
Chaponda’s ‘maizegate’ case ruling today

The High Court in Zomba is today expected to deliver its ruling in a case where the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is challenging the Chief Resident Magistrate’s (CRM) Court’s decision to acquit former minister of Agriculture George Chaponda in the Zambian maize purchase scandal.

Tanzania virus cases slowing down despite no lockdown imposed

Tanzania’s health minister has spoken about a decline in coronavirus cases in the country, saying the commercial hub, Dar es Salaam, only has four active cases.
Ummy Mwalimu added that there were no cases in Tanga and Mwanza regions.
The government stopped releasing data on coronavirus cases in April after President John Magufuli accused health officials of exaggerating the crisis.
Last month the US ambassador said hospitals in Dar es Salaam, were “overwhelmed” and that the chance of contracting the virus was “extremely high”, but did not provide evidence.
Mrs Mwalimu told a gathering on Monday that God had spared Tanzania as the virus had not affected many people.
The event in Tanga region was attended by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa.
She said coronavirus infections are still active – without providing numbers – and urged people to continue observing preventative measures.
Older students in the country reported back to school on Monday after the government announced reopening for colleges and final year students.

12-year-old girl raped by 11 men in Nigeria

Last week, a 12-year-old girl suffered brutality from eleven (11) men who defiled her and left her traumatised.
The incident learnt happened at Limawa quarters in Dutse local government area of Jigawa State in Migeria.
According to the Police Public Relations Officer in Jigawa State, SP Abdu Jinjiri, the eleven suspects have been arrested.
SP Jinjiri explained that, “the arrest was made after the police received a complaint that one Alh Zuwai, 57 years old of Ma’ai village in Dutse local government was seen at Limawa market trying to lure a 12-year-old girl of the same address to a hidden place, to have intercourse with her.
“The suspect was arrested and on the course of interrogation, the victim mentioned eleven persons who have been raping her severally in different occasions”.

“I cannot debate with Chakwera, he is not my size," Mutharika slums Chakwera

Mutharika went guns blazing against opposition leader Lazarus Chakwera who demanded that Mutharika debate with him ahead of the polls. “I cannot debate with Chakwera, he is not my size. If he wants to debate, he should debate with (Charles) Mchacha and the MP for this area, Masauko White. Those are his sizes, not me,” he said

PAC optimistic that Covid-19 will not disturb election

The Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee is optimistic that the coronavirus will not disrupt the forthcoming fresh presidential election.
With growing public distrust in the authorities, there are fears that the figures may be bloated on purpose to frustrate the election.
Critics also accuse the government of deliberately failing to provide adequate security to the returnees, who then escape the dispatch centres.
They claim this is done to escalate the spread of the virus, and then cancel the election.
Parliament is meeting this week for the 2020/21 national budget and also come up with a suitable date for the fresh election.

Chikomeni endorses Tonse Alliance

One of the Presidential aspirants who failed to make it in last year's elections Rad David Chikomeni Chirwa has endorsed Tonse Alliance candidate Lazarus Chakwera in the coming fresh Presidential polls.
Chirwa has said it is only Chakwera who has shown seriousness that he has a heart of serving Malawians.
Chirwa has then asked all his supporters to vote for Chakwera come June 23, elections.

"I don't drink Kachasu. I drink red wine," says Mutharika

Mutharika disputes Joyce Banda’s claims she made at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre two weeks ago that he got drunk in China. "I don't drink Kachasu. I drink red wine," he says.

Mutharika made the remarks during a visit at MUST.

Mutharika continues to say he won last year’s polls which he says were verified by international observers, telling a gathering that the court robbed them their victory.


Chinese employees are 'forced to eat live worms as punishment after failing to hit their sales targets'

Workers at a Chinese company have been forced to gobble down live earthworms as punishment after failing to achieve their sales goals, according to reports.
Social media footage uploaded by a self-proclaimed employee shows a staff member holding the wiggling bug in her palms as another worker wolfed it down with water while covering her mouth in disgust.
The whistle-blower told reporters that other punishments included eating live pond loaches or cleaning the office toilets.
A manager said that the bizarre punishment was part of the company's new disciplinary policies which had been agreed by all staff members.
Local officials told the press that they are investigating the incident.
The video reportedly was filmed last Monday at an interior design company in Bijie, Guizhou province of south-western China.
Members of the company's sales team are captured on camera standing in a line at a staff meeting as they receive the cruel penalty.

