
More Covid-19 cases in Malawi

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Malawi has registered highest number of cases within 24 hours with 129 new Cases bringing total recorded cases to 1742 with two new deaths.
Heres the statement from the Presidential Taskforce on Covid-19.
Of the new cases, 48 are from Lilongwe, 41 from Blantyre, 15 from Mzuzu, 10 from Mzimba South, four in Mwanza, two each from Mangochi, Nkhata bay, Balaka and
Thyolo, one each from Neno, Zomba and Dedza.
Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 1742 cases including 19 deaths, 317 recoveries and 1406 active cases.
The country has so far conducted 16,807 COVID-19 tests in 39COVID-19 testing sites.

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