
Woman tests positive for Covid-19 eight times

A Canadian woman who contracted the coronavirus in March has tested positive for the illness for the eighth time.

Tracy Schofield from Cambridge, Ontario, said she first began experiencing symptoms – including a fever, chills and difficulty breathing – on March 30. The next day she got tested for Covid-19 and was found to be positive.

To be considered recovered from the virus, the World Health Organization guidelines state that a patient must test negative twice consecutively before they can be declared “recovered.”

Patients must receive two negative results within 24 hours.

Schofield was swabbed for a ninth time, and once again she tested positive for Covid-19. She is currently preparing for her 10th test.

According to CTV News Schofield spent two weeks self-isolating at home, with only her 17-year-old son there to help.

She says her temperature rose to 40.1 C, and she could barely get out of bed and she even lost her sense of smell and taste.

After more than 50 days since testing positive, Schofield said most of her symptoms are gone.

“I still to this day have shortness of breath. Covid-19 has taken a lot out of me, and it continues every day,” she told CTV News.

Schofield now fears Covid-19 could cause her long-term problems although she never had underlying health issues before.

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