
33 year-old is sentenced to 12 years for raping 6-year-old

The Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate’s court on Friday sentenced 33-year-old Wyson Juma to 12 years in prison with hard labour for raping a 6-year-old girl.
Mangochi Police Station Deputy Publicist Amina Tepani Daudi said Juma and the victim are neighbours and the victim had been assisting him with house chores since he stays alone.
Daudi added that on the evening of August 2, 2020 as usual, the convict took the girl to his house where they prepared food and ate together.
Juma took advantage of the environment and he threatened the girl before raping her.
The victim left the house in tears and narrated the ordeal to her parents who reported the matter at Makokola Police Unit.
A medical form was issued and the results from Koche Health Centre confirmed the rape. Appearing in court, Juma pleaded guilty to the charge.
In mitigation, Juma asked for the court’s lenience but the state quashed his appeal, saying such cases are on the increase in the district and put girls’ lives under threat, hence a stiff punishment would deter others.
When passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono concurred with the state and sentenced Juma to 12 years custodial sentence.
Wyson Juma hails from Mtanga Village, Traditional Authority Chimwala in Mangochi.

Donald Trump’s younger brother dies of undisclosed illness

Donald Trump’s younger brother Robert died on Saturday after being hospitalised for an undisclosed illness, the US president said in a statement mourning his loss.

“It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away tonight,” Trump said in a White House statement.

“He was not just my brother, he was my best friend. He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”

The 74-year-old president had visited his brother on Friday at a hospital in New York, staying for about 45 minutes.

US media reports had reported that Robert Trump was seriously ill, although there were no details.

Donald Trump, who was stopping in New York on the way to his golf club in nearby Bedminster, New Jersey for the weekend, told reporters Friday only that “he’s having a hard time.”

While far less famous than his older brother, Robert Trump, who was born in 1948, had long been an integral part of the family real estate empire and was fiercely loyal to the president.

Robert Trump unsuccessfully went to court to try and get an injunction preventing publication of a book by his niece Mary Trump, titled Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.

The book, which paints Donald Trump as the product of a “toxic” family, was a “disgrace,” Robert Trump said.

Although a temporary restraining order was applied, a judge lifted this in July, allowing publication.

Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka said on Twitter Saturday: “Uncle Robert, we love you. You are in our hearts and prayers, always.”

Watch A Video Of Somali President And Prime Minister Fight In Parliament

There was drama in the Somali Parliament when Somali president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed got involved in an altercation with Prime Minister , Mahdi Mohamed Guled, during a press conference.
In a video which has surfaced online, the president and his prime Minister exchanged  blows on live television after a disagreement.
It is not yet understood what led to the altercation because the two were holding hands and the next thing, fists were flying.
The country has always been fraught with political tensions and has been without an effective central government since 1991 Militants control large parts of southern and central Somalia.
Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was once the Prime Minister of Somalia before be resigned back in 2011 and returned as president in 2017.
Mahdi Mohamed Guled was appointed as the country’s acting prime minister following the impeachment of Hassan Ali Khaire by Parliament.
The previous prime minister Khaire lost a vote of no-confidence in Parliament following a possible disagreement with the president over the forthcoming elections.
Somalia is due to have elections which would see them having the closet thing to a democratic government after nearly 3 decades.
Somalian politics have always been tense mostly due to clan politics
The current power-sharing structure, implemented in 2000 at the Arta Peace Conference in Djibouti toward the end of the civil war, is a clan based power sharing structure.
In the 4.5 system, the four main clans are given equal stakes in the government, while the minority clans together share the 0.5 stake.

Nigerian Lawmaker Is Killed By Gunmen, His Two Wives and Child Kidnapped

Reports reaching from Nigeria’s local media sites indicate that unknown gunmen have killed a lawmaker before abducting his child along with his two wives.

According to LailasNews, the lawmaker has been identified as Mante Baraza who was representing Baraza Dass constituency in the Bauchi State House of Assembly.

According to DailyPost, the gunmen stormed the lawmaker’s house on Thursday evening and killed him.

His fellow politician, Hon. Abdul Ahmed Bura confirmed the incident to the press on telephone saying that, “It is true. That is how we heard the sad news of his death.”

Bura also confirmed the kidnapping of the deceased lawmaker’s wives and son, adding that as of this morning, the kidnapped women and child are still with the gunmen at an unknown destination.

The state police command confirmed the incident, adding that investigations are ongoing to arrest the culprits and rescue the kidnapped women and child.

They added that four empty shells of live ammunition were recovered at the scene of the crime.

The lawmaker is said to have isolated himself at his home after testing positive for COVID-19 some weeks ago.


