
Man Weds Dead Fiancee

A 48-year-old primary school teacher, who died after setting herself on fire as a result of Covid-19 depression and the stigma attached to it, was yesterday wedded by her husband in an extraordinary symbolic wedding ahead of her official burial.
The private traditional ceremony took place yesterday at the couple’s Crystal Park home in Benoni on the East Rand in South Africa.
The woman succumbed to severe burn injuries last Thursday after being in the intensive care unit of a local hospital for a month.
Before she died, the harrowing details of the teacher’s attempted suicide were exclusively reported last month when the woman’s husband told of how he planned to embark on a community education campaign aimed at de-stigmatising people infected by the virus.
The husband, a high school principal, has subsequently tested positive too.
Speaking to Sowetan yesterday, he said he was on day eight of self-isolation. He revealed that he tested positive after going back to work on July 8 following the incident of his wife’s attempt to take her own life.
He further told Sowetan that a total of seven people have tested positive at his school and he was one of them “even though I had tested negative when my wife was tested positive”.
He said as an “advocating campaigner”, he has been able to calm his fellow colleagues who tested positive and their families as well.
The 51-year-old, whose name is being withheld to protect their children, had previously told Sowetan newspaper how he battled to save his wife from the flames engulfing her isolation room in their home.
He was wearing full personal protective gear (equipment) during the private wedding which was attended by family and friends at the family home late yesterday.
He again recalled that fateful day on June 6 after his wife had been in quarantine at home for 11 days. He had not noticed that his wife “was losing it after all the support we had offered to her”.
He recalled how his wife woke up that morning at around 4am when everybody was still asleep.
He and their 17-year-old son also woke up and checked if she was fine before they went back to bed.
“After a while we realised there was something burning. I ran to her isolation room. It was locked.
“I broke the door open and found her in flames. I immediately took a blanket and tried to put out the fire until my brave eight-year-old child ran to fetch a bucket of water which she emptied on her mom in an attempt to rescue her,” the man told Sowetan at the time.
The man again recalled how he was not aware that his wife was “depressed from receiving messages on social media from friends and colleagues”.
He said she had complained about being sent messages that made her feel like she was dying. She also complained about gossip that came from colleagues and friends.
He yesterday told of how his wife was always looking forward to her big traditional wedding that was put on hold when the national lockdown was announced in March. They had been planning their wedding since last year.
“She was excited to be going to wear her isiSwati wedding gown. We are still going to honour that wish because she will now be buried wearing it.”
The father of two met his wife in 1991 while he was travelling in a taxi in Daveyton.
“I jumped out at the wrong stop just to go and talk to her because she caught my attention. She was with her two friends.”
He said his wife was a mother to many children besides her own. She taught him how to love all children unconditionally. Many of those children who are now working “come to our home from time to time to thank her for the role she played in their education.”
Death impacts heavily on culture
A family elder said in their culture as Swati people when wedding preparations had been done, there’s no going back even if one partner dies.
“In this regard the family will find a sister of the deceased bride to represent her in the ceremony because her body will be in the mortuary. Then the groom will take his stand and marry the bride and both families will exchange gifts,” he said.
The elder said the bride’s corpse will then be washed with herbs and put in the coffin and a ritual, joining the two, will be performed a day before her body is brought home from the morgue.
He said when the body arrives home, the groom will then enter with her in the house with elders announcing to ancestors that she is now part of the other family and can be laid to rest as a part of her husband’s family.
The man will then go into a mourning period after the burial and will be cleansed after several months.
An emotional Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi said “this sad passing of our educator, colleague and sister who happened to be a wife to our fellow colleague and a principal in one of our schools really touched and devastated me dearly”.
He said: “Covid-19 hit us where it matters most and robbed us, our most valuable resource in the education sector.
“It is difficult to even try to understand the horrible incident which led to the death of our colleague.
“We would like to convey our sincere condolences to the family and the school community. We are hopeful that, the psycho-social support that was dispatched by the department will play a significant role in assisting the family to heal from this traumatic death.”
The deceased’s funeral service will take place tomorrow.

