
Bushiri’s Security Officer dies mysteriously

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church security officer Jeremiah Ogechi dies suspiciously in his house, Johannesburg, South Africa.

The body of Ogechi was taken for postmortem.

ECG church Director of Communication Ephraim Nyondo confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

According to Nyondo, Ogeshi was not Prophet Bushiri’s bodyguard.

Nyondo said Ogeshi was working in a company that ECG outsourced to provide security services.

Man Stabs Nephew After He Refuses To Light Cigarette For Him

A 15-year-old boy was allegedly stabbed by his uncle after he refused to light a cigarette for him. The accused was identified as A Manikandan. The incident took place on Saturday night at Bajanaikovil street in Ramanathapuram.

The victim was identified as Yogesh. Yogesh is the son of Manikandan’s younger sister. The 43-year-old works as a car driver.

Yogesh’s mother was identified as Krishnamani. Krishnamani resides in Market Road at Irugur. He had come to his uncle’s residence a few days ago.

On Saturday, Manikandan asked Yogesh to light his cigarette. Yogesh allegedly refused to light the cigarette and scolded Manikandan for asking him to do the same.

Angry over Yogesh’s response, Manikandan allegedly stabbed him in the abdomen. Following this, Yogesh was taken to the Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital (CMCH) where treatment is being provided to him. Yogesh is said to be in a stable condition.

Based on the complaint filed by the victim’s father, the police registered a case against the accused. He was arrested on Sunday and was booked under section 294 (b) (utters any obscene words in a public place), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means) and 506 (2) (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The accused has been remanded under judicial custody.

This is not the first time where a person has been attacked over a petty issue. In the past as well, there have been several such instances. In Bengaluru, a student and his brother were stabbed as they were talking loudly in a “Bihari” dialect on the phone. The accused was identified as Manjunath Valmiki.

Experts urge proper disposal of face masks

Environmental experts have warned of serious repercussions if the public continues disposing off masks unnecessarily.

President of Malawi Environmental Health Association, Elias Chimulambe, says the trend if left unchecked will fuel further transmission of coronavirus.

“We need to properly dispose the used masks otherwise we will lose the battle against the spread of coronavirus,” said Chimulambe.

On his part, an environmental expert Godfrey Mfiti said disposing off masks anyhow has potential of polluting our already degraded environment.

“These masks do not decompose if thrown anyhow and there is need to sensitize masses on the harm they make to our environment particularly the soil,” said Mfiti.

On the other hand, environmental rights activist Elias Chimulambe who is also president of Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi has recommended use of re-usable masks other than disposable ones.

“We just need to check with scientists and health experts on effectiveness of cotton masks (that can be used more than once) in prevention of the spread of coronavirus,” said Malata.

Experts say face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the disease.

Man Jailed 7 Years for Raping and Biting Student’s Clitoris

A 27-year-old Ghanaian man identified as Derrick Amponsah has been jailed for 7 years for raping a 15-year-old student.

He reportedly bit the victim’s clitoris in the cause of the act, which left her bleeding profusely from her genitals.

The incident took place at Manso Yawkrom in the Amansie West District of Ashanti Region of the West African country.

A detailed medical report revealed the victim’s hymen had completely been broken.

Prosecutor, Detective Chief Inspector Stephen Ofori, told the court Amponsah used his fingers, penis and mouth to abuse the girl, MyJoy Online reports.

He said at about 11 a.m. on April 15, 2020, the accused called the victim on phone to go and do laundry for him at home.

Mr Amponsah returned at about 1 p.m. to see the dirty clothes unwashed.

According to prosecution, he went to the victim’s house to call her but she refused to follow him.

He returned and managed to get the girl to follow him to his house.

On reaching there, he asked the girl to take the lead into his room but she objected.

The accused then dragged her inside, pushed her onto the bed and forcibly had sex with her.

Detective Chief Inspector Ofori said Amponsah’s mother later showed up and provided water for the victim to clean herself.

Derrick Amponsah was arrested following a report and he subsequently admitted the offense in his caution statement to police.

He was arraigned and pleaded guilty to two counts of assault and defilement.

Both acts contravene Sections 84 and 101 respectively the of Criminal Offences Act, Act 29 of 960.

The court presided over by Her Honour, Joyce Boahen convicted him on his own plea.

Facebook plans to build internet infrastructure in Africa

Facebook has announced its plans partnering with a consortium of telecoms businesses to expand Africa’s internet infrastructure.

