
9 Types Of People Who Simply Aren’t Marriage Material

It’s easy to disregard your reservations when you’ve found someone who seems perfect for you on paper. But trusting your instincts in the beginning of a relationship could save you a tremendous amount of hurt down the road.
Below, relationship experts offer nine types of people who just aren’t marriage material.
1. The flake.
The two of you have so much in common and the chemistry is undeniable. You can’t wait until the next date — whenever that will be; it’s damn near impossible to get him to pencil in time for you. The last thing you need is someone who comes in and out of your life but never really commits, said Brenda Della Casa, the author of Cinderella Was a Liar: The Real Reason You Can’t Find (or Keep) a Prince.
“They might tell you to be patient or to ‘trust’ them, but you’re probably feeling more anxiety than butterflies,” she said. “You have an instinct for a reason and it’s OK to trust and protect yourself in relationships. Those who want to be with you will make adjustments and those who want to be with you out of convenience will fall by the wayside when you set strong boundaries in place.”
2. The too-much-too-soon type.

It’s only date number three and you’ve already been handed a set of keys to her apartment and heard her top five private school choices for your future offspring. That spidey sense you’re picking up, telling you to back away slowly from this person? Listen to it, said Amy Van Doran, a New York City-based matchmaker and founder of The Modern Love Club.
“What’s the rush here? If it’s real, you are not going anywhere. This excitement is less about you, and more about their insecurities and who they are as a person,” she said. “It’s a red flag when they are too effusive with their words and their actions before they get to know you as a person. The second you share their excitement, the whirlwind has already passed and they are onto their next romantic conquest. Time is the best indicator for who a person actually is.”
3. The selfish S.O.
A great romantic partner is generous and willing to indulge the occasional “ugh, today at work…” rant. If you get the sense that the person you’re seeing isn’t totally supportive, it’s a good idea to press pause on the relationship, said dating coach Jeffrey Platts.
“This is really about all forms of giving,” he said. “Is he generous with his compliments? Does she listen to you when you’re having a rough day? Overall, do you feel that he or she is your absolute biggest fan and cheerleader? And just as important as giving, are they able to pause and fully receive whatever you’re giving? If not, what’s the point? It takes a healthy self-esteem to openly give or receive an expression of love or support — and you need that in a partner.”
4. The critic.
You can’t seem to do or say anything right with this person. Ever. Your theory on what really happened in the “Serial” murder case? Implausible at best. Your unapologetic love for World of Warcraft? A total time-suck. The judgement is incessant — and in the long-run, who wants to be in a relationship with someone that critical?
“Initially, their stubbornness and convictions might seem attractive — it’s hot when someone knows who they are and what they want,” said Julie Nguyen, a matchmaker at The Modern Love Club in New York City. “Those qualities start to turn ugly when you realize there’s no room for what you want. These critics demand things to be done a certain way, their way. Real relationships are negotiated by compromise, empathy and the capacity to want to understand where the other person is coming from.”
5. The sidekick.
Anything and everything you propose gets the OK, from your plans for the weekend to when you’ll move in together. And time apart is virtually non-existent — you’re joined at the hip. You wanted a partner who’d be willing to compromise; not someone who sits on the sidelines and lets you take the lead on every decision, Nguyen said.
“Instead of delving inwards, this type of person intensely picks up your hobbies, follows your passions and does whatever you want to do,” she explained. “In the beginning, it’s easy and flattering to have someone like you without much effort. However as the relationship progresses, it becomes unfulfilling when you start to realize there’s no challenge in the partnership because the other person has nothing else to offer. You need a partner, not a sidekick.”
6. The narcissist.

It’s my way or the highway with the narcissist. A narcissist can’t admit when he or she is wrong and has hissy fits when others try to assert their needs. Clearly, those aren’t qualities you’re looking for in a long-term partner, Della Casa said.
“This is someone who has the inability to empathize with those around them,” she said. “Think about being in a relationship with a narcissist for a minute: Any time you’re hurt, need support or count on them to consider how you might feel — they won’t be there for you. No real understanding, no sincere apologies, no consideration. That’s definitely not the relationship you want.”
7. The job hopper.
Don’t write someone off simply because they’re in the middle of a career change or looking for work after going back to school. But if the person you’re seeing is constantly unemployed, getting fired or changing jobs every few months, it may signal a bigger problem, said Della Casa.
“It showcases an inability to make a long-term commitment to something and also gives some insight into their value system,” she said. “Whether their movement stems from a sense of entitlement, a lack of self worth or an inability to work well with others, that negative behavior or trait will ultimately find its way into your relationship.”
8. The over-reactor.

