
Floyd Mayweather reveals-“George Floyd is my relative”

American professional boxing promoter and former professional boxer Floyd Joy Mayweather Jnr has revealed that the deceased, George Floyd is his relative.
The 46-year-old black man died on Monday after a Minneapolis police officer was seen on video subduing Floyd with a knee on his neck for eight minutes.
Floyd Mayweather, told CNN that the police treated his brother “worse than they treat animals.”
“Knowing my brother is to love as human” he said. “They could have shot him; they could have coshed him. Instead, they put their knee in his neck and just sat on him and then carried on.”
“Floyd is my name and George is also called Floyd”, he said.
He admitted, ‘The Money Team(TMT) Boss, Floyd Mayweather has suffered a personal heartbreak in a matter of days after the outbreak of the death of George Floyd, who died while in police custody in Minneapolis created protests across the United States”.
Source: Amazgist

Signs He Doesn’t Know What He Wants In A Relationship


When someone is ambiguous about what they want in a relationship, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to be with you. But they also don’t know what they want from you. In a relationship, it’s easy to ignore the signs he doesn’t know what he wants, because people who do not know what they want still have affection for you. But as long as he doesn’t have to figure out what he wants, he gets all of the benefits of a relationship while still sitting on the fence.
If one of these signs rings true, then your partner either needs to make up their mind about why they want to be with you, or they’re going to lose you. The only thing you have to lose is time:

1. They Avoid Talking About “Where This Is Going”

When you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know what they want out of it, then it means that they don’t want to know what they want. If they did, they would have already taken the time to practice some introspection. They would have known what they’re bringing to the relationship, and what they want to get out of it.
Because they don’t want to know what they want, they aren’t going to engage in conversations with you about the future. They will probably avoid those conversations through deflection, providing an ambiguous answer (“Let’s just see what happens!”) or by simply stating that they don’t know.
If they aren’t going to talk to you about “where this is going,” then the best approach — and I’m speaking from experience — is to evaluate where you think it is going. Not where you want it to go, but what the evidence laid out before you suggests. Unless your partner finds a direction, the relationship is probably going nowhere. But you don’t have to stick around to find out.

2. They Send Mixed Signals

When someone doesn’t know what they want out of a relationship but doesn’t want to lose your love, they will feed you enough breadcrumbs to keep you around. They initiate texts (sometimes), they accept your invitations to hang out, they’re sweet and loving and probably enjoy talking to you. Their ambiguity about the relationship is not because they don’t love you.
But they will also be someone who pulls back. You might not hear from him for days or weeks at a time. You probably won’t be willing to take time out of your schedule for them, and even though you are in a relationship, you might hesitate to introduce them to your parents or include them in your life in more concrete ways. If you don’t know where the relationship is going or why you are together, then what is keeping you from breaking up?
This push-pull dynamic probably makes your time together hotter, but it also probably makes you anxious and uncertain. Ambiguity is not a great foundation for a trusting relationship. And if someone doesn’t know why they want to be in a relationship, then they won’t be able to be there for you when you really need them. You deserve more than uncertainty.

3. They Flirt With Or Continue To See Other People

The biggest sign that someone doesn’t know what they want in a relationship is when they continue to see other people while they are also dating you. (Don’t be fooled by the guy who claims to be polyamorous but won’t commit: Ethical polyamory involves a lot of commitment, with multiple people. It’s not an excuse to sleep around with whoever.)
Continuing to see other women while he doesn’t know what he wants in a relationship with you means that he is keeping his options open. He doesn’t know he wants, so he is getting everything he might possibly want. If you are uncomfortable with his behavior but think it is possessive to ask him to stop, then it means you are prioritizing his emotions over yours. If you think that you are going to lose him by saying that you want to be exclusive, then that means you are willing to accept pain in order to be with someone who isn’t even respectful of your time.
I’ve seen far too many of my friends talk themselves into giving everything to men who don’t know why they want to be with them. I’ve done it too. The more you give, the more you think that you are going to prove your worth to them. The power dynamic is all kinds of messed up.
But hear this: If you were happy and supported, you would have nothing to prove.

