
Ugandan prime minister goes into self-isolation after found positive of Covid-19

Uganda's Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda has gone into self-isolation after some of his contacts tested positive of for coronavirus.

Local journalists say cabinet members are being tested for the virus.

Mr Rugunda made the announcement on Twitter:

Why Chelsea, why not Liverpool?

Timo Werner had made no secret of his interest in a switch to Liverpool and working with Jurgen Klopp.

And Klopp made clear to club bosses that he felt Werner would be a good fit at Anfield.
The Germany striker has grown and matured at RB Leipzig, into a prolific goal threat and top level marksman, boasting smart movement and rapid acceleration.
At 24, he has been clear that he wishes to take the next step in his career as he eyes further progression.
That was relayed in meetings and WhatsApp conversations between the pair, while the Kop boss outlined how he saw Werner fitting in on Merseyside, where Sadio Mane, Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah are already in place.
But with the Reds not interested in meeting his £52million release clause - which runs until June 15 - amid ongoing financial uncertainty due to the coronavirus crisis, and a new stand and training ground being paid for Klopp had to climb down and, as Mirror Football reported on May 1, make clear to Werner that a switch wouldn't be happening this summer.

APM worries on how Covid-19 is treated ahead of fresh presidential elections

President Peter Mutharika is concerned with how the novel coronavirus pandemic is being treated in the country ahead of fresh presidential elections.
Mutharika said this via a prerecorded State of National Address (SONA) during the opening of parliament session in Lilongwe.
President Peter Mutharika says the unprecedented Coronavirus has affected the whole world.
He further questioned if it is recommendable to continue with preparations of holding elections in the country or protect people from coronavirus.
After nullifying May 21, 2019 presidential elections, the Constitutional Court ordered that fresh presidential elections should be held within 150 days.
After presidential candidates submitted their nomination papers to Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) political parties are seen on the streets campaigning defying government’s order of social distancing to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Meanwhile, the country has 394 case of coronavirus with 338 active case following 51 recoveries and 4 deaths.

APM Casts Doubt on Credibility of Future Elections In Malawi

Malawi President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has cast doubt on Malawi holding what would be generally agreed as credible elections in future.
Mutharika based his argument on the nullification of the Presidential election by the court on the basis of irregularities which the court did not prove affected the final result in any way.
“With the decision which the Court has made on the issue of irregularities, we will never, never have a valid and credible Election in this country because there will always be some irregularities in any Election. We have set a precedence by which the next Election will be even more disputable,” he said in his State of the Nation on Friday.
Mutharika said Malawi has set a precedence when an election of a Members of Parliament can be nullified just because a well-meaning officer tried to correct a mistake using tippex.
“I was voted by the people as President exactly through the same process that voted for every Member of Parliament and ward councillors…
“From today, anyone can now rush to Court and demand nullification of an Election because an officer corrected an error even if that correction does not affect the result of the Election. Is that the Malawi we want?” he wondered.
President Mutharika said the essence of an Election is that people must go into office by the will of the people. He added that in every modern democracy, the will of the people is in the numbers that vote for us.
Mutharika observed that the Court failed to show or prove that irregularities affected the result of the Election.
“In as far as the result of an Election is intact, then the will of the people prevails. We cannot, and we should never, nullify an Election if any irregularities do not affect the results of the Election. Nullifying an Election is nullifying the will of the people,” he said.
He therefore urged Parliament “to set right what is not right”, apparently through passing relevant legislation.
“I raise these matters before this House because we represent the people. Some of the politicians destroying this country are not even represented in this House.
I raise these matters because I have one plea to Parliament. For the sake of developing our country, for the sake of the people, let us use our authority to set right what is not right,” he said.
Due to coronavirus situation which necessitated reduction of congestion at Parliament, the State of the Nation was a recorded one. It was titled “Balancing Development and Politics: Renewing Our Love for Our Country”.

Chelsea have agreed deal sign Timo Werner from RB Leipzig

Chelsea are closing in on the signing of Timo Werner after agreeing to activate the RB Leipzig striker's £49 million ($62m) release clause, sources have told ESPN.
The Blues have moved ahead of Liverpool in the race for the striker by matching the asking price, with sources telling ESPN that Werner is on the brink of accepting a five-year contract worth £200,000 a week.

Chilima has suspended his tour of Machinga due to the violence

Chilima has since suspended his tour of Machinga due to the violence. 

