
Man arrested for illegally possessing ivory

Police in Kasungu are keeping in custody Oscar Moses Banda aged 70 for illegal possession of ivory.
Kasungu Police Deputy spokesperson Sergeant Miracle Mkozi Publicist Police detectives received information that Banda was selling Ivory.
Mkozi added that as part of investigation, one of the CID officers pretended as a buyer to Banda.
“He approached him at his residence and asked him about the business. Banda was very happy that a customer he was looking for was finally at his door step,” said Mkozi.
On May 30, 2020 the fake buyer called Banda and they agreed to do their business at Chisemphere.
Banda was later arrested and six pieces of ivory were seized. Banda will appear before court soon to answer the charge of illegal possession of ivory.
He hails from Moses village, Traditional authority Mabulabo in Mzimba District

Man arrested for possessing mobile phones without proper documents in Mulanje

The Police in Mulanje have arrested a 25-year-old man for allegedly being found in possession of property without supporting documents. The suspect has been identified as Frank Matenya from Ndongo Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nsabwe in Thyolo.
He was arrested on Sunday at a roadblock along the Mulanje-Muloza Road. According to Mulanje Police Spokesperson Gresham Ngwira, Matenya failed to provide documentation for the 106 mobile phones that were in his possession.

High Court rules in favour of Chaponda

The High Court in Zomba has sustained a decision of Chief Resident Magistrate Paul Chiotcha to acquit former minister of Agriculture George Chaponda in a case related to the purchase of maize from Zambia.
The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in 2018 charged Chaponda with perjury, influencing a public officer to misuse his position and illegal possession of foreign currency before Chiotcha ruled that the politician had no case to answer in relation to all the three counts.
Chiotcha said the state failed to provide enough evidence on the matter. But ACB presented six grounds for the appeal before High Court judge Redson Kapindu.
In his ruling Monday, Kapindu said there was no merit in the appeal by the ACB. The judge further said the grounds of appeal were not valid and lacked substantial evidence that the lower court erred in its judgement.
He also said the permit to hold foreign currency which ACB questioned to be suspicious was legally given to Chaponda by then Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe who is one of the authorised persons to issue such permits.
Chaponda’s lawyer, Tamando Chokhotho welcomed the ruling which he said was not surprising considering that ACB’s appeal was not properly filed.
“The fact is that my client was acquitted at a point where the court was to determine whether he had a case to answer or not and at that time he had not testified or called any defence witnesses. The fact that the acquittal was made at that point shows how deficient the evidence against Dr Chaponda was. From the word go, there was no merit in this appeal,” Chokhotho.
One of ACB’s lawyers, Anafi Likwanya, said the graft-busting body will accept the court’s verdict.
“As a legal institution, we respect courts’ judgements. In a case, you are always prepared for both outcomes, whether to win or to lose. We have learnt few lessons from this case to ensure we are conducting forensic investigations when handling cases of this nature,” Likwanya said.
After he the High Court’s judgement, Chaponda said the case had damaged his reputation as a politician.
He, however, said he was happy that he was finally a free man and that the case has made him stronger in his political career.

Rwanda depots 18 Chinese nationals

Rwanda has deported 18 Chinese who have violated the laws of the country by abusing the rights from citizens of Rwanda.
The deportees were sent home to China on Wednesday and have since being declared prohibited from returning to the country.
This came after the General, Mr PAUL KAGAME, the president of Rwanda found out that these Chinese were mistreating Rwandan workers and grubbing lands of farming from them.
When commenting on the issue, President Kagame noted that these Chinese have violated fundamental Rwandan laws which include taking advantage of citizens of Rwanda by making their workers work abnormal hours like slaves.
The President lamented “Africa is a peaceful continent, we don’t tolerate discrimination here or are we welcoming to be slaves again. This country is for Africans and those who mean well for us are always welcome. I’m deporting those 18 Chinese back to their country and never return back! Rwandese must enjoy their rights in their country!”
Mr. Kagame pointed out that no one will be allowed to feed on Africa’s resources stand disrespecting to the people of Africa.
“Let this be a lesson to all other peoples who want to live and work with us! Respect us and we’ll welcome you with our good hearts!”

