
Atupele calls for investigations into Machinga shooting

United Democratic Front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi, who is President Peter Mutharika’s running mate in the June 23 fresh presidential elections, has called for investigations in the shooting that happened when some people blocked Vice President Saulos Chilima’s convoy at Nselema on Friday last week.
Muluzi made the remarks at Umbwa village, Traditional Authority Kapoloma where he visited people who are alleged to have been injured when Chilima’s bodyguards allegedly fired shots to disperse the mob.
While condemning the blocking of Chilima’s convoy, Muluzi urges police to get to the bottom of the matter.
But Police in the Eastern Region insist that there was no gun shot by Chilima’s bodyguards on the day the Vice President was blocked from touring Machinga.
Meanwhile, a brother to the alleged victim, Rasha Makupe says the gun shots were fired by the police.

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