The social media platform said in a statement announcing it is partnering with six other companies including China Mobile International, Telecom Egypt and Vodafone to construct “2Africa” project.

It will construct a huge 37 000-long undersea cable around the continent that will greatly enhance connectivity both in Africa and the Middle East.

“We’re excited to be collaborating with our 2Africa partners on the most comprehensive subsea cable that will serve the continent,” Facebook executive Najam Ahmad said in a statement. “2Africa is a key pillar supporting this tremendous internet expansion as part of Africa’s surging digital economy.”

It is expected to go online sometime between 2023 and 2024.

DPP-UDF Alliance pin hopes on the electorates

There was pomp and fanfair when the incumbent president Arthur Peter Mutharika unveiled UDF president Atupele Austine Muluzi as his running mate in the controversial court sanctioned fresh presidential elections.

Dancers grated to every true so long it touched on the much-touted alliance.

But beneath the dancing and ululation marking the Malawi’s new chapter of life lay a heap of expectations from the business community, youth, working class, faith community, elderly and the person with disabilities among other sectors of life.

It is envisioned that the alliance will transform malawi, so do not blame the rising tides of expectaions. Setting the tone on the expected benefits was the president himself, saying his administration will continue with development projects started previously such as building roads and schools among others.

In-fact, most people interviwed on the alliance were of the view that the combination of te two was the best and mature.

The Lilongwe-based academician Jonathan Mulosowa said he was convinced that the alliance have all the ingredients one would need to have in presidency.

“ This is the only qualified candidates among the hopefuls. They are well-versed with the mechanics of running a government because of their education, talents, depth, exposure and experience,” he said.

The scholar said he believed the DPP/UDF alliance was the only alliance that has the mettle to carry the development agenda of the country to another level.

Mulosowa observed that there was no lwa that stops the president to choose runningmate from other political parties those that he feels are good.

Mathews Banda, a businessperson in Salima district said by partnering with the youthful Atupele Muluzi, the alliance came as a beacon of hope for the youth.

He hopes that the youth would have numerous opportunities to participate in the development of the country.

Whilst most people interviewed had great anticipation for better socio-economic standards and political governance of the country, Banda further forecasted the alliance restoring the weak economic development fundamentals which came with covid-19 pandemic and political demonstrations perpetrated by the opposition parties behind the human right defenders coalition(HRDC).

Banda expressed the duo would introduce more businesses more especially the widows and youth who struggle to make ends meet.

The echo of great expectation from other sectors bears more than enough testimony.

Masautso Fatchi from Nsanje district said the MCP/UTM alliance is not sustainable as it has lost the confidence of their supporters due to the emerged leadership squabbles.

Fatchi said the delay by the opposition alliance to unveil its torchbeare indicated that there was repositioning and power struggle within the alliance.

“ The DPP/UDF alliance is a winning and development conscious team unlike the other alliance which is full of recycled, power hungry, visionless, selfish leadership from immoral intentions and without tangible development agendas. The alliance cannot take long to last,” he said.

“ Before endorsing Atupeles’ candidature, the president looked at his calibre, experience, talents, leadership skills among others. Mutharika himself is a coool headed leader who has not negatively emotional,” added Fatchi.

Atupele has been a minister for long time. In the PP government before seving DPP government as a minister of health, lands, justice, economic planning, energy among other portfolios.

In february this year DPP and UDF entered into an alliance with an arm of developing the country.

And, on May 6 and 7 this year, the Malawi Electoral Commission(MEC) received the nomination papers from interested presidential candidates in the controversial elections, where president Mutharika, unveiled Atupele Muluzi as his runningmate.


The country’s former vice president Cassim Chilumpha said the fight against the covid-19 pandemic in the country could be won if only the opposition political parties were not sabotaging governments’ efforts on the vise. In an interview, Chilumpha said the country’s opposition political parties were making a cheap politics of sabotaging government’s efforts on the fight against the pandemic in order to widen their political mileage. “Nowhere in the world the opposition political parties are sabotaging governments’ efforts on the vice, it’s only in Malawi. This is retrogressive indeed,” said Chilumpha. Among others, Chilumpha observed that the opposition parties use the judicially as a platform to frustrate the interventions, a situation which he said would go along the way to increase the spread of the pandemic. “The idea of using the courts to implement our wrong ideas is not good. The executive is the only arm of government entitled to put collective measures for us instead of having our own parallel set of measures. This would confuse and endanger our country,” he said. Recently, President Arthur Peter Mutharika declared Malawi a state of disaster due to the spread of corona virus which has since claimed lives of thousands of people across the world and at least infected some in the country. Mutharika in his statement called upon people in the country to remain calm and avoid gatherings that exceed 100 people as one way to address the further spread of corona virus which is now called covid-19. The president later recommended the lockdown as another measure against the pandemic. However, the political parties connived with some civil society groupings to frustrate the measure by seeking injunction in the court of law. Currently, reports are rife that the political parties are conniving with some stakeholders to pressurize the government to vacate some measures that it instituted.