The High Court in Zomba has fined Cashgate convict Osward Lutepo, former People’s Party (PP) member for demanding MK55 million bail bond money.

Justice Redson Kapindu made the ruling on Thursday in Zomba, describing the demand as ill-conceived.

According to court file seen by this publication, Lutepo through his lawyer demanded K50 million bail money he paid back in November 2013, when he was arrested, plus K5 million surety money.

His lawyer argued that his client did not jump bail hence demanding the cash back.

But Kapindu throughout the application and slapped Lutepo MK1 million fine.

“Costs to the public, payable to the Malawi Government through the Court, in the sum of MK1 million Kwacha for a waste of judicial time and a waste of the resources of the State are hereby imposed on the Convict.

“I must finally conclude by strongly advising Counsel to always carefully advise their clients on the merits of bringing certain claims before the Courts. The Court might, in future, contemplate invoking its inherent powers to impose personal costs on Counsel who facilitate the bringing of clearly frivolous and vexatious applications that only seek to abuse the law and the judicial process,” said Kapindu in his ruling.

Lutepo is serving 11 years jail sentence on money laundering and conspiracy to defraud government money amounting to Mk4.2 billion.

Tanzania’s opposition party offices ‘burnt’ before the leader arrives for meeting

Tanzania’s opposition Chadema party’s office in the north-eastern town of Arusha has been “firebombed”, according to its leader Tundu Lissu.
In a Twitter post on Friday, Tundu said the offices were destroyed on the eve of his arrival in Arusha.
“Our Northern Zone party HQ in Arusha has been firebombed and destroyed on the eve of my arrival in Arusha. Today’s timetable remains unchanged. No amount of terror and intimidation will stop this Tsunami for change in Tanzania. Arusha here we come,” he said.
 Tundu announced the party’s  scheduled meeting will still be held at the Chadema offices which have been burnt down.

Dubai's ruling elite face £1billion lawsuit over claims that a British developer was 'robbed' of his £500m business

Dubai's ruling elite are facing a £1billion lawsuit over claims that a British property developer was 'robbed' of his £500million business in the Gulf state under the threat of going to jail.

It is alleged that high-ranking figures including Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Saeed al-Maktoum, the cousin of United Arab Emirate's Prime Minister, plotted to defraud Mohammed Haddad of his business more than 10 years ago.

In a claim filed to the Royal Courts of Justice, Mr Haddad said he was forced to sell his half of KM Holdings, a property firm in Dubai, to his associate.

Mr Haddad also alleged that he fled the UAE after he rejected the deal and the electricity and water to his home were shut off.

He claimed that Habib Al Mulla, the Executive Chairman of Baker McKenzie, an international law firm, represented his associate to acquire the shares through a court order and transfer them to a family member of Dubai's ruling elite.

Ninkawa Transport Donates K50, 000, Cloth to Blantyre Press Club In Fight Against Covid-19

In a bid to support the fight against Covid-19 pandemic, Ninkawa Transport has donated 50 thousand Kwacha cash and cloth to Blantyre Press Club, a media organization for journalists in the southern Region.

The donation is part of the media club’s campaign to support the fight against Covid19 by soliciting help from various stakeholders to donate to the needy.

Ninkawa Transport, Health Safety and Environmental Manager Isaac Dzinza told the media that the donation from the company is part of their role in supporting the fight against the spread of Covid19.

“Apart from our annual CSR program, as a company we also found it very necessary and important that we help the rural communities in fighting this pandemic”said Dzinza.

In her remarks, upon receiving the donation, Blantyre Press Club Secretary General, Esther Nyanja commended Ninkawa Transport for a timely donation.

“We want to support government in ensuring the spread of Coronavirus is minimized and we commend Ninkawa Transport for this gesture donation”. said Nyanja.

The club has since called on the corporate world to assist it with Personal Protective Equipment-PPEs to support it’s initiative of distributing the same in different areas of the country.

On Saturday, 15 August 2020 the club will reach out to over 300 households in Chiradzulu district with PPEs collected from various companies in the commercial city of Blantyre.

25-year-old man is charged with first-degree murder for the death of 5-year-old boy

Darius Sessoms

Police have charged a 25-year-old man with first-degree murder after they say he shot and killed a 5-year-old boy last week in Wilson, North Carolina.
Austin Hinnant told CNN affiliate WRAL he was inside the home when his son, Cannon, was playing outside and was shot.
Hinnant says he ran outside and scooped up the injured child and held him in his arms.
"I screamed 'somebody help me, please help me save my son,'" he said.
Hinnant told the affiliate he looked up and saw his neighbor, Darius Sessoms, in the yard next door with a gun in hand, pacing and frantic.
the Wilson Police Department said officers were dispatched to the 5100 block of Archers Road on August 9 in reference to a shooting and found a 5-year-old suffering a gunshot wound, who later died at a nearby hospital.
Police identified Sessoms as a suspect and arrested him after he was found Monday in a Goldsboro residence about 30 minutes south of Wilson. It is unclear if Sessoms has an attorney.