Arguments and disagreements are bound to happen in any healthy relationship. (It’s a good thing, too; you wouldn’t have the occasional fight with your partner if you didn’t care about the relationship.) That said, you need an S.O. who has the emotional wherewithal to fight fair, not someone who will flip out at the slightest hint of disagreement, Platt said.
“Both partners need to have to the emotional skill of hold space for the other’s feelings and perspectives,” he said. “It’s a big red flag if the person blows up at the first sign of fight and threatens to end the relationship. Our emotional triggers are opportunities to explore our emotions and grow closer, not automatic reasons to question your compatibility or the relationship. The question to ask is: ‘Do I feel safe to express myself, even during the heated and stressful moments? And does my partner feel the same?’ And if the answer is no, find out why.”
9. The lone wolf.
It’s essential that you both have lives outside of your relationship. But if you’re with someone who’s so good on her own, she hints that she doesn’t need you in her life, take that as your exit cue, Van Doran said.
“The truth is, a little dependency in a relationship is not a bad thing,” she said. “All humans crave connection and a relationship, it’s an innate need for people. The overly independent person might say that they want a relationship but won’t actually make the space in their life for two people. No matter what, you can’t fit in because they won’t let you get closer. The more you need… the further you push them away. Ultimately, you don’t want to deal with that kind of emotional distance in a relationship.”

Ladies! Here Are 10 Things Your Man Should Never Make You Do, No Matter How much you love him

Things your man should never make you do – You might think that you love your man so much, you’d do absolutely anything for him, but then again, there are also some things a man simply should never ask a woman to do for him.
Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have to give up the right to be an individual, with a mind of your own, so find out where the line has to be drawn and read these ten things no man should ever ask a girl to do:
10. Force you to stay when you really want to leave
Image result for Ladies! Here Are 10 Things Your Man Should Never Make You Do, No Matter How much you love him
If you are really unhappy in a relationship, then you should end it. Don’t let a man force to you to stay, just because he doesn’t want it to end and, don’t let him make you stay through emotional blackmail either.
9. Have an abortion
Image result for black woman have abortion
Things happen and, if an unexpected pregnancy occurs, then the man must step up to the mark and take his responsibilities seriously.
He should never, under any circumstances, tell the woman to have an abortion. That is a very emotional decision that only the woman can make and then the man should be there to support her, whatever she decides.
8. Be more of a girl
Image result for black woman have abortion
Yes, some guys do still think that girls should know their place! Well, don’t stand for it.
If you are not the pretty pink, candy floss, stay at home type, then don’t be.
Get out there and do the things that you want to do, even if he does think that they are not ‘girly’ enough pastimes.
7. Stop seeing your friends:
Image result for black woman with friends
You do need a life outside of a relationship and friends are an important part of that.
If he is trying to stop you from going out with your friends, then that’s a sign of his own insecurities or of his controlling nature and you shouldn’t be putting up with it.
6. Change who you are:
Image result for black woman who doesn't want to change who she is
You are who you are, you should be proud of that, and he should love you for it too.
A man should not ask you to change who you are because, if you do, then it will only be pretence and you won’t be happy pretending to be someone else.
5. Have a baby before you are ready:
Image result for black woman who doesn't want to have a baby
It’s your body and you will know when the time is right for you to have children.
Kids aren’t just accessories that go with a relationship, they are a huge, long term, commitment and both partners must be sure that they are ready for that.
4. Forget your dreams:
Image result for Ladies! Here Are 10 Things Your Man Should Never Make You Do, No Matter How much you love him
Whether its finishing college, going to university, having kids or following a career, a man should never ask to you give up your dreams for him.
You should be able to work together, so that you can both follow your dreams and share them together.
3. Have physical intimacy without protection:
Image result for Ladies! Here Are 10 Things Your Man Should Never Make You Do, No Matter How much you love him
Unless you are really settled in a long term relationship, then physical intimacy without a ‘protection’ is an obvious no-no and a man should never ask you to do it.
Some guys do still have a hang up about using a safety hat, but, if he has that little respect for you, then it should be telling you something more about this man.
2. Switch religions or beliefs:
Image result for black woman who doesn't want to change what she believes
Convert or go is not a thing that anyone should be told, because your beliefs are your own and they should not be up for negotiation.
If he can persuade you to modify your beliefs, through rational and logical debate, and you are comfortable with that, then that’s no problem. But, it should be your decision alone, no one else’s.
1. Stop seeing your family:
Image result for black woman who doesn't want to stop seeing family
Relationships with the in-laws can often be fraught, but he doesn’t have the right to tell you to stop seeing your family, or to make you choose between them and him.
Your family were around way before him and they could be around long after too.