Malawi’s inflation decelerated by 0.4 percentage points in April 2020 to 9.4 percent, thanks to continued declining food prices, figures from National Statistical Office (NSO) show. The headline inflation is, however, 0.3 percentage points higher than the 9.1 percent rate recorded in April 2019. According to the NSO figures, in the month under review, non-food inflation stood at 5 percent compared to 5.1 percent recorded in March, 2020. Food inflation rate was seen at 14.6 percent compared to 14.7 percent in March, 2020. This comes as this year’s harvesting season is almost at its peak now, with farmers from most districts of the Southern and Central Region completed harvesting of the country’s staple crop, maize. In the past three weeks, there has been an influx of maize in most traditional markets, which has helped ease the prices. A recent report by International Food Policy Research Institute shows that retail maize prices decreased by 35 percent in March. The decline in the prices was attributed to the onset of the harvest season, which typically starts in the South Region. Polytechnic Economics Lecturer, Betchani Tchereni, said the month on month decline was as a result of recent cuts in fuel prices however the year on year increase is perpetuated by a slowdown in business stemming from lockdown in Malawi’s trading partners. “Inflation should be lower at this time of the year and was expected to decelerate to 6 or 7 percent as people are harvesting, Malawi being an agri-based economy, however the impact of Covid-19 especially lockdown in trading partners coupled with implemented minimum farm gate prices which has truncated panic selling of maize among farmers,” Tchereni said. Malawi is expected to produce about 3,691,866 metric tonnes of maize this season, up from 3,391,924 metric tonnes produced during the 2018/2019 season, representing an 8.8 percent increase. Earlier, Reserve Bank of Malawi said it expects inflation to average 8.8 percent, which is a drop from 9.4 recorded in 2019. The projection was on the back of better food supply, stability in local currency, stable fuel prices and tight fiscal and monetary policies but notwithstanding a slowdown threat to most economies posed by Covid-19 pandemic. Economic experts are already describing Malawi’s 2020 economic growth prospect of 5.1 percent as a ‘big wish’ in the wake of the pandemic.

shops and bars finally reopen in italy

Italian shops, hairdressers and restaurants finally threw open their doors on Monday as the country sped up efforts to bounce back from the coronavirus crisis after a 10-week lockdown. Customers could once again sip their morning cappuccino at the bar, albeit well spaced from other clients, and public Masses were allowed again in churches after bishops put pressure on the government to sanction religious services. Almost 32,000 Italians have died of COVID-19 since the outbreak came to light on Feb. 21, the third-highest death toll in the world after the United States and Britain. Italy was the first European country to impose nationwide restrictions in early March, only permitting an initial relaxation of the rules on May 4, when it allowed factories and parks to reopen. Monday marked a major step forward on the road to recovery, with unlimited travel allowed in individual regions, friends once again meeting up and restaurants able to serve as long as tables were at least 2 metres (6.5 ft) apart. Telephones rang incessantly in hairdresser salons, as unkempt clients rushed to make themselves more presentable.

HRDC Asks NECOF to Bar MEC Chair Jane Ansah From Speaking During Meetings

Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) chairperson Gift Trapence has asked National Election Consultative Forum (NECOF) to slab Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah from speaking during meetings. Trapence made the request today during a press briefing in Lilongwe where the coalition addressed on elections and MEC commissioners. According to Trapence, Ansah is not fit to chair the NECOF having been found to be incompetent of handling elections. Aftermath of May 21, 2019 elections Ansah has been receiving resignation calls from different stakeholder following her incompetence in the 2019 elections. Constitutional Court and Supreme Court also found MEC commissioners led by Ansah incompetent to run further elections in the country. Adding to that Public Appointment Committee of Parliament also recommended President Peter Mutharika to fire the commissioners following the assessment they carried out on the commissioners. Despite the calls, Ansah has remained adamant from leaving MEC insisting that she worked according to the law and she regret nothing.