Speaking through his spokesperson Pilirani Phiri, Chilima has condemned what has happened in Machinga

Earlier today, Suspected DPP/UDF supporters blocked roads and are burning tyres at Mselema in Machinga.
Vice President Saulos Chilima was expected to have whistlestop tour at Ngokwe and Ntaja in the district.
He urges people to react by voting for the Tonse Allaince leadership during the forthcoming fresh presidential polls.
He has since asked Tonse Allaince supporters to remain calm and not avenge what has happened to his entourage in Machinga today.

LinkedIn CEO apologizes after employees make 'appalling' comments during video conference on racial diversity

The CEO of LinkedIn has been forced to apologize after several employees made 'appalling' and 'offensive' comments during a video conference on diversity and inclusion. 
LinkedIn workers from around the world dialed in to the 'virtual town hall' earlier this week so the company could 'reflect on their own biases, practice allyship, and intentionally drive equitable actions' following the death of unarmed black man George Floyd
While the conference call was in session, workers were able to post anonymous comments on a message sidebar on the video chat - and controversy quickly ensued, according to a report in The Daily Beast
One employee posted to the message board: 'George's killers need to be tried according to law. But how can hiring more minorities into manager roles and C-suite positions address cop racism? I thought hiring at LinkedIn is based on merit alone.

Another wrote: 'This tragic incident that happened to George Floyd happened exactly the same to [white man] Tony Timpa by Dallas cops in 2016, and no one seemed to care then. There were no out cry for justice in his case. Why? Should we not want justice for all?'
The controversial comments continued, with another chiming in: 'Do we all understand that racial prejudice is about EVERYONE and can go any direction? Racial prejudice is rampant in tech companies. As a white person, I've experienced it from people of other races too.'

As the conference continued, other LinkedIn employees were allegedly mortified by some of the views of their colleagues. 
'I do not feel safe working at this company in a place where I was already uncomfortable with the treatment I've received on my OWN team since I started. This is so sad,' one wrote. 
'I am COMPLETELY shocked by some of these racist comments from my fellow employees. I am thoroughly disgusted!' raged another 
One employee - who identified as black - wrote that her colleague's comments  'absolutely destroyed me'.

LinkedIn released a report last year which revealed its workforce was 47.5 percent white, 40.3 percent Asian, 5.9 percent Latino and 3.5 percent black. 
In an internal email following the conference call, CEO Ryan Roslansky wrote: 'I have heard people share the pain and frustration they felt at appalling comments shared in the Q&A and chat, and so it's important that I weigh in directly. 
'I said it in the Company Group yesterday, and I will say it again, we are not and will not be a company or platform where racism or hateful speech is allowed.'
He continued: 'Many of you shared the hardest part was realizing that this company we love and hold to such a high standard still has a lot of work to do to educate ourselves and our colleagues on how to create a culture that is truly anti-racist. We will do that work.'
Roslansky also pledged that comments in upcoming conferences would not be allowed to be submitted anonymously. 
'We have to anchor on our values, including having open, honest and constructive conversations and respecting that relationships matter,' he wrote

Seventy Ghana health workers test positive

Seventy health workers in Ghana’s central region have tested positive for coronavirus, according to health authorities.
The country has recorded over 8,000 confirmed cases of the disease, 38 deaths and more than 3,000 recoveries.
The infected health workers are said to be asymptomatic, which means they have not shown symptoms of the virus.
The authorities say some of them did not adhere to safety protocols and got infected from the community.
The central region in southern Ghana has recorded over 400 cases of the virus, and 70 of them are health workers.
President Nana Akufo-Addo has eased restrictions on religious gatherings and has opened schools for final year students despite a rise in cases. But Ghana’s borders remain closed indefinitely.

Which countries have more cases of coronavirus and deaths?

Since first being recorded late last year in China, the Covid-19 coronavirus has spread around the world, and been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. However, differences in testing mean that the number of cases may be understated for some countries.
The number of deaths is a more dependable indicator. The disease has hit certain countries, including Italy, Spain, the UK and the US, with particular cruelty.
Meanwhile in Asia, where the disease began, the spread continues, although in China it seems for now to have passed its peak.

In Europe most countries have closed schools, and many are in lockdown.

Finally, a reminder that most people who contract the disease recover; many may never notice they had it at all.