Singer Is Sentenced To Death Over Blasphemy

Within Nigeria 22-yr-old singer, Yahaya Sharif-Aminu sentenced to death for blasphemy in Kano

Humanists unequivocally denounce the death sentence handed down to a Muslim singer in northern Nigeria for blaspheming against the prophet of Islam. 

On Monday, August 10, 2020, an Islamic court in Kano ruled that a 22-year old musician, Yahaya Aminu Sharif be hanged for making derogatory expressions in a song that he shared on social media in March.

 Sharif was arrested after some Muslim fanatics rioted in the city of Kano and burnt down his family house.

Sharif, who belongs to a Tijaniyya Sufi order, was convicted after a four-month closed hearing in Kano. Besides, some members of the Sufi order, including its cleric Abdul Nyass, have been tried and sentenced for blaspheming against the prophet of Islam in 2015.


A landlord in Uganda has become the latest victim of ‘self-immolation’ following similar cases in the recent months in the country.

Andrew Mukiibi, 28, set himself on fire and died over challenges suspected to be related to finances.

The incident happened on Thursday afternoon at about 2:30pm.

According to a police officer at the scene, who preferred anonymity since he is not allowed to speak to the press, the now deceased Mukiibi, picked a jerrycan full of petrol from his car at around lunch time and went with it in one of the toilets at his rentals.

The officer said the neighbours did not take keen interest in what he was going to do with the jerrycan until they heard him crying out loud.

“When they rushed to his rescue, they found him engulfed in fire. By the time, they put out the fire, he had sustained severe burns and died on the spot. The police later picked the body and took it,” the officer told Daily Monitor.

Incidents of people attempting or actually burning themselves started to emerge since the Ugandan government imposed a lockdown in its efforts to contain the spread of the deadly coronavirus in the country. Whereas it was done in ‘good faith’, the lockdown left several Ugandans in financial distress as it caught many by surprise.

Just recently, a deputy head teacher in Wakiso District, set himself ablaze and died reportedly due to financial challenges. Another teacher burnt himself to death in Eastern Uganda when he failed to get money to feed his family.

The police officers’ attempts to understand why Mukiibi took his life hadn’t yielded results since deceased’s wife, whom they wanted to talk to, collapsed and was still unconscious in hospital, where she was rushed by press time. But some neighbours told police that the deceased had financial challenges.


First Grade Magistrate Court in Mponela has sentenced 37 – year old Limbani Kachingwe to 4 years imprisonment with hard labour for stealing ten chickens.

The court through the state Prosecutor Sergeant Richard Sakala heard that on May 9 2020 at around 23:00 hours, the convict broke into the store of a certain man (name withheld) and went away with 10 chickens valued at K40 000 after being detected by the owner.

Appearing before court, Kachingwe pleaded not guilty to the charge of breaking into a building and committing a felony therein, contrary to Section 312 of the Penal code.

The state paraded three witnesses to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.

Sakala asked the court to give the accused stiff punishment to deter other would be offenders.

First Grade Magistrate Anthony Banda concured with the state and sentenced the convict to 4 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Kachingwe hails from Chilembwe village in the area of Traditional Aurthority Mkanda in Mchinji District.

Police Say No One Arrested For Not Wearing Face Mask

The Malawi Police Service has clarified that no person was arrested for not wearing face masks as was earlier communicated by the Police Public Relations Office.

A statement from the National Police Spokesperson James Kadadzera clarifies that the news interview the Public Relations Office granted the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) alleging the arrest of 145 individuals in Chikwawa, for not wearing face masks at a public place was not correct.

“No person has been arrested for not wearing a face mask at a public place anywhere in Malawi” reads the statement in part.

The statement goes on to state that since the new rules and regulations on Covid-19 Prevention, Containment and Management were enforced from August 8, 2020, it is pleasing to note that most Malawians in busy places are complying with the set standards.

Kadadzera also mentioned that the Malawi Police Service and all concerned stakeholders are championing awareness campaigns for Malawians to continue complying with the rules and regulations to protect themselves and others against Covid-19.

The Police has since assured Malawians of its commitment to serving the public according to law and without impinging on their rights


Sheriffs, acting on behalf of businessman Matias Bonongwe who is CEO of Agrizone International Trading (Azit), have invaded the house the de-facto vice president Everton Chimulirenji in Chinsapo Lilongwe.