Man faces jail after admitting setting fire to phone mast in UK

A number of attacks on phone masts across the UK are thought to be associated with 5G network as people have claimed that 5G is spreading coronavirus. A man has been warned he is facing jail after admitting setting a telephone mast on fire in Merseyside. A number of attacks on phone masts across the country are believed to be linked to false claims that the 5G network is spreading coronavirus. Emergency services were called to Coopers Lane, Kirkby, on 5 April following reports the Vodafone-owned telephone mast was on fire. Nobody was injured, but the structure was damaged. Michael Whitty, 47, pleaded guilty to arson at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday via videolink from HMP Altcourse. Andrew Alty, defending Whitty, of Kirkby, asked for a pre-sentence report to be prepared to provide further details of his client's reasons for committing the offence. He said: "There is more of an explanation behind this that he would like to give." The court heard material from the defendant's mobile phone was being assessed by the prosecution. Judge Andrew Menary QC adjourned the case until 8 June and warned Whitty: "You must recognise that it is inevitable there will be a custodial sentence in this case. "

CCM Assures Farmers of New Buyers

The Cotton Council of Malawi (CCM) has indicated that two companies are ready to start buying cotton. The Council's Executive Director, Cosmas Luwanda said hat the companies that have been given licenses are Friesian and Malawi Cotton Company. Luwanda then called on farmers to hoard their cotton so as to sell it at better prices later. "With the two companies around, we are hopeful that the market will stabilize with farmers fetching higher prices," he said. His sentiments come when the sole buyer, Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), is overwhelmed by cotton. -Zodiak-

Kaliati accuses govt of misusing COVID-19 funds

nited Transformation Movement (UTM) Secretary General Patricia Akweni Kaliati has accused government of misusing Covid-19 funds. Kaliati made the claims during Tonse Alliance campaign rally at Likuni in Lilongwe on Sunday graced by State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also runningmate to Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP). In her speech, Kaliati said funds meant for COVID-19 pandemic is being shared by few Cabinet Ministers with an aim of enriching themselves. Kaliati also alleged that Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima’s foregone salary to the pandemic fight is not being channeled to its intended purpose. Effort to talk to Minister of Information and Communications Technology Mark Botomani on the matter proved futile.

SA army ‘Begins Setting Up Field Hospitals’

The South African army has begun to build four field hospitals as the country prepares for “the devastating impact” of Covid-19, the Independent Online website has reported. “The army, which ordered all its staff back to work on May 1, is also planning to convert 2010 Soccer World Cup stadiums into field hospitals after being warned to expect the worst,” the website said. Sources in the military are quoted as saying the plans are not unusual and are to augment existing health facilities. While easing the total lockdown, President Cyril Ramaphosa told South Africans to prepare for the worst as infections continue to rise. South Africa has confirmed a record high number of coronavirus cases in a single day of 1,160, bringing the total to 15,515 including 7,006 recoveries and 264 deaths.

Madagascar Demands N78.2m For COVID-19 Herbal Medicine From Nigeria

Guinea Bissau President, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, who visited Nigeria President, Muhammadu Buhari at the State House in Abuja on Saturday, brought the drugs allocated to Nigeria by Madagascar. President Buhari said the drug will pass through intensive test to determine its suitability. According to The Nation, a source on Sunday said: “For our consignments in Guinea Bissau, Madagascar has asked Nigeria to pay over €170,000 (N78, 200,000). We have received the invoice because the African country has made us to realise that the drugs are not being given out free. “We are being asked to pay for the drugs yet to be validated. Since the AU directed the supply of the drugs to African countries, we may have no choice than to pay for it. “This payment may, however, be one-off because mass importation of the drugs from Madagascar will not be cost effective. By the time we take into account the cost of freight, the amount will be too high. “This is why we are looking at local options available to us as a nation. “Some researchers have told us that we have richer herbs to contain COVID-19. In fact, a shop in Wuse 2, Abuja has been discovered to be selling Artemisia Tea with high potency than COV drugs. “As a nation, we will leave all options open and look inwards. But, we will subject Madagascar herbal drugs to verification or validation. “The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 is also thinking of asking the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) to relax the protocols and hasten the validation of local drugs for COVID-19.” The NAFDAC and NIPRD are awaiting the samples from Madagascar for validation. A highly-placed source in NIPRD said: “We are yet to get the samples for testing and validation. We are hopeful that this week, we might receive them. Our team is on the alert.” The Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Prof Mojisola Adeyeye, said many researchers and practitioners have responded to its call for expression of interest for the COVID-19 related medicines. In a statement on NAFDAC website, Adeyeye said: “The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), as at the time of this press release, has only received application from one company for a product the company is presenting (for approval) to the Agency for the treatment of the symptoms of Covid-19, and not for the cure of Covid-19 as a disease. “Call for expression of interest for the COVID-19 related medicines was made; several researchers and practitioners have responded and are being guided to submit such medicines to NAFDAC for expedited review. The agency continues to encourage all stakeholders to present the products of their research findings and allow these remedies go through internationally recognised process of approval through pre-clinical and where applicable, clinical trials. “Finally, as the body with the mandate to regulate the conduct of clinical trials in the country, NAFDAC is committed to encouraging and supporting sponsors with appropriate guidance to expedite the development of effective interventions to treat or prevent COVID-19.” Source: NGR News


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has been criticised for posing for photos with strangers despite telling people to keep their distance to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Mr Ramaphosa joking about breaking social distancing rules after two women asked him for the photo. He is heard saying “come, before we get arrested”, prompting laughter. On Sunday the country reported 1,160 new coronavirus infections – the highest daily numbers yet. South Africa has had some of the strictest lockdown measures in the world, including a ban on cigarettes and alcohol, but is now easing some restrictions. The country has the highest number of cases of Covid-19 in Africa – 15,515, with 264 deaths. However, Egypt and Algeria have had more fatalities, with more than 500 each.

Atupele woo voters in Phalombe to vote for UDF-DPP alliance

Honourable Atupele Austin Muluzi has called on people of Phalombe to rally behind the DPP-UDF Alliance saying this is the only alliance that has the welfare of all Malawians at heart. Muluzi said it was the UDF government that introduced starter packs for farmers and the DPP administration sustained it through Farm Input Subsidy Programme. “Phalombe is one of the districts that were very backward but the UDF and DPP governments have turned it around. We can all appreciate this good road network, better schools and hospitals that are being constructed,” said Muluzi. APM’s running mate also told the gathering that President Mutharika has directed to roll out an initiative that will support vulnerable househol“Very soon most vulnerable households will start receiving K35,000 monthly for the next six months. This initiative seeks to cushion families that are disadvantaged economically. President Mutharika would like to see one million families benefitting from this initiative,” said Other speakers during the whistle stop included legislators for surrounding constituencies and traditional leaders who all pledged support towards the DPP-UDF Alliance.

HRDC revives call for Ansah resignation, to hold national wide protests on May 28

Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has announced that it will hold nation-wide demonstrations on 28 May to force Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Justice Dr. Jane Ansah and her fellow commissioners to resign for mismanaging 2019 elections.

HRDC Chairperson Gift Trapence said this during a press briefing in Lilongwe, calling on all Malawians to participate in the protest despite the public gatherings restriction aimed at controling spread of coronavirus.

He asked Malawians to wear face masks during the demonstrations as a measure to stem further spread of coronavirus.

Father,Grandmother Murders A 4 day Old Infant

A man and his mother allegedly murdered his daughter as they were unhappy with the birth of fourth girl child in their family. The incident took place when the minor girl’s mother was not at home.

The deceased was four-days-old. The accused used a local herbal juice to poison the four-day-old girl. The accused smothered the infant to death after poisoning her. After killing the minor girl, the accused buried her body next to a river.

The juice used to poison the infant is used in remote villages for female infanticide. The police have arrested both the accused.

The incident came to light when some of the locals grew suspicious over the death of the child and approached the police.

The locals filed a complaint in relation to the case with the police. An investigation revealed that the child was smothered and poisoned by the accused.

This is not the first case of female infanticide in India. For years, several such instances have revealed the grim reality of the society.

In March this year, a one-month-old baby girl was murdered by her own parents in Pullaneri village of Madurai. Allegedly, the accused used cactus milk to kill the minor girl.

The accused were identified as- Sowmiya and Bairamurugan. The locals informed the police about the incident as they suspected the accused of committing female infanticide.

The parents of the girl were arrested after the police were informed.

Wearing Mask for Vendors in Lilongwe Now Compulsory

Wearing of face masks is now compulsory for vendors and buyers in all the markets in Lilongwe.

This has been put into effect by the Lilongwe City Council (LCC) effective today, a preventive measure against the spread of the coronavirus.

In a statement, the LCC Chief Executive Officer John Chome, encourages tailors to make many masks and sell at the entrance gates of all markets.

According to Chome, the Council is currently following up on over 500 suspected coronavirus cases in collaboration with the District Health Office.

Malawi has so far registered a total of 70 confirmed cases, in which 40 are active cases, 27 have recovered and three people have died.

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