
Mnangagwa fires Health Minister, Dr. Obadiah Moyo

Zimbabwean Health Minister Dr. Obadiah Moyo has been fired over alleged involvement in the $60 million COVID-19 scandal that also roped in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s family.
In a statement on Tuesday, Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr. Misheck Sibanda announced that Moyo has been relieved of his duties by Mnangagwa.
“In terms of section 340, subsection (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the President has removed Dr Obadiah Moyo form the office of Cabinet Minister with immediate effect for conduct inappropriate for a Government Minister,” the statement read.
The embattled minister was arrested last month for allegedly awarding a lucrative tender to Drax International for the supply of COVID-19 drugs and personal protective equipment, despite being fully aware that the company was not a pharmaceutical entity but a consultancy firm.
A proxy of the United Arab Emirates registered company Drax International, Delish Nguwaya is currently in prison after his arrest last month.
Moyo’s dismissal comes amid mounting pressure by Zimbabwean anti-corruption organizations and political parties who are demanding the president fire all his corrupt government officials.
July 31 has been set as the day for a “national protest” against corruption and political challenges.

MRADeputy Director General Rosa Mbirizi denied request to change car ownership

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has rejected a request by Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) Deputy Director General Rosa Mbirizi to change ownership of her car Toyota Hilux Reg number MH 3603 to be in the name of Mr Lawson Mtasa.
This has been disclosed in a letter dated July 2, 2020 addressed to Mbirizi signed by ACB Chief Investigations Officer Mr V.J Liwonde.
“You referred to the Bureau a list of requests on the above subject under your three letters dated 30th, 1st July and 2nd July 2020.
“We have examined our records and establish that there is no reason for stopping the change of ownership as requested for the vehicles on the attached lists. However, the Bureau has not cleared the vehicle listed below because the proposed transfer is being scrutinized,” reads in part the letter.
Mbirizi is being accused of being a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cadets and is under investigations for authorizing the former President Peter Mutharika to import 400,000 bags of cement on duty free.

Village Headman Commits Suicide in Dowa

Murder under Indian Penal Code: All you need to know about it
Village headman Kaluma born Kachalo Chingondo 62, has died suddenly after hanging himself in a tree.
This occurred on July 7,2020 at around 04:00 hrs at Maluma village in the area of traditional aurthority Dzoole in Dowa District.
According to the reporter, the village head was married. Lately he had been complaining of different nightmares which could culminate into screaming whilst asleep.On July 6,2020 during the night he slept well and during midnight he work up complaining the same.
He then started going out and back repeatedly without saying anything.At around 04:00 hrs when he went out he did not come back.
This made the wife to follow him up but she was not successful.
She then alerted relatives and his children who after searching he was found hanging in the gardern.
Matter was reported to Mponela Police.Upon receipt of the information CID officers accompanied by a medical personnel from Mponela rural hospital visited scene.
Postmorterm conducted has revealed that death was due to suffocation secondary to strangulation.
Kachalo Chingondo hailed from Maluma village in the area of Traditional Aurthority Dzoole in Dowa District .
In a related development another man identified as Fred Chambakata 38, who was of unsound mind has also hanged himself in a tree for guilty conscious after been found stealing maize.
This occured between the night of July 6 to 7, in Mphwamphwa village in the same traditional authority.
Fred was found stealing maize, he then escaped to unknown place. On the following day, he was found hanging in a tree behind his uncle’s house.
Medical report revealed that death was due to suffocation secondary to strangulation.