According to information at hand, the matter is to do with a lawsuit against his previous office as a minister of disaster management and public events.

Azit claims it lost business capital to the tune of K100 Million due to the former minister’s negligence, incompetence and abuse of office.

Meanwhile, police officers have also arrived at the house.

Bus driver is fined for breaking Covid-19 regulations

A driver of a bus belonging to Future Tours has been fined K100,000 for contravening Covid-19 regulations.

Kasungu police public relations officer, Inspector Harry Namwaza, Traffic Police Officers were at Gogode turn-off on traffic check duties when a bus of Future Tours registration number BLK 9042 Scania appeared coming from the direction of Kasungu heading Mzimba.

“The bus was stopped by the officers who upon checking discovered that there were 30 more passengers on the bus than the required carrying capacity; thereby contravening measures put in place to contain the spread of Covid-19.

“The 30 passengers were ordered to disembark the bus and board another one with space in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations,” said Namwaza.

Namwaza added that the driver of the bus was then charged to pay K100,000 fine which he paid under General Receipt number 7619850.

Meanwhile, Police in the district have urged all drivers to adhere to all regulations put in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The law enforcers have since warned that anyone found not complying with the regulations will face the law.

Chakwera Pardons 499 Prisoners Amid Covid-19

President Lazarus Chakwera has pardoned 499 prisoners as part of reducing congestion in Prisons. 

Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda has confirmed. This comes amid rising cases of Covid-19 in prisons

See Photos Of Two Children Who Were Burnt Over Witchcraft

Two children who were accused of witchcraft and subsequently set ablaze in Plateau state in Central Nigeria

Some months ago, some national dailies reported the case of two children who were accused of witchcraft and subsequently set ablaze in Plateau state in Central Nigeria.
The incident happened in December 2019. Images of the two children with various degrees o burns and bandages on their hands and heads outraged members of the public. 

Woman worries over lack of SEX from her husband for six months

An Unidentified Nigerian Lady cried out to a popular Nigerian instagram blogger about what have been going on in her home. 

She is seeking for help on what to do stating that her husband haven't been having intimacy with her for a long time (6months) .

Read: I Think My Husband is Sleeping With Our House Girl

"Joro good evening, Keep me anonymous please. Please my husband have not been sleeping with me or any form of intimacy- cuddling, making out etc for over 6months. 

He claims everything is okay though. What should I do? We have spoken about it and he says he is fine and nothing is
wrong with us. Please help me."

Read: I Always Cheat On My Husband

Nigerian Priest Is Caught Beating a Woman Mercilessly for What She Did in the Church

A video of a catholic priest surfaced online, in the video monitored by Kingsparo TV is the moment the Catholic priest Mercilessly beat the woman in the church. 

A video shared online shows the moment a Nigerian Catholic priest beat up a young woman caught trying to steal inside the church.

I understands that the woman is a member the Church.

Some church members present can be seen preventing the priest from hitting the woman more harder.

I also understands that The Lady had broken a padlock at the altar to gain access to church money in the absence of the priest and church workers.

The priest could be heard in the video telling to the woman in igbo language, that he would upload the recorded video of her act on Facebook.

Activists Want Arrest of police officers and cadets involved in Msundwe rape within 30 days

Human Rights activists have hailed as the High Court ruling that Malawi Police officers and ex-Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cadets who raped women at Msundwe, M’bwatalika and Mpingu should be arrested within 30 days.

Social Justice Network described as a landmark the ruling delivered today in Lilongwe by the Malawi High Court judge, Justice Kenyatta Nyirenda.

“We agree with the High Court ruling that the Malawi police should now set off a comprehensive investigation to identify all perpetrators, whether police officers or party supporters, who raped the women at Msundwe.

Social Justice Network described as a landmark the ruling delivered today in Lilongwe by the Malawi High Court judge, Justice Kenyatta Nyirenda.

“We agree with the High Court ruling that the Malawi police should now set off a comprehensive investigation to identify all perpetrators, whether police officers or party supporters, who raped the women at Msundwe.

“While scars of rape can never be erased, justice for the victims can only be achieved if the perpetrators are identified and prosecuted,” tweeted Social Justice Network.

The court demands that a full investigation be completed within 30 days from the day of the ruling.

“It is important that the officers of the [Malawi Police service] that sexually assaulted and raped the Applicants and all other women and girls in M’bwatalika and Mpingu be arrested and prosecuted. I, therefore, order that this be done within a period of 30 days from the date hereof” ruled Justice Kenyatta Nyirenda.

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