
‘My father and I woke up nak_ed in bed with our housegirl after she did this…She’s now pregnant’- girl narrates

We had a housegirl in our house who used to stay overnight. One day my mother went to her father’s house.
There was only me, my father and the housegirl in our house. After dinner we asked the
to bring water. She did and after drinking water I and my father fell asleep in different beds.
When I woke up it was 10am in the morning. I saw the three of us i.e. dad, me and our housegirl lying on the same bed fully
I called my father who was fast asleep to wake up and we both wore our clothes. Then we covered the housegirl with blanket then woke her up.
She then told us that she had done all this by mixing sleeping pills in our water. She also said she took me and dad to dad’s room and made us both
 nak_ed and had se-xual intercourse 
with us. We then kicked her out of the house.
One month after that, she called us to inform that she was preg_nant with either my or father’s child.
Now my questions are:
1. Does this child really belong to us?
2. Should we repent and confess in church as we had
3. Should we accept the child?
4. Between me and dad, who could have impreg_nated her?
5. Do I have to marry her?

Trump’s media adviser Kellyanne resigns over daughter’s viral tweet about her job

Kellyanne Conway, 53 announcement that she will step down to focus on her family just hours after her daughter, Claudia, 15, tweeted about the mental impact of her mother’s job.
The long-serving advisor to President Donald made the announcement on Sunday citing that it is time to focus on her family.
The Republican strategist who managed Trump’s campaign in 2016 said she would step down by the end of the month and she is still scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday.
According to BBC report, Mrs Conway’s daughters, Claudia, whose tweet went viral wrote “My mother’s job ruined my life to begin with. heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. selfish. it’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen”.
Her mother tweeted a statement less than 24 hours later that she closed by saying: “For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama”.
She added that the resignation is completely her choice and voice and together with her husband, they will be making some changes.
Despite her cardinal job in the white house, Mrs Conway’s eminent husband George Conway, Washington lawyer, has remained one of Trump’s most prolific critics often spotted questioning the president’s mental fitness for office.
Mr Conway has publicly disparaged the president, describing him as “incompetent” which the president responded by calling him a “stone cold LOSER”.
Kellyanne Conway disclosed that she will announce future plans in days to come.

Mchinji District Council threatens to ban local drinking joints

Mchinji District Council threatens to ban local drinking joints

Mchinji District Council Chairperson Yona Mtanga has threatened to shut down all local drinking joints situated in non designated areas as one way of improving vicinity and sanity of Mchinji District.

The chairperson’s remarks came in after concerned community members of Kanyama Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Zulu in the district, expressed concern over an increase of illegal beer kiosks.

The community members said these beer kiosks are risking lives of young people and social economic development of the area.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Thursday, Mtanga said apart from Kanyama residential area which is at the boma, the council would also evict all bottle stores and beer taverns established in areas which are not designated for the particular businesses

“All beer- bars situated at Kanyama, Nyamawende, and Robert among other locations are operating illegally and they have no license from council.

“We cannot license them because the areas are not designed for the beer business and we are going to close them immediately,” Mtanga advised.

He added that with the closure of schools due to COVID-19 pandemic, youths are at risk of indulging themselves into immoral behaviour such as drinking alcohol especially with the proliferation of the beer joints.

In a separate interview one of the bar owners Paulo Five refuted the allegations of operating his business without license from the council saying those were petty jealousies.

Five who owns New Big Five Bar at Kanyama area said he had been renewing his business license and was ready to renew it again this financial year which runs from 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021.

“These are petty jealousies. Some people only hate me because of how fast my business is growing. For your information I have last year’s licence and I am ready renew it this year," he said.

He said his bar premises has all requirements and he does not allow youths of under recommended age and he challenged authorities to visit his bar to verify.

One of the concerned residents of Kanyama Village, Tafatatha Banda said the community members are against bars because they are in residential area instead of establishing them at designated places.

“The bars are threatening lives of young boys and girls because they are tempted to indulge into immoral behaviours such as prostitution and drinking beer. The immoral behaviour of the youths is on climax and I can equate Kanyama Village to Sodom and Gomorrah,” he said.