Malawi is now second to South Africa in the SADC Region on number of recorded Coronavirus cases

Malawi News Agency Online - Corona virus affects sport betting
Malawi is now second to South Africa in the SADC Region on number of recorded Coronavirus cases.
As of Wednesday, Malawi had registered 1877 confirmed cases, with the total number of active cases on 1508.
This means the country has surpassed Zambia which has 1632 and Eswatini which has less than a thousand of confirmed cases.
Out of the total cases registered, the country has recorded 24 deaths and 345 recoveries.
On Tuesday, Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 announced 59 new cases, just 24 hours after recording 76 cases.
By Tuesday, Malawi had conducted 17693 tests but the number of cases might go up if more people gets tested.
The situation in Malawi forced President Lazarus Chakwera to cancel the 6th July Independence Celebrations that were slated for Bingu Nation Stadium on Monday.
Instead, the Malawi leader, who was expected to be inaugurated on the same occasion, was forced to get inaugurated at Kamuzu Barracks to minimise the spreading of the virus.
Though schools remain closed, the number of cases are likely to increase due to the winter period being experienced in the landlocked nation.
On Monday, Independent Schools Association of Malawi (ISAMA) released a statement on the opening dates for private owned schools and colleges but the move was quickly turned down by the Ministry of Education.
In the SADC Region, South Africa has recorded the highest number of cases, 205721, with 3310 fatalities and 97848 recoveries.
A lockdown remains in place in most parts of the Rainbow nation.
The country with the least number of cases is Lesotho with 91, seconded by Botswana which has registered 277 cases as of Wednesday.

Pastor arrested for raping his daughter

NIGERIA – 44-year-old Pastor Oluwafemi Oyebola of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), Ogo Oluwa parish in Nigeria has been arrested by men of the state police command for allegedly raping his daughter on several occasions, getting her pregnant three times and forcing her to go through abortions each time.
The accused pastor was arrested following a complaint by his 24-year-old daughter. The victim had reported at the Owode-Egbado divisional headquarters that her father has been forcefully having sex with her since 2015 shortly after the demise of her mother. She told the Police that she got pregnant for her father three times but he took her to a nurse who terminated the pregnancies, each time .
She told the police that after the third pregnancy was terminated, her father did family planning for her so as not to get pregnant any longer. She got tired of his evil act and summoned the courage to report an NGO, Advocacy For Children And Vulnerable Persons Network who led her to the police station.
Confirming the incident, the spokesperson of the state police command, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, said the pastor was immediately arrested after the case was reported at the police station.
“On interrogation, the suspect made a confessional statement that all that his daughter said was nothing but the whole truth.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police, CP Kenneth Ebrimson, has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to the Anti-human Trafficking and Child Labour Unit of the state Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID) for further investigation and prosecution” Oyeyemi said
Source: naijagbedu

Ngumuya Test Positive For Covid-19

Former Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South Constituency Allan Ngumuya has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
Ngumuya confirmed of the development on Tuesday.
The gospel Musician cum politician has since been admitted to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) where he receiving treatment.
“Please tell everyone that I have tested Covid-19 positive and I have been admitted to queens. Let everyone stay safe Covid-19 is real,” he said.
Ngumuya adds to the number of high profile people to test positive for the virus.

Mpinganjira’s bribery case adjourned to July 29

The High Court in Blantyre has adjourned the case involving businessman Thomson Mpinganjira to July 29.
The case, which is being presided by Judge Dorothy DeGabrielle, went to court today via Zoom video call as a Covid-19 precautionary measure.
Mpinganjira is suspected to have attempted to bribe Constitutional Court judges who were handling the 2019 presidential results case.
He was arrested in January this year by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

More Covid-19 cases in Malawi

Malawi has registered 76 new COVID-19 cases, no new recoveries, and no new death.
Of the new cases, 31 from Mzuzu, 18 are from Lilongwe, 15 from Blantyre, four each from Mzimba South and Mchinji, three from Mwanza, one from Karonga.
Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 1818 cases including 19 deaths. Of these cases, 703 are imported infections and 1042 are locally transmitted while 73 are still under investigation.
Cumulatively, 317 cases have now recovered bringing the total number of active cases to 1484.
The country has so far conducted 17,406 COVID-19 tests in 39 COVID-19 testing sites.