Stop Using Saliva As Sex Lubricant

Lubrication, especially v-@-gina lubrication is an important part of Sexual arousal. It readies the v-@-gina for penetration and reduces any accompanying friction or irritation. In this regard, a medical expert has warned against the practice of using saliva as a lubricant during Sex.
Dr Kolade Johnson who works in a private hospital told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Ilorin that if anyone with a mouth sore use saliva as a lubricant, the partner would be exposed to genital herpes.
He said other diseases that could arise from using saliva as Sex lubricant include Human Papilo Virus (HPV), syphilis, chlamydia and even gonorrhoea among others.
The medical expert said it could be worse for women as saliva could upset the v-@-gina environment to cause v-@-gina or yeast infections.
Credit : wandabiz

10 Ways to Make Any Relationship Last

By By Daniel G. Amen
Love that lasts is the result of partners embedding themselves in each other’s brains in a positive way. Memory circuits and pleasure get all wound up together so that the other person becomes integral to the very structure of your brain, and you become part of the structure of theirs. (Here’s more on what happens to your brain when you’re in love.)
Here are some steps toward making your love last:

1. Take your partner’s breath away.

Do something amazingly thoughtful and out of the ordinary and try to incorporate an element of surprise to it: a loving note tucked into a pocket. A special dinner on an otherwise ordinary night. A playlist made up with his favorite songs. These thoughtful acts will embed you in your partner’s memory.

2. Do something special on a regular basis.

Call them every day just to touch base for a few minutes. Make their favorite meal once a week. Once they begin to expect these things, you will always be close to their awareness.

3. Engage in lots of eye contact.

New couples seem to do this naturally, but don’t drop this strong bonding behavior just because the relationship has progressed. This is one way to keep the “romance alive”, as they say, and is especially powerful when making love. (Need inspo? These hot-and-heavy sex positions could spark joy in your sex life.)

4. Learn what pleases your partner sexually.

Make it clear that their pleasure is your pleasure, and you want to discover everything about what turns them on. They’ll be happy to have you experiment with them while making love.

5. Teach your partner what you like.

Likewise, making you happy will make your partner feel good. And research shows that the sexual pleasure of one partner increases the pleasure of the other partner. (Figure out what you like using these 13 tips for a mind-blowing masturbation session.)

6. Boost lasting love with sexual novelty.

When things get humdrum and routine, there is not going to be as much of a hormonal/neurotransmitter reaction, and arousal is lessened. While you don’t have to break out the whips and chains, a little novelty while you’re making love can increase anticipation, which means that more hormones are secreted. The result? Hotter, more thrilling sex for both of you. (You can start with one of these vibrators.)

7. Do something edgy.

If you get your partner’s heart rate up, they may associate the feeling of excitement with you and may develop more powerful feelings for you. Going on a roller-coaster ride, taking a balloon trip, shooting the rapids-anything with a touch of danger to it-can make them fall more deeply in love with you. (This couple tried learning trapeze together.)

8. Do something great for someone your partner loves.

If you show kindness and love for someone they love, you’ll earn major points. When you enter a relationship, you also enter a relationship with all their family and friends. Show them that the people who are important to them are important to you.