He appealed to Mchinji District Council to intervene as soon as possible because the practise has also put them at risk in terms of security.

Man Caught Defiling 8-Year-Old Pastor’s Daughter

A security man has been caught defiling an 8-year-old daughter of a Pastor in Nigeria.
According to the report, the man was caught in the act with the young girl inside an uncompleted building not far from the Pastor’s house where he served as a security man.
See below disturbing photos of the victim and the culprit.
The security man was apprehended by residents who noted that he has been seen numbers of time with the young girl entering into the uncompleted structure but were unsure of what he does with the girl until he was traced.
However, it was gathered that the father of the victim said he is not pressing a charge on the rape case as he would not want the child to be traumatized.

Ronaldinho Released After Five Months Detention Over A Forged Passport

Brazilian football legend, Ronaldinho was released on Monday, August 24, by a Paraguayan judge after spending five months in detention over a forged passport.
Judge Gustavo Amarilla also released Ronaldinho’s brother Roberto de Assis Moreira, who was held for a month in jail and another four months under house arrest for the same charge.
The 40-year-old former World Cup winner “is free to travel to whatever country in the world he wants but he must inform us if he changes his permanent residence” for a period of one year, the judge said.
“He has no restrictions except for the fulfilment of reparations for damage to society.”
Ronaldinho finally released after spending five months in detention over a forged passport in Paraguay
Ronaldinho accepted the terms of his release, which include payment of $90,000 in damages. His brother, who is also Ronaldinho’s business manager, must pay $110,000.
The judge explained that he was not issuing a “definitive dismissal” of the case but rather that Ronaldinho was benefitting from a “conditional suspension of the procedure.”
His brother was also given a two-year suspended sentence.
Prosecutors believe Ronaldinho had no idea about the fake Paraguayan passports but they said de Assis Moreira was likely aware that the passports were false.
Before Monday’s trial the public prosecutor said that Ronaldinho displayed no “personal characteristics or criminal behavior that … would put society at risk.
“They flagrantly used a public document containing false content,” said Marcelo Pecci, one of the public prosecutors, who said it was a “very serious” offense.
De Assis Moreira must appear before a judge in Brazil every four months for two years and will have a criminal record.
“Ronaldinho’s situation is not the same as Roberto’s. He has no obligation to appear before any Brazilian judicial authority. He must only report a change of address,” said Amarilla, who accepted a recommendation by four prosecutors to avoid the need for an oral trial.
The former footballer and his brother were arrested in March after passports were found bearing their names with Paraguayan nationality.
The pair later ended up in a Paraguay prison before they were released on house arrest after serving just 32 days behind bars.
18 people were also arrested in connection with the case, most of them immigration officials or police officers.

Pastor, Church Members Fight Landlord During Church Service

A video has emerged on social media in which some church members could be seen engaging in a physical fight with their landlord.
The incident happened on Sunday, August 23, at Grace and Truth Arena Church located in Asaba, Delta state.
It should be noted that church activities around the country have begun despite Nigeria’s fight against coronavirus.
Safety measure are, however, in place in order to prevent the spread of the deadly disease.
But in the video of the fight making the rounds on social media, there is disregard for social distancing.
Watch Video Via The Link>>>

One Dies In Motorcycle Accident

 A 28-year- old Dennis Mulungu died on August 23,2020 at round 10PM after being hit by a motorcycle along Chitipa-MRA road.
Mulungu hailed from Kapenda village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwaulambia in Chitipa district.
Police in the district have advised motorists to always report road accidents whenever they are involved.