Man, 35, kills three and wounds seven in a stabbing spree at a Chinese supermarket

Three people were killed and seven wounded in a stabbing spree at a supermarket in rural southeast China, police have said Friday.
The suspected attacker, a 35-year-old man, was arrested shortly after the incident late Thursday in Putian city of Fujian province, said police without specifying the kind of weapon used. 
The incident came just hours after 39 pupils were and staff were wounded in a knife attack at a primary school in southern Chinese region Guangxi

Malawi records 24 new cases of coronavirus

Malawi has registered 24 new COVID-19 cases, and now the country’s tally of coronavirus cases has hit 393.
Co-Chairperson for the Presidential Taskforce on COVID – 19, Dr John Phuka has announced the new cases.
He said four of the new cases have been registered at Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa district.
Eight have been registered in Lilongwe and these include an expectant woman as well six other people who recently travelled India.
Seven of the new cases are in Nsanje and involve persons who have just returned from South Africa
Four of the cases have been recorded in Dedza, with one case in Salima.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has encouraged people to continue following preventive measures to avoid contracting the coronavirus.

Five substitutions will be allowed in games when the Premier League resumes later this month

The premier leagues have agreed to make five substitutions once the league stars on 17 June.

This was agreed at a meeting organized by different stake holders from the league.. 

George Floyd murderer charged with 2nd degree murder

Derek Chauvin, who knelt on Floyd’s neck, has been charged with second-degree murder, up from third-degree murder.
He also faces a second-degree manslaughter charge. The other three are charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter.
US President Donald Trump was rebuked by his former defence secretary, James Mattis, who said he was trying to sow divisions.
Trump’s current defence chief, Mark Esper, also said he opposed Trump’s threat to send in the military to quell unrest.
Trump also outraged faith leaders and protesters for walking to a church near the White House for a photo opportunity, minutes after police used chemical smoke canisters and flash-bangs on peaceful protesters to clear the area.
Protesters have remained undeterred by curfews and the presence of the US National Guard in some cities.
Largely peaceful protests have at times turned violent, with looting and vandalism. Wednesday’s protests remained largely peaceful after curfews took effect.
Those protesting against police brutality have been met with, at times, excessive force by authorities.
Journalists have also been targeted by police. Officers have also been injured in the protests.

MEC warns presiding officers against alteration of results

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has warned presiding officers in the upcoming fresh presidential election against any altering of results as was the case in the annulled poll.
The call was made yesterday at the opening of the Master Trainers’ Orientation in Blantyre.
Undergoing the electoral management training are teachers and some district MEC officers who will then train others in their respective areas.
Many results sheets in last year’s elections were altered by the correctional fluid Tippex for which the Constitutional Court faulted the electoral body’s declared results.

Chilima says APM remarks on judiciary are baseless

State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also Tonse Alliance runningmate has lambasted President Peter Mutharika for accusing the judiciary of plotting his ouster, saying the claims are baseless.
Chilima said this during one of the whistle stop tours held in Mangochi on Thrusday ahead of the forthcoming fresh Presidential polls scheduled for June 23, 2020.
He said Mutharika should remember that the same judges he is accusing were the ones who ruled in favour of Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) for him to be sworn in during the May 2014 elections.
On Monday during a campaign tour in Thyolo, Mutharika described the decision of the courts to nullify his 2019 reelection as a judicial coup.
“Everybody knows that I won the 2019 Election! If the Court had chosen to follow the law and evidence of the Election Case, we wouldn’t be going to another Election,” Mutharika was quoted as saying during the campaign rally.
Mutharika continuous attack on the Judiciary continues to attract mixed reactions from the general public with many warning him to tread carefully on the matter.

Chilima Invades Mangochi, urges residents to vote for Chakwera

Chilima storms Mangochi, drums up support for Chakwera: ‘Tonse intact’Vice-President Saulos Chilima is in Mangochi holding whistle-stop meetings as the battle for the eastern region’s votes intensifies ahead of the fresh presidential elections scheduled for June 23. Chilima is touting Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera, his electoral partner in Tonse Alliance, as the ticket to a better Malawi where people will live […]
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Bruno Fernandes broke down in tears after landing at Man Utd

BRUNO FERNANDES broke down in tears after landing his transfer to Manchester United as he says "I fought all my life for this club".
The Portuguese midfielder has hit the ground running at Old Trafford since his £55million move from Sporting Lisbon in January.