9. Summarize and immortalize loving moments.

Don’t be afraid to give voice to your love. Tell them how you feel. Write a loving note or poem. Lovers have been doing this from the beginning of time because it works.

10. Boost the love chemicals.

There are many brain chemicals that go into the feeling of love and attachment. Oxytocin is known as the bonding, trust, and cuddle hormone. Oxytocin is enhanced by watching romantic movies together, holding hands, cuddling, and long, loving eye contact. (And kissing, which has a bunch of other health benefits!) Women usually have more oxytocin than men, but according to one study, a man’s level of oxytocin goes up 500 percent after making love. Being too busy to make love pushes couples apart.

Sane seals €60m Bayern Munich move

Jersey reveal: Leroy Sane to wear Philippe Coutinho's #10 at ...
The highly-rated forward, who had spent four seasons at the Etihad Stadium, has penned a five-year contract with the Bundesliga champions
Leroy Sane has completed a move to Bayern Munich from Manchester City that could be worth up to €60 million (£55m/$67m).
The 24-year-old winger, who had spent four seasons at the Etihad Stadium, has penned a five-year contract with the Bundesliga champions.
A switch to the Allianz Arena for Sane had been in the pipeline for some time, with Bayern first making their interest known during the summer of 2019.
An untimely injury scuppered those plans, with a serious knee problem picked up in a Community Shield clash with Liverpool.
Sane has, however, worked his way back to full fitness and will now be returning to his homeland to open the next chapter in his career.
He has told Bayern’s official website: “FC Bayern is a great club with big goals - and these goals suit me as well. I'm looking forward to the new challenge and can't wait to train with the team.
“I know Hansi Flick from the U21 national team, we had a very good relationship there. I want to win as many trophies as possible with FC Bayern, and the Champions League is the top priority.”
Bayern’s CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said on acquiring the services of a top target: “We’re very happy to welcome Leroy Sane to FC Bayern.
“He is an outstanding player who has proven his qualities over the past few years, especially in the national team. Our goal is to gather the best German players at FC Bayern and the signing of Leroy emphasises this goal. I would like to congratulate Hasan Salihamidzic on successfully concluding the transfer.”
Salihamidzic added: “We’re delighted Leroy is to be a Bayern player. Leroy is a difference-maker and will strengthen our team with his quality.
“With Serge Gnabry, Kingsley Coman and Leroy, we’re now even better equipped at a very high level in the wide positions that are important for our game.
“I would like to thank Manchester City for the trusting and constructive negotiations. I would also like to thank our president and chairman of the supervisory board, Herbert Hainer, who supported us with this transfer right from the start under the difficult circumstances of coronavirus.”
Sane took in 135 appearances for City on the back of a 2016 transfer from Schalke, with 39 goals and 45 assists recorded across 135 appearances.
He helped the Blues to two Premier League titles, an FA Cup triumph and two League Cup successes.
Article continues below
On parting with an exciting talent, former Bayern boss Pep Guardiola told City’s official website: “We wish Leroy all the best in this new chapter of his career.
“Leroy has been part of one of the most special periods in this club’s history and he leaves with the best wishes of everyone here at Manchester City.”
Director of Football Txiki Begiristain added: “From arriving as a fledgling young talent four years ago, we are proud of the contribution Leroy has made since joining Manchester City. He leaves with many friends and fond memories of his time at the Etihad.”
Source: Goalnews

Gossip: Man Utd, Man City, Liverpool and Everton tussle for Bayer Leverkusen star Leon Bailey