Malawi has registered five new COVID-19 cases, 47 new recoveries, and one new death

In the past 24 hours, Malawi has registered five new COVID-19 cases, 47 new recoveries, and one new death.
The new death sadly is a 32-year-old pregnant woman from Blantyre and was admitted at QECH.
All new cases are locally transmitted infections: four are from Blantyre and one from Lilongwe.
Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 5,419 cases including 169 deaths. Of these cases, 1,094 are imported infections and 4,325 are locally transmitted.
Cumulatively, 3,059 cases have now recovered bringing the total number of active cases to 2,191.
The average age of the cases is 36.6 years, the youngest case being aged 1 month, the oldest being 98 years old and 68% are male.
The country has so far conducted 42,821 COVID-19 tests in 45 COVID-19 testing sites of which 214 tests have been done in the past 24 hours.

Zambian Woman Kills Husband, Dumps Body in Another House

Police in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka are hunting for a woman who killed her husband during a fight and dumped the body in another house within the compound.
The country’s police spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed in a statement and identified the deceased as Jimmy Daka aged 30 who allegedly fought with his wife before his death.
The suspect on the run was identified as Bana Paul.
“Police in Lusaka received a report of Murder from Violet Daka aged 69 of Lusaka’s old Kanyama Compound that her son, Jimmy Daka, aged 30, also of old Kanyama Compound died after having fought with his wife only known as Bana Paul between 23rd August, 2020 at 22:00 hours and 24th August, 20:20 around 02:00 hours at their house,” Ms Katongo stated.
“The body of the deceased was allegedly dragged from the couple’s house and dumped in another house within the yard which is unoccupied.
The deceased’s wife who is now the suspect is reported to be on the run.
Police visited the scene and the body had a swollen forehead, bleeding from the mouth and nose and bruised body.
The body was taken to mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Miracle Chinga Drops First Album

Daughter to the late gospel Icon Grace Chinga, Miracle, has released her first album which she has named ‘Mwapambana.
According to Miracle, the album is a gift to those who are passing through various difficulties and challenges in life.
Miracle added that God is one to give them victory and abundant success.
‘’In life, we all go through afflictions and problems, despite that we should learn to trust and have faith in God who is our strength and hope,’’ Chinga said.
She said she came up with the concept Mwapambana after thinking about what people go through in life, for instance: shame, poverty, pain and hardships. As such she was inspired to produce the album to cheer up those without hope.

The Gospel Musician said people need to have faith in God as they go through miserable situations, knowing there is always victory and redemption to those who rely on the Lord all the time.
“I want to encourage every soul that we are loved by God all the time and we should not fear any evil because the Lord is with us to vindicate and guide us in all aspects of our lives.
’So, in every song I am trying to say have faith and hope, and trust in Him. I am reminding my audience that God is the miracle-working God,’’ she stated.
The album, produced by DJ Lobodo at Lobodo Records, has life-changing messages that will give hope and comfort, according to Chinga.
She said Mwapambana is her first album and that in it, she has composed everything by herself.
According to the young gospel female singer, launch of the album will be done when everything is set.
People who are looking for the album can contact the singer on the TNM number, 0887329164.

Israel Appoints Prophet T.B Joshua As Ambassador For Tourism

The Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet T.B Joshua has been appointed as the Ambassador of Tourism in Israel by the Israeli government.
The award is coming after the Prophet held a two-day event in June, 2019, at the Amphitheatre of Mount Precipice, in the historic hometown of Jesus Christ.
Although the event, was fiercely criticised by local religious figures and nearly faced cancellation due to the intensity of attacks, it attracted thousands of religious tourists from across the globe.
Hundreds of people had protested against the event, they had marched through the city in Northern Israel with placards condemning the coming event and shouting; “Let this witch get away from us!”
A group of religious figures also visited the venue of Mount Precipice af­ter the event and carried out a ‘cleansing ritual’ with wa­ter, leaves and salt.
However, despite the several setbacks and criticisms sur­rounding the event, it was held successfully.
The event, which was broadcasted on local tele­vision throughout Israel and featured in The New York Times and Reuters, attracted the attention of Israel’s Min­istry of Tourism.
This prompted the Israeli government to give the Nigerian clergyman an award, as they made him a ‘Tourism Goodwill Ambassador’.
See photos;