Fernandes remembers his hero Cristiano Ronaldo making the switch to Old Trafford in 2003 which left him hoping that one day he too could reach the great heights of the five-time Ballon d'Or winner in Manchester.
He admits he was overcome with emotion when he was told he would finally be completing his dream move.
He told Mario Djurovski in an Instagram Live interview: "You know, I will say the truth that I was scared.
"It was a dream [come true] but it was a big dream.
"For me, playing in England and for Manchester [United] was the highest part of my career. To play in the Premier League, for one of the best teams in the world.
"When I received the call saying, ‘Bruno, you have the chance of moving to Manchester’ I called my wife, my brother, my sister, my mother and just started crying.
"But I was crying through happiness. I fought all my life for this, for this top club. The chance was here and I needed to take it with both hands, to follow my dream.
"My family knew since the beginning that I wanted to be a footballer, they knew my big dream was to be in the Premier League and to play for Manchester."

Ronaldo is thought to have helped pulled the strings in Fernandes' move to Old Trafford by talking to his Portugal team-mate and Red Devils boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
Fernandes told the Manchester United website in January: "I talked about Manchester United with Cristiano. He just said good things about United.
"He said he started living his dream here and he started being a really good player here.
"I think he is happy with my transfer and I also talked with Ole and he said he asked Cristiano about me and he said good things about me which is good.
"Cristiano plays with me in the national team and he knows me, and for me he’s a good person. I want to follow his steps."
Before the coronavirus crisis put the season on standby, United were on an 11-match unbeaten run in all competitions and up to fifth spot in the Premier League, pushing for a Champions League place.
They have looked like a completely different team since the January transfer window, having signed Fernandes and secured Odion Ighalo on a loan deal which was recently extended for another six months.
The Portuguese ace has made nine appearances and scored three — including two penalties, and providing four assists.

MDF welcomes new soilders

Commander of the Malawi Defence Force, General Peter Namathanga, has urged newly inducted soldiers to be apolitical in discharging duties.
General Namathanga says is "aware of current political environment in the country and comments made against us" saying MDF's mandate is clear in the Malawi constitution.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Defence Chipiliro Mpinganjira says government is committed to reducing youth unemployment in the country hence recruitment of the 785 soldiers who have been inducted today at the Malawi Armed Forces College.

Top 10 highest earning footballers, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi on top

The pair have had a long-standing rivalry at the top of the world game, and they are also doing battle for the crown of the highest earning player on the planet in 2020.
Cristiano Ronaldo has pipped Lionel Messi to the crown of the highest earning footballer in the world in a new list revealed by Forbes.
A combination of his wages and prize money for playing on the pitch and endorsements off it sees Ronaldo's earnings reach a staggering £85.8million in 2020, ensuring that he is behind only Roger Federer when it comes to the world's highest earning sports stars.
Messi is third on that list but second when it comes to footballers, with his fortune of £83.4million slightly reduced by Barcelona's decision to cut their squad's wages amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Next on the list is Neymar in third with a cool £76.6million, with the Brazilian earning some £20million when it comes to his endorsement deals.
Liverpool star Mohamed Salah is next on the list to make him to the highest-earning Premier League player, but the Egyptian's reserves are dwarfed by the top three.  

Salah is raking in £28.2million this calendar year, but is said to be in line for even more in endorsement deals when Liverpool are finally able to get their hands on the Premier League trophy.

The top 10 highest paid footballers in 2020 (Forbes)

1. Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) - £85.8m
2. Lionel Messi (Barcelona) - £83.4m
3. Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) - £76.6m
4. Mohamed Salah (Liverpool) - £28.2m
5. Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint-Germain) - £27.1m
6. Andres Iniesta (Vissel Kobe) - £23.7m
7. Mesut Ozil (Arsenal) - £23m
8. Paul Pogba (Manchester United) - £22.8m
9. Oscar (Shanghai SIPG) - £22m
10. Antoine Griezmann (Barcelona) - £21.4m

Timo Werner's Liverpool transfer is 'effectively done'

TIMO WERNER'S agent has reportedly told Manchester United and Chelsea to stop wasting their time as the deal to take the German to Liverpool is effectively done.
The RB Leipzig star has been linked with the Reds for months before their Premier League rivals developed recent interest.

But the 24-year-old's representatives have told them not to bother, according to the Transfer Window podcast.
Transfer expert Ian McGarry said: "Werner has agreed personal terms with Liverpool.
"On a five-year contract that will pay the player around £140,000-a-week.

"It has been widely reported that Chelsea and Manchester United have been interested in the player.
"Our information is that's not the case.
"The reason for that is that they believe and have been told by the player's representatives that a deal is effectively done to Liverpool.
"And effectively they would be wasting their time."

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