Leon Bailey is reportedly pushing for a move to the Premier League and will have a host of clubs scouting him
BAYER LEVERKUSEN forward Leon Bailey is reportedly pushing for a move to the Premier League and will have a host of clubs scouting him.
The winger has three years left on his current Leverkusen deal but is working with Raheem Sterling's agents, Colossal Sports Management, to enhance his chances of moving to England.
According to Sky Sports,  scouts from Manchester City, Liverpool, United and Everton will will travel to Germany over the weekend to watch Bailey as Leverkusen take on Bayern Munich in the DFB Cup Final in Berlin.
Bundesliga kings Bayern will know all about the 22-year-old, having come close to agreeing a £55million move for him two years ago.
Leverkusen had valued the Jamaican international at £60m but due to the coronavirus pandemic having an effect on the transfer market and financial stability of teams they have been forced to drop their price tag.
Bailey is now said to cost between £20m and £30m.
The pacey winger joined Leverkusen from Belgian side Genk for £12.5m in January 2017 and has gone on to score 19 goals in 89 Bundesliga matches, with five coming this season.
Bailey was eligible to play for England due to two of his grandparents holding British passports and manager Gareth Southgate was believed to have been keeping tabs on the player.
But the Bundesliga star instead chose to represent his native Jamaica and made his debut against Honduras in June 2019, going on to earn five more caps.

Arsenal could make shock move for Barcelona star Griezmann

Arsenal could make a stunning move to land Griezmann
ARSENAL are plotting to make an audacious move to land unsettled Barcelona star Antoine Griezmann, according to reports.
Boss Mikel Arteta is even willing to let star man Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang or Matteo Guendouzi head to the Nou Camp to help seal the switch.
Griezmann has endured a difficult first campaign at Barca since his £107million move from Atletico Madrid last summer.
The 29-year-old has scored eight times in the league this season, his lowest tally since he played for Real Sociedad in the 2011/12 campaign.
Griezmann was also handed just two minutes of action against Atletico in Barca's last outing as they drew 2-2 to hamper their title hopes.
And the player's treatment from Setien could pave way for Arteta to make a sensational switch, according to the Express.
The Spaniard is in the market for a new striker as he prepares for life without Aubameyang and Alexandre Lacazette.
Gabon ace Aubameyang is heading into the final year of his contract at the Emirates and has no plans to extend his stay.
His availability has already sparked interest from Barcelona who are also in for a new striker.
But Arteta could be willing to see if the club would entertain a swap deal they may also include hot-headed midfielder Guendouzi.

Manchester United have made a tactical change with Paul Pogba

Pogba performed again at Brighton
Paul Pogba is playing in a deeper role for Manchester United to partially protect their back four and to maximise Bruno Fernandes's pressing.
Pogba has started the last two Premier League games in a midfield axis with Nemanja Matic behind Fernandes in the No.10 role and the attacking trident of Marcus Rashford, Anthony Martial, and Mason Greenwood ahead of them.
United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer brought Pogba on for his first appearance this calendar year at Tottenham, where he occupied a deep-lying midfield role yet effected the game by winning a second-half penalty that Fernandes converted.
Solskjaer named an unchanged league XI for the first time since December at Brighton, where United recorded a second successive 3-0 win in the league. Solskjaer touched upon his settled side's tactical approach after an 11th clean sheet in their last 15.
"We know that we're 11 men attacking and 11 men defending," Solskjaer said. "We defend from the front: Anthony, Bruno, Marcus, and Mason pressed Brighton. We know how difficult it is to play against Brighton and we stopped them getting a rhythm.

MANU have until September to sign Sancho

United have until the start of September to complete a deal for Jadon Sancho, according to reports in Germany.
Funke Sport report Borussia Dortmund will hold onto England winger Sancho if a deal isn’t completed before the start of the new league season in September.
The summer transfer window will remain open until October 5, but it is suggested Dortmund won’t entertain any player sales once the Bundesliga returns a month earlier.

MANU considering sending Baily out on loan with Valencia

Bailly could be loaned out with Maguire and Lindelof ahead of him in the pecking order
The 26-year-old is a popular member of the Red Devils squad, and boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is a huge fan of his talents.
But Harry Maguire and Victor Lindelof are his preferred partnership, and there’s interest in bringing in another centre-back.
It is understood United want him to get some regular action, and that could mean him leaving on loan for first-team opportunities.
Spanish side Valencia have already made it clear they want Bailly for the entirety, if not part, or next season.
There has also been interest from clubs in Portugal, along with rumours of talks with Serie A sides over in Italy.
The centre-back has struggled to stay fit since his £30m move from Villarreal back in 2016, and failed to hold down a regular spot.
United triggered their two-year contract extension option back in January to stop him walking away on a free transfer this summer.

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