Officers Allegedly Torture A Man With Machete And Extort Money From Him

SARS officers attached to the command headquarters in Asaba , Delta State, have been accused of assaulting and extorting money from a 26-year-old man named Samuel.
The alleged attack took place on Saturday, August 22, and was brought to social media by activist Harrison Gwamnishu.
According to Harrison, the victim was on a motorcycle with his girlfriend when he was accosted by the officers at Koka Junction in the state capital.
Harrison added that Samuel’s only crime was that he was wearing a dreadlock hairstyle. As a result, the officers allegedly tortured him and his girlfriend.
Gwamnishu said,
“The SARS officers dragged him from the Okada and forced him and his girlfriend into their car.
“The victims demanded to know where they were being taken to but the officers responded by macheting Samuel’s leg.
“They seized his ATM card and forced him to disclose his pin and withdrew N15,400 from his account.
“I’m calling on the Delta State government to please intervene by putting an end to the constant harassment Nigerians face from SARS.”
Watch the video below.


Leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa on Friday met United Democratic Front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi ahead of the forthcoming 2020/2021 National Budget session at the August House in the capital Lilongwe.
Muluzi was the runningmate of immediate past President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika in the fresh Presidential polls held on June 23, 2020.
Nankhumwa confirmed of the meeting in a statement posted on his official facebook page seen by this publication.
According to Nankhumwa, the meeting was aimed at how the opposition can form a formidable force in the National Assembly.
“I was also privileged to meet in audience UDF President Rt Hon Atupele Austin Muluzi. As Leader of Opposition it could be out of order for me just to go to the forthcoming budget meeting without consulting my brother in opposition who I have great respect for.
“We therefore agreed to present in Parliament a formidable and constructive opposition side in our quest to provide checks and balances to government affairs,” said Nankhumwa.
Meanwhile it is not known as to whether the DPP, UDF marriage will continue or not considering the outcome of the fresh polls.
The two parties were booted out of power by Tonse Alliance led by Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and Dr. Saulos Chilima.

” I told my rapist to use a condom because I am HIV positive” says a rape survivalist

South Africa is considered to be one of the worst places to be for women, because of the of the official statistics concerning rape cases.
In recently published statistics, South Africa ranks number one in the world in terms of rape related cases.
It is not surprising that a woman, on Monday, tweeted that she told her rapist to use a condom because she is HIV positive.
And when asked whether the said rapist used a condom; she answered affirmatively that he did not use it.
She further commented that the only reason she told him to use a condom, was so that the innocent women who might become the victim of the said rapist, can be prevented from getting infected.
On her Twitter account, she describes herself as a HIV activist and vocalist.

Earthquake hits Northern Region Of Malawi

Three districts in the North on Monday experienced at earthquake which experts say measured about 5.0.on the Richter scale.
Director at the Department of Geological Survey Kondwani Dombola confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.
According to Dombola, the earthquake affected part of Mzuzu, Mzimba, Nkhata Bay and Rumphi.
He said the earthquake was triggered by a movement within the Livingstonia border port.
Experts says the 5.0 magnitude is big and has a possibility of having aftershocks, meaning a recurrence of minor tremors.

Tonse Leadership Distances Itself From Social Media Fight

The leadership of governing Tonse Alliance has distanced itself from on-going misunderstandings by its sympathizers on social media.
Of late disagreements between self-proclaimed Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation Movement (UTM) supporters have erupted on social media over which party threw the heaviest weight in June’s fresh presidential election triumph.
MCP sympathizers argued that on the ballot during the fresh presidential elections there was MCP not Tonse Alliance or UTM hence it is MCP ruling the country.
On the other hand, UTM supporters trashed MCP’s argument saying they contributed much in the fresh presidential polls.
Reverend Maurice Munthali, spokesperson for Malawi Congress Party insists that the spats do not represent any party’s ideologies.
Munthali has since maintained that they will not be disrupted in their development agenda due to online wars.
Meanwhile, a political analyst with Chancellor College Ernest Thindwa has noted that there is nothing to worry about as they do not involve legit party officials.

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