
High court in Blantyre hearing of parliamentary elections case

High court in Blantyre on Tuesday finished hearing a parliamentary elections case where some three individuals are challenging results of the 2019 elections in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.
Parties to the case have since been given forty days starting the same Tuesday to make final their submissions.
One of lawyers for the respondents, Wester Kossam, says court will determine when judgment will be delivered.
“We have finished cross-examining the Electoral Commission’s witness who was ICT supervisor in Nsanje district. We have failed to cross examine the former district commissioner for Nsanje because he is sick,” said Kossam.
Kossam commended the court for ensuring justice prevails in the matter by resuming the case under COVID-19 preventive measures.
“The court said only a few of us should converge in court. Because of that idea, we have come to the end of the case after taking a long time.
“Had it not been for the idea, then the matter would have dragged for so long and it wouldn’t have been good for both parties,” he said.
In the case, Foster Thipiwa, Enock Chizuzu and Kafandikhale Mandevana are challenging the results where the Electoral Commission declared Esther Mcheka Chilenje, Francis Kasaila and Sam Khumbanyiwa winners in their respective constituencies.

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