Senegal has postponed the restart of schools after several teachers tested positive for the new coronavirus

Senegal has postponed the restart of schools until further notice after several teachers tested positive for the new coronavirus, the education ministry said.
The government announced on May 20 that schools would gradually resume on Tuesday June 2, after weeks of shutdown due to the pandemic.
Senegal has recorded 3 739 positive COVID-19 cases since the start of the outbreak, with 43 deaths.
An education ministry statement said teachers tested positive for coronavirus in Ziguinchor, in the Casamance area, south of the country.
It did not say how many teachers tested positive, nor in how many schools.
It said Senegal’s President Macky Sall decided to “postpone the restart of classes until a later date, in order to avoid any risk of the virus spreading in schools.”
The government began ferrying teachers in chartered busses from the capital Dakar to schools in the other regions last week in preparation for schools to reopen.
The ministry said in a separate statement that the bussing has been suspended until further notice.
Senegal was the latest country in the West and Central Africa region to plan restarting schools despite a continuing rise in coronavirus cases.
Cameroon, which has recorded 6 397 coronavirus cases and nearly 200 deaths, resumed classes with the government saying it had put in place health safety measures including regular hand-washing, temperature checks and compulsory wearing of masks.
Schools also resumed in the world’s top cocoa grower Ivory Coast last week, and in neighbouring Burkina Faso on Monday.
In Ghana, President Nana Akufo-Addo said in a speech on Sunday that schools and universities will reopen on June 15 to allow final-year junior high, senior high and university students to prepare for exams.
Ghana has recorded the highest number of coronavirus cases in the region at 8 070 and 36 deaths.

South Africa court rules lockdown regulations unconstitutional

A South African court has found some coronavirus lockdown regulations imposed by the government “unconstitutional and invalid”.
The case was filed by a community group, Liberty Fighters Network, who challenged the government’s response measures announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa.
The high court in the capital, Pretoria, ruled on Tuesday that “the regulations are not rationally connected to the objectives of slowing the rate of infection or limiting the spread thereof”.
It however suspended the judgement for 14 days to give government time to overhaul the regulations.
The cabinet has said it will “review, amend and republish the regulations” but that the measures will remain in place “for now”, according to a statement.
The country has some of the most stringent coronavirus containment measures in the world.
It eased a month-long lockdown on 1 May after dropping the alert level from level 5 to level 4, and to level 3 on 1 June.
Alcohol sales resumed this week following a two-month ban. All gatherings, except funerals and for work, are still banned.
Travel between provinces is also prohibited, and international flights are cancelled except for those repatriating citizens.
The country has the highest cases of coronavirus on the continent , about 30,000 confirmed so far and 700 deaths.

22 new cases confirmed in Malawi

Malawi has registered 22 new coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours, taking the number of registered cases to 358.
In a statement, Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 Dr. John Phuka said 11 of the cases were identified among Malawian returning from Republic of South Africa.
“Eight were confirmed in Blantyre of which 6 are healthcare workers while 1 is a contact of a confirmed case, two from Lilongwe (1 with travel history to South Africa and 1 still under investigation) and 1 from Ntcheu who recently returned from South Africa,” he said.
Phuka then advised Malawians abroad to take measured to prevent the coronavirus as the Malawians plan to travel back home on their own as others have done recently.
“In recognition and support for the effort the returning Malawians are doing in self-sponsoring their trips, the government will continue to fulfil its obligation of ensuring they have access to transit countries with travel restrictions.
“The government will also continue testing for COVID-19 among all the travelers at the point of entry to ensure that the travellers and the public are protected,” said Phuka.
He also advised those that are COVID-19 positive to follow self-isolation measures until they are cleared by health personnel.

Judicial Services submits names suggested to be new MEC chair

The Judicial Service Commission has today submitted to President Peter Mutharika names of four judges from which he should appoint a new MEC Chairperson.This has been confirmed by the Registrar of both the High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal Agness Patemba.

Breaking News! Schools to re-open in July

The National Planning Taskforce on the Possible Re-opening of Schools, Colleges and Universities has recommended to the Presidential Taskforce on Corona virus that all learning institutions be re-opened on 13 July, 2020.

Breaking News!!! Neno registers coronavirus case

Neno district has registered first case of Covid-19 since its declaration as a pandemic a few months ago.
Health Promotion Officer for Neno, Ganizani Mkwate said the patient travelled back from South Africa with other returning Malawians that were processed upon arrival on Saturday.
“We have her in isolation centre at the community hall where she is being looked after and we are at the moment making plans to meet local leaders and business people at the market to ensure that they should trade with caution as the area is now restricted, ” he said.
Mkwate added that the Health Promotion Office has plans to visit the area of Group Village Head Feremu from where the patient comes from engage counseling and to intensify awareness soon.
Malawi’s number of cases have skyrocketed with the return of nationals who were stuck in foreign land and others using uncharted routes who are not going through screening as per requirement.
Source: Mana Online