Girl, 12, is forced to marry two men, aged 51 and 35, in under a month before being rescued in Kenya

Four things we've learned about child marriage in West Africa ...
A girl was forced to marry two older men - aged 51 and 35 - in under a month before being rescued in Kenya.  
Her father, who belongs to the Maasai tribe from Narok County, around 70 miles west of Nairobi, is now being searched for by police.   
The girl said her father had 'forcefully' married off both of her older sisters and wanted the same for her after her 51-year-old husband-to-be offered him a dowry of four cows to have her as a second wife.  
He decided it was the perfect time for marriage when schools closed due to the coronavirus lockdown, she said. 
After refusing the offer, and telling her father she wanted to continue her studies, she was beaten by her male cousins who accused her of dishonouring the family. 
'Girls are born so that people can eat. All I want is to get my dowry,' the father reportedly told her.   
She was wed to the older man but escaped two weeks later. 
The youngster told the Kenyan Standard newspaper that she was forced to 'elope' with a 35-year-old man who was already married to escape from the older husband.  
Her father tracked her down and dragged her back to the man. 
A children's rights group learnt of her plight after being tipped off while rescuing another child. 

Gospel Kazako For Clean, Independent MBC

Newly appointed Minister of Information Gospel Kazako has promised to make the state broadcaster Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) clean and independent when executing its duties.
Kazako said this yesterday when he visited the media house on a familiarization tour.
In his remarks, Kazako pledged to reconstruct the public broadcaster as one way of restoring long gone trust from the general public due to its active involvement in politics.
Kazako added that it is important that MBC should be serving all people in the country regardless of their political affiliation or tribe as it was with previous Democratic Progressive party (DPP) administration.
The Managing Director of Zodiak said it was pathetic to note that MBC has been operating as a political tool and favoring a few individuals that were aligned to the previous ruling party.
“Malawi Broadcasting Corporation MBC was establish to serve the nation in Informing, Educating and entertaining the nation. Unfortunately, the public broadcaster turned away from its core responsibility and became a political tool where a ruling party would dictate the affairs of the corporation,” said Kazako.
He therefore appealed to MBC staff to restore the corporation’s lost glory by being professional in their operations.
After noting that some of the staff at MBC were politically connected to the former ruling party and that they were being favored and given opportunities despite lacking qualifications and skills, Kazako did not hesitate to tell them that they will be cleaned.
He then described MBC as a bad boy that need to change its ways.
The minister then stressed that government will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that people are employed on merit and not on political grounds.
While giving a word of hope to the staff, Kazako emphasized that during the reconstruction and sanitization of MBC, some employees will fall casualties.
Kazako further put it straight that the Tonse alliance will ensure transparency and accountability by operationalizing the Access to Information law.
On his part, MBC Director General Aubrey Sumbuleta admitted that the corporation has not done a good job in some respects and pledged never to repeat the past mistakes.
The minister is expected to inspect a number of companies and institutions that report to his ministry as part of his familiarization tour.

Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance

13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
The diversity of earth never fails to leave us astonished and here we are witnessing another example of it. You have no idea how many weird and not-seen-before are creatures are there on earth. The strangest animals that we are going to list in this article today are going to baffle your mind and will leave you stunned. Collected from every corner of this planet, these strangest animals are going to surprise you with their body formation and appearance.
1. Blobfish
This strange-looking creature is called Blobfish which is found two to three thousand feet under the sea. It measures 12 inches in length and has been frequently dubbed as the ‘ugliest looking creature’ on the planet. But I think we should ever reveal that to its droopy face.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
2. California Condor
Living in North America, California Condor is the largest flying bird that has a really huge wingspan that measures 10 feet that lets it fly up to 15,000 feet. The average lifespan of California Condor is 60 years.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
3. Telescope Goldfish
Thanks to its large protruding eyes, the Telescope Goldfish is also known by the names, Dragon-eye Goldfish, and Celestial-eye Goldfish. These fishes are assumed to be the result of selective breeding done in China in the 1400s.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
4. Enypniasties Eximia
Enypniasties Eximia or Headless Chicken Monster due to its obvious appearance, this sea creature was discovered in 2018. It is pretty rare and has a webbed swimming fin resembling a collar that gives it this unusual name.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
5. Fish with no-eyes
This weird-looking creature with no eyes is not been named yet. It was found in Australia which is the hub for spotting all the strangest animals on the planet. The fish was 15 cms in length and had really sharp teeth.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
6. Demogorgon-like creature
Some animals are so rare and strange that it is hard to name them. The same is the case is with this creepy-looking thing. I mean just look at it, when have you ever seen something like this before? Probably never. It has a big scary mouth where his mouth is supposed to be in. I think the inspiration of Demogorgon from Stranger Things was this creature.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
7. Golden-crowned flying fox
This human-sized bat is recently going viral because of its appearance. People are getting really terrified of this Golden-crowned flying fox who has the size of a human.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
8. Monkfish
The fish-bearing enormous spiny heads and scary-looking spiny teeth is found at the bottom layers of the sea.
13 Strangest Animals On Planet Who Will Baffle Your Mind With Their Appearance
9. Aaye-Aaye
Probably a weird name to call an animal but definitely not stranger than its appearance. Aaye-Aaye is a very sharp-minded creature who feeds on fruits and insects. Their big ears and big fingers are their specialties.
10. Star-nosed Mole
The mole with a star-shaped nose is actually very useful to it. As the mole penetrates deep into the ground, this nose helps him keep alive even in scarcity of oxygen.
11. Common Warthog
This common warthog looks more like a depressed rhino. But they are related to the swine family, and its members are boars, hogs, pigs, etc. They have long legs and even longer tusks.
12. Proboscis Monkey
The next one in the list of strangest animals is this Proboscis monkey with his nose. Their distinguishing feature is their long and flexible nose as well as their large bloated belly.
13. Naked Mole-Rat
Naked Mole Rat which is neither a mole nor a rat. They live in some kind of dark universe that they dig on their own. Their wrinkly body and hairless skin got them this weird name.
So that was all folks! These were all the strangest animals on the planet that we could find for you. Stay tuned for more updates about what’s happening around the world.

Teacher Arrested for Defiling his 14-Year-Old Pupil

Police in Nsanje have arrested a 29-year-old teacher for allegedly defiling a 14-year-old girl.
Nsanje police have confirmed the arrest of Peter Minthanje who is a teacher at Nyankhwali primary school in the area of Senior Chief Tengani in the district.
According to Nsanje police spokesperson, Agness Zalakoma, the ordeal started in 2018 when the suspect gave a good gesture to the victim to come to his house for studies since they were neighbors.
Zalakoma said that the suspect took the advantage to defile the girl for several times at his house.
Meanwhile, Minthanje is expected to appear before Nsanje First Grade magistrate on Thursday, where he is going to answer defilement charges contrary to section 138 of the penal code.

Billionaires Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are among many prominent US figures targeted by hackers on Twitter in an apparent Bitcoin scam.

Billionaires Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are among many prominent US figures targeted by hackers on Twitter in an apparent Bitcoin scam.
The official accounts of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kanye West also requested donations in the cryptocurrency.
"Everyone is asking me to give back," a tweet from Mr Gates' account said. "You send $1,000, I send you back $2,000."
Twitter said it was a "co-ordinated" attack targeting its employees "with access to internal systems and tools".
"We know they [the hackers] used this access to take control of many highly-visible (including verified) accounts and Tweet on their behalf," the company said in a series of tweets .
It added that "significant steps" were taken to limit access to such internal systems and tools while the company's investigation was ongoing.
Meanwhile, Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey tweeted : "Tough day for us at Twitter. We all feel terrible this happened."
One cyber-security expert said that the breach could have been a lot worse in other circumstances.
"If you were to have this kind of incident take place in the middle of a crisis, where Twitter was being used to either communicate de-escalatory language or critical information to the public, and suddenly it's putting out the wrong messages from several verified status accounts - that could be seriously destabilising," Dr Alexi Drew from King's College London told the BBC

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