

A memo seen by the publication reports that the soldiers slapped Detective Chikwinya and Matausi as they tried to identify themselves. At the time of the fracas the pair were buying groceries.

A day earlier, the soldiers are reported to have randomly assaulted people at Zimbabwe Hotel including the owner Kirsty Muzana, 42, and his wife Eva, 32, for not switching off lights at the lodgings.

Efforts to get a comment from National Police Spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Themba Nyathi at the time of publishing the article were unsuccessful.

Earlier this month, the government announced that not wearing a face mask in public is now a level 12 offence which can result in a 1-year jail term. This was shortly after President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced that the country was now on level 2 of lockdown.

In his address, President Mnangagwa said all citizens are now required to wear face masks in public places, as part of the country’s measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory-related disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

The country has been under Covid-19 lockdown since March 30, which was slightly eased and extended indefinitely on May 16. The government enforced the lockdown to help slow the spread of the pandemic.

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