Experts from Havard explains how to have sex during lockdown

Having sex could spread the coronavirus - and only abstinence or masturbating are low risk, scientists have warned.
Doctors at Harvard University in Boston have ranked different sexual scenarios based on how likely someone is to catch the coronavirus.
The most risky was having multiple sexual partners from different households, while the least risky was avoiding sex until the virus has disappeared.
They admitted that abstaining from sex was 'not feasible for many' and that doctors should be prepared to discuss how to minimise the risk of patients catching Covid-19 during sex.
Avoiding kissing, wearing masks, and showering before and after sex could reduce the risk of catching the virus, they said.
While phone sex or sexting could be suitable for adults, the researchers warned it could lead to other problems such as blackmail, and that online sexual predation had increased during the pandemic. 
In their study, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the team ranked sexual scenarios in the following order of risk:
  1. Abstinence - No sexual contact of any kind. Behaviour adds no risk of infection, 'though unfeasible for many'.
  2. Masturbation - 'Low risk for infection'.
  3. Sexual activity on digital platforms - Low risk for infection but potential for online abuse, legal complications arising from screenshots, not suitable for minors because of the potential for abuse or illegality.
  4. Sex with people within household - High risk of infection if partner catches the virus outside of the home.
  5. Sex with people from other households - High risk of infection, especially if there are multiple partners. 
The UK Government, as it lifted some strict lockdown rules today, clarified that any physical contact - including sex - with someone who you don't live with is still against the rules.
And a study of 900 adults in Britain found only four out of 10 have had sex since the start of lockdown, with young married couples most likely to have done so.

HRDC to have press briefing on issues of national mportance

Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) is expected to hold a press briefing on issues of national importance at 2 pm in the capital Lilongwe.
Among others the coalition is expected to address the restless continued political violence in most parts of the country as other people have created a no go zone for other political parties.
Adding to that HRDC will also tackle on the issue of attacks of human rights activist in the country.
This morning, the human rights body alleged that suspected Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members are planning to kill one of HRDC members Moya Walita.
Continued attacks on the judiciary by president Peter Mutharika has also been outlined as a key issue to be addressed during the press briefing.
After the Constitutional Court nullified May 21, 2019 presidential elections, Mutharika and his DPP have been accusing the judges of robbing his victory saying the decision did not reflect the will of Malawians.
Covid-19 pandemic and the position of Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) status ahead of fresh presidential elections have also been included to be tackled.

Five people die of Ebola in DRC

Five people, including a 15-year-old girl, have died of Ebola in a fresh outbreak of the virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Nations Children’s Fund said Monday. Nine cases total have been reported, UNICEF said.

SA Satanic Church priest explains why satanism is better than Christianity

Christians acknowledge the Devil. Satanists don’t. These are the words of Riaan Swiegelaar, cofounder and priest of the South African Satanic Church.
Satanism is the most misunderstood religion practised. Practitioners don’t believe in Satan, as most Christians do. They don’t do animal sacrifice and they’re not against Christianity. They have a goal the advertising of religious plurality.
The South African Satanic Church administers services, does Satanic Bible research and conducts community service such as women’s rights and animal welfare are priorities
They are a registered religious organisation. Their main philosophy of Satanism is living free from guilt…they say there is nothing wrong with their natural instincts but it’s about knowing yourself and becoming the optimal version of who you are, say Riaan Swiegelaar the cofounder of the South African Satanic Church.
He grew up in the 80s, at the beginning of the Satanic Panic era, in a very Afrikaans, Christian house. Satanism gets confused with Devil Worship, they do not even acknowledge the being(Satan) that people refer to as the devil. They see Satan as an archetype, an opposer of religious tyranny.
They do not condone animal sacrifice. They believe, as the inheritors of the Earth, that they should be looking after animals and their rights. Riaan Swiegelaar was a pastor in a Christian church. He says when he read the Satanic Bible, he recognised himself coming from the point of questioning things, never feeling you belong in a religion that revere external deities.
Swiegelaar and his devoutly Christian family agree to disagree. They completely respect each other. He says you’ll never find a Satanist disrespecting other beliefs. They believe all religions have their place. He also says they are here to promote religious plurality in South Africa.
“Hail, Satan!” Says Riaan Swiegelaar.

Nigerian Business Man Is Beaten To Death In India

The Nigerian businessman, popularly called Sunny Mike, was beaten to death on Wednesday, May 27, at Palam , New Delhi.
It was gathered that the businessman was accused of theft by an Indian lady which prompted passers-by to beat him till he passed out.
By the time police arrived at the scene, he had died. His body was immediately moved to the morgue and friends and family members took to social media to demand justice.
Reacting to Sunny Mike’s death, NIDCOM shared a video of his brutal beating and wrote: “Our attention has been drawn to above incident of a Nigerian brutally beaten up in Delhi, India.