Malawi Member of Parliament Test Positive for Covid-19

Reports reaching this publication indicate that a Member of Parliament has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
According to a statement from the August House, the legislature has been admitted at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QENCH) and all his relation have been quarantined.
Parliament has however asked all members of the house to voluntarily go for testing.
“Following this development, Parliament is urging all Honourable Members, Staff and their close family relations to go for voluntary testing,” reads the statement.
The statement added that chairperson for the Presidential Task Force Dr. John Phuka has been engaged to look at the measures of addressing the situation.
“The Business Committee of the House has since held a meeting with Dr. John Phuka, Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 to look at measures of addressing the situation,”
Parliament further wishes to remind Members of Parliament, and Staff to adhere to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 preventive measures and the measures that the Parliament of Malawi has put in place to curb the further spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Ansha feels victimized ‘I am Not a Criminal’

Jane Ansah stopped from fleeing Malawi | Malawi 24 - Malawi news
Former Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah has said she feels victimized and threatened after she was stopped from exiting the country.
Yesterday, Ansah was stopped by immigration officers’ at Mchinji boarder as she was travelling to Zambia on her way to United Kingdom.
According to the immigration officers, they needed a clearance to let Ansah out of the country.
In her remarks, Ansah alleged that she was stopped by police officers at Namitete roadblock on ”orders from above” and had to wait for 15 minutes before she was allowed to proceed.
Ansah also indicated that she was referred from one office to the next to get a travel permit.
She has since said she is not a criminal and is entitled to enjoy freedom of movement just like everybody else.

Man sentenced to 10 years

The Nkhata Bay First Grade Magistrate Court sitting at Chintheche has convicted and sentenced 69 year old Richard Munthali to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 14 year old girl at Chintheche.
State prosecutor, Sub Inspector George Manda told the court that the convict had, since 2018, been giving the girl different gifts such as clothes, a school bag and a uniform and having sex with her.
The convict was later, in 2019, caught making love with the girl at his work place where he was working as a watchman.
This was reported to the victim's parents who took the matter to Chintheche police.
Munthali was later arrested and charged with defilement which contravenes section 138 of the Penal Code.
Medical examination conducted on the victim proved that the convict was really sleeping with her.
Appearing in court, Munthali denied the charge.
However, testimonies by three witnesses helped the court to find the man guilty.
Before the court passed sentence, prosecutor Manda said the behaviour displayed by the convict was dangerous. He therefore prayed for a stiffer punishment to deter the would-be offenders.
In mitigation, the convict told the court that he looks after his family hence prayed for leniency.
When passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Robert Makaika quashed the mitigiting factors and concurred with the state.
He therefore ordered Munthali, who hails from Watcha Village in the area of TA Malanda in the district to serve a 10-year jail term with effect from the date of arrest.
-Nkhatabay Police report-

More Covid-19 cases in Malawi

Image result for covid 19
Malawi has registered highest number of cases within 24 hours with 129 new Cases bringing total recorded cases to 1742 with two new deaths.
Heres the statement from the Presidential Taskforce on Covid-19.
Of the new cases, 48 are from Lilongwe, 41 from Blantyre, 15 from Mzuzu, 10 from Mzimba South, four in Mwanza, two each from Mangochi, Nkhata bay, Balaka and
Thyolo, one each from Neno, Zomba and Dedza.
Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 1742 cases including 19 deaths, 317 recoveries and 1406 active cases.
The country has so far conducted 16,807 COVID-19 tests in 39COVID-19 testing sites.

5 natural ways to improve your sex drive

Though diet and exercise help to improve sex drive, some herbs and fruits also help as sex stimulants.
While you are looking for supplements and artificial ways to improve and boost your sex drive, there are natural ways to do.
Though diet and exercise help to improve sex drive, some herbs and fruits also help as sex stimulants.
There are some herbs that are natural sex boosters.
Here are 5 