 Click to watch the Video:Click

Monkeys Escape Indian Lab With COVID-19 Test Samples

A gang of monkeys attacked a laboratory assistant and escaped with a batch of coronavirus test samples, it has been reported.
The bizarre incident saw the troop of primates launch their assault near Meerut Medical College in Delhi, India.
According to local media, the animals then snatched COVID-19 test samples from three patients and fled.
One of the monkeys was later spotted in a tree chewing one of the sample collection kits, the Times of India reported – adding that test samples from the patients had to be taken again.
It is the latest example of the highly intelligent, red-faced rhesus macaques taking advantage of India’s nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of coronavirus.
While they have proved an increasing problem in urban areas of the country in recent years, lockdown measures in the last two months have emboldened the monkeys.
Reports have shown them congregating in parts of Delhi normally crowded with humans.
The animals have adapted to live in close contact with people, and it is believed some groups have struggled in the absence of human food they had come to rely on.
People have been advised not to feed the monkeys while the pandemic continues, with experts suggesting doing so could cause the virus to mutate and infect primates.
A senior biologist from the Tamil Nadu Forest Department previously warned that if this did happen, the mutated virus could have a devastating impact on primate species and other wildlife that prey on them.
“The point is, we have very little understanding of the virus, and it is better to limit our interactions with wildlife till there is more research done on its effects on non-human primates and other animal species,” he told The Hindu.
Reports have previously emerged of the primates causing chaos in Delhi, snatching food and mobile telephones, breaking into homes and terrorising people in and around the Indian capital.
They have colonised areas around the city’s parliament and the sites of key ministries, from the prime minister’s office to the finance and defence ministries, scaring both civil servants and the public.
“Very often they snatch food from people as they are walking, and sometimes they even tear files and documents by climbing in through the windows,” said Ragini Sharma, a home ministry employee, in 2018.

Malawi Govt denies importing coronavirus cases

The government has dismissed reports that coronavirus cases are deliberately being imported to achieve a hidden agenda.
This is in reference to the arrival of hundreds of Malawians from South Africa and Europe following the severity of the pandemic.
Presidential Task Force Co-chairperson John Phuka argues that the country has an obligation to welcome its citizens despite the condition they are in.
Phuka stresses that citizens have the right to return to their home country and authorities should test them and ensure they do not spread the virus.

Malawians afraid of hunger not Covid-19, survey shows

Journalists are arrested, injured by police while trying to cover George Floyd story

Ali Velshi knew almost instantly what had happened when he felt a sharp pain in his leg Saturday night in Minneapolis: He’d been hit with a rubber bullet fired by police.
“As a kid growing up in Canada, it felt familiar. It felt like a puck hit me in the shin,” said the MSNBC anchor, who was covering what he described as a peaceful march of protesters. “It hit in a place that hurt.”
Velshi, who suffered minor bruises, was one of at least a dozen journalists injured in cities across America this weekend — including a photographer who was blinded in one eye — as police fired rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas to quell unrest. Not since the 1960s, when the nation was racked by civil rights demonstrations, antiwar protests and urban riots, has the press been embroiled in so much violence on American shores.

South Africans cheer as alcohol goes back on sale

Long queues have formed outside shops selling alcohol in South Africa after restrictions on its sale, imposed two months ago as part of measures to fight Covid-19 were lifted.
Social media posts showed people, who had braved the morning chill, cheering as buyers emerged with their bottles.
The alcohol ban was to allow police and hospitals to better focus on tackling the coronavirus, the authorities said.
Alcohol-fuelled violence is a huge problem in South Africa.
Doctors and police say the ban has had a dramatic impact, contributing to a sharp drop in casualty admissions.

Young girl raped and murdered before her body is dumped down a well in India

The body of a four-year-old girl was dumped in a well after she was raped and murdered in India last week. 
The child was raped Thursday night and her body was discovered in a well on Friday morning in Chhatarpur, in the northern state of Madhya Pradesh, police said. 
'The post-mortem report has revealed the girl was subjected to sexual assault and homicide,' Chhatarpur Superintendent of Police (SP) Kumar Saurabh told reporters. 
'A case is being registered and suspects are being interrogated.'   
Police are accused of being negligent in the handling of the case, Gulf News reported. 
Saraubh said that an investigation into the allegations is underway.  
'If it is found true, those involved will be suspended,' Saurabh said

Odion Ighalo contract extended to 2021

ODION IGHALO has "agreed" a loan extension with Manchester United until end of January 2021 with the transfer awaiting FA approval.
The agreement with his parent club Shanghai Shenhua officially expired on Sunday night, and it appeared as though United had failed in a bid to keep the striker at the club.

But according to The Telegraph, both sides have now come to an agreement for the 30-year-old to stay in Manchester until the new year.
The deal is said to be awaiting confirmation with FA for registration.
It is claimed Ighalo will then discuss a new contract with Shanghai Shenhua once he returns in 2021.
The news comes after his agent Atta Aneke confirmed talks were in place for the ex-Watford man to remain at Old Trafford.

Tanzania reopens schools and colleges

Some students in Tanzania are heading back to high schools and colleges for the first time in about two months, but will have to follow strict guidelines to ensure their safety from coronavirus.
The school calendar was interrupted in March following the outbreak of the virus.
Amid, what the government says is a decline in infections, colleges are reopening and final-year school students can return to school.
President John Magufuli has said he will consider reopening schools for younger pupils if the infection rate continues to decline.

Sancho could face punishment over George Floyd tribute shirt

JADON SANCHO could face further punishment from the German FA for unveiling his George Floyd tribute shirt after scoring his first senior hat-trick yesterday.
The Manchester United target was booked for taking off his Borussia Dortmund top after bagging his first in the 57th minute of a 6-1 win over Paderborn.

Sancho's shirt read: "Justice for George Floyd."
His message was in honour of the unarmed black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis last week after a video showed him struggling to breathe with a cop's knee on his neck.
The policeman, Derek Chauvin, has since been charged with murder.

Protester loses an eye after being hit by police tear gas canister

A man protesting the brutal death of George Floyd has lost an eye after being struck by a police tear gas cannister.


George Floyd, 46, died after a police officer pressed his knee into his neck for eight minutes despite saying 'I can't breathe'. His death has led to outrage and protests around the world.
Balin Brake, 21, was among demonstrators in the streets in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Saturday when he was hit in the face and said he immediately knew his eye was "done for".
Mr Brake said he couldn't see from his eye that had been hit as blood leaked out of it.

SKC to drag Malawi leader Mutharika, Muluzi to ICC

Tonse Alliance runningmate, Saulos Chilima, says he will drag Malawi President Peter Mutharika and former President Bakili Muluzi to the International Criminal Court (ICC) due to their alleged involvement in acts of political violence.
Chilima, who is also Vice President of Malawi, made the remarks in an interview after a Tonse Alliance rally in Zomba today.
According to Chilima, the two leaders have been sending people to attack members of the opposition.
He said he has already instructed his lawyers to file an application at the ICC next week.
“I will mention two people that we are taking there, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and former President Dr Bakili Muluzi among others.
“I think we have had enough of this violence and it’s time we engaged the higher court,” said Chilima.
n his remarks during the rally, Chilima also accused former President Muluzi of hiring people to kill him when he goes to Mangochi to conduct a rally.
“Former President Bakili Muluzi, you have hired people to kill me when I go to Mangochi. My life is not in your hands, it is in God’s hands.
“One of the persons you have hired is Mr. Mtenje. You have given some boys K1.7 million each to pelt stone at me.
“Because of this, we are finalising documents which will be filed at the International Criminal Court,” said Chilima.
On Friday, Chilima’s convoy was stoned in Mulanje and the attackers injured journalists covering the Tonse runningmate’s rallies.

Meet A Girl Who Orgasms 50 Times A Day!

The 22-year-old has a rare condition, which means she has been permanently sexually aroused since the age of eight .A simple vibration from a mobile phone is all it takes to push Amanda’s buttons.Loud bass music in a club and travelling by car or plane can also trigger theunusual response.
And it can happen absolutely anywhere, when she’s with her friends and even while she’s at work as a sales associate in a baby products shop. But far from being a blessing, many who suffer with the condition believe they are cursed. Last year, 39-year-old Gretchen Molannen, from Florida, committed suicide after battling the condition, known as Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome or PSAS, for 16 years.
The news was particularly difficult to take for Amanda, who was also from Florida. She said: “It is not pleasurable, you could say it has become a torture.This condition controls your life completely and it is like living a nightmare. I can have 50 orgasms in one day and five or ten within an hour of each other.
“It happens when I’m with my friends or out in public and it’s very embarrassing. It kills me inside. I just have to put on a smile and pretend
that nothing’s wrong.
She added:“At my lowest points, I have thought about suicide but I had to reassure myself that I would never resort to something like that and that it wasn’t going to happen to me. Orgasms are supposed to be a good feeling but I’ve had them every day for so long now that I’m living with constant fear and shame. As a child I had no idea what was happening to me — I thought I was just $ex-obsessed.”
Amanda first began suffering from the condition when she was just eight, but was too scared to confide in anyone.
It wasn’t until 2008 that she learnt about PSAS by hearing a discussion about it on the radio.
Since then she has tried to move on with her life and, at 20, even began dating, but she admits she has not been able to have a steady relationship because men either take advantage or are intimidated. She said: “I’ve been with a few guys, but it’s difficult – I’ve found
some guys are even intimidated. “Thankfully I’ve had the courage to tell my family and they have all been very understanding and supportive.”

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