College students Taskforce has asked government to re-open schools on July 13

College students Taskforce has asked government to re-open schools on July 13, 2020 as recommended by the National Planning Taskforce on the Possible Re-opening of Schools, Colleges and Universities.
On Tuesday, the taskforce on re-opening of schools recommended to the Presidential Taskforce on Coronavirus, that all schools, Colleges and Universities be re-opened on 13th July, 2020.
According to the taskforce chaired by Professor Lewis Dzimbiri, the schools will be re-opened with some conditions and details of the conditions will be released soon.
The Presidential taskforce on COVID-19 is yet to respond on the matter.
However, the students are calling on for the adoption of the recommendation in the next 24 hours.
The students have since set aside 5th June as a date when they will hold national wide demonstrations forcing government to adopt the recommendations.
President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika ordered the closure of schools in March this year to control the spread of coronavirus.

Obama urges peaceful George Floyd protests

Former US President Barack Obama has condemned the violence amid the nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd, urging activists to channel their anger into ‘peaceful, sustained, and effective action’ to help bring about real change.

‘Let's not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it,’ Obama wrote, declaring his support for those protesting peacefully. ‘If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.’

Obama added in an essay published to medium on Monday that the ‘point of protest is to raise public awareness, to put a spotlight on injustice, and to make the powers that be uncomfortable.’

The former US President said the widespread nature of the demonstrations signifies the ‘genuine and legitimate frustration’ of the African American community over the ‘decades-long failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system in the United States.’

Obama, who worked as a community organizer in Chicago before running for elected office, stressed the need to ensure that the demonstrations were orchestrated in a peaceful manner.

'The overwhelming majority of participants have been peaceful, courageous, responsible, and inspiring. They deserve our respect and support, not condemnation, Obama wrote.
However, he criticized the 'small minority of folks who’ve resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism,' for 'putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause.'

White nationalist groups encouraging ambushes of George Floyd protests suspended on Facebook

Racist groups were attempting to encourage their users to bring weapons to protests, according to the social media company.
Facebook has suspended a number of accounts associated with white nationalist groups after they advocated bringing weapons to ongoing protests in the US.
The social media company also took down a number of pages and accounts which were connected to a fake antifa account operated by white supremacists which Twitter removed on Monday.
Protests continue in the United States following the police killing of George Floyd, with a number of peaceful protests being attacked by police following President Donald Trump's call for the authorities to "dominate the streets".
Two white supremacist groups were identified agitating by Facebook during these protests, with the site taking action before completing its investigation due to the risk of violence.
Among the suspended accounts were some that attempted to organise members to attend a local protest armed with weapons.
According to executives at the company who spoke to Reuters, these accounts were removed based on their behaviour and not their political opinions.
President Trump last week accused the entire social media industry of censorship and anti-conservative bias, signing an executive order aimed at curbing protections for the sites as publishers.

More than 600 nurses worldwide are known to have died from Covid-19

More than 600 nurses worldwide are known to have died from Covid-19, which has infected an estimated 450,000 healthcare workers, the International Council of Nurses said.
The death toll among nurses more than doubled in the past month from 260 on May 6, according to its figures based on data from more than 30 countries.
“In the last two months, we have seen the number of deaths of nurses as a result of coronavirus around the world rise from 100 to now in excess of 600 and we think worldwide the number of healthcare workers who could be infected by the virus is around 450,000,” Howard Catton, chief executive officer of the Geneva-based ICN, told Reuters Television.
“These are numbers that keep going up,” he said.

The pandemic’s true cost among health professionals was not known, the association said, renewing its appeal for greater protection for them and systematic collection of reliable data.

Chiefs in Dedza worry over delays by district council to pay honorarium for over ten months

Some Chiefs in Dedza have expressed concern over delays by the district council to pay them their honorarium for over ten months now.
The concerned chiefs claimed  that the council has not given reasons for the delay.
One of them, Group Village Headman Chinyamula claimed he is owed over K140,000.00.
But Spokesperson for Dedza district council Yohane Bilesi says the delay is because some were wrongly removed from the pay roll when the government was changing its payment system to the chiefs and has since written the Ministry of Local government to rectify the problem.

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