Derek Chauvin, George Floyd’s murderer, placed under suicide watch after attempting to terminate his life

George Floyd’s suspected murderer Derek Chauvin placed under suicide watch after attempting to take his own life.
Reports coming from the alledged killer of George Floyd is that the ex Minneapolis Police Officer has attempted to terminate his own life as the world seems to be against him.
Multiple sources reported that Derek Chauvin has been placed on a mandatory suicide watch with a camera on his neck to monitor his actions while he is being locked up.
Sources added that Chauvin is being checked every 15 minutes.
It a tradition for the protocol to be initiated whenever a suspect under custody is suspected to have suicide tendency.
Could it be said that the spirit of late George Floyd is already hurting the living?
It is possible that he is already running into serious depression as his world is upside down.

Landlady raped to death by Tenant in Nigeria

Nigereia– A commercial motorcyclist has reportedly  raped his landlady to death in Ado Ekiti, Ekiti state capital.
The shocking incident occurred on Thursday at Olorunda area of the state.
Our source gathered that the mother of three, described by family member as a middle-aged woman was at home alone after her husband had gone to work while the children were said to have gone for holiday coaching when the incident happened.
The suspected tenant was alleged to have broken into the woman’s room, threatened her with a cutlass and tied her up before performing the dastardly act.
It was also gathered that after the act, the tenant fled the house but some of his belongings were found in the room which suggested that he was responsible for the act.
One of the children of the deceased who spoke with our source said he saw the tenant on a bike while coming home but never knew he had killed his mum at home.
The question on the lips of the residents of the area who gathered at the house of the deceased was what strange spirit could have taken possession of the young man to have committed such a dastard act.
The husband of the deceased and her children could not hold their tears as they wept profusely.
The police public Relations Officer, who confirmed the incident, said the police had swung into action to bring the suspect to book.

DR Congo registers new Ebola outbreak

DR Congo on Monday reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in the country’s northwest, just weeks before it hoped to declare the end of another epidemic in the east.
The appearance of the deadly disease on the other side of the vast central African country comes as an added blow as it attempts to also battle the coronavirus pandemic.
Health Minister Eteni Longondo said that “four people have already died” from Ebola in a district of the northwestern city of Mbandaka.
“The National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) has confirmed to me that samples from Mbandaka tested positive for Ebola,” Longondo told a press conference.
“We will send them the vaccine and medicine very quickly,” he said, adding that he planned to visit the site of the outbreak at the end of the week.
The capital of Equateur Province, Mbandaka is a transport hub on the Congo River with a population of more than a million.
Equateur Province was previously hit by an Ebola outbreak between May and July 2018, in which 33 people died and 21 recovered from the disease.
“This is a province that has already experienced the disease. They know how to respond. They started the response at the local level yesterday (Sunday),” Longondo said.
The Ebola epidemic in the country’s volatile east has killed 2,280 people since August 2018, and officials had hoped to be able to proclaimed it over on June 25.
For it to be officially over, there have to be no new cases reported for 42 days — double the incubation period.
In April, the eastern epidemic was just three days away from being declared over when a new case was reported, pushing the date back.
The newest Ebola outbreak is the 11th in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1976.
The conflict-wracked country is also fighting its own coronavirus outbreak, recording 3,195 infections — 2,896 in the capital Kinshasa — and 72 deaths, according to official figures released Monday.

Malawi women movement demand apology over Mutharikas sexual remarks on JB

Malawi women movement demand apology President Peter Mutharika sparked outrage for attacking his predecessor Joyce Banda using lewd and demeaning language during his whistle-stop tour in Thyolo on Monday. Mutharika attacked Banda, accusing her of lying to Malawians in order to dent the image of the Mutharikas and called his predecessor ‘hule’, which literally means a prostitute and madeya.

Private autopsy indicates George Floyd was MURDERED

A medical examiner's office on Monday ruled that George Floyd's death was a homicide as they appeared to walk back initial reports that he wasn't strangled when a Minneapolis cop knelt on his neck during an arrest last week.  
The medical examiner's finding that the death was a homicide by asphyxiation confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause.
A press release from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner said that Floyd, who cried out that he couldn't breathe as Officer Derek Chauvin pinned him down by kneeling on his neck, had 'recent methamphetamine use' and 'fentanyl intoxication' - along with hypertension and coronary artery disease - all of which were possible contributing factors to his death.
But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy of the 46-year-old and two attorneys for his family said that he had no underlying health conditions that may have contributed to his death. 
They argued that not only the officer who was kneeing Floyd's neck killed him, but also two officers who were pressing their weight onto Floyd's back while he was on the ground.
They added that they did not have information on toxicology and any drug or alcohol use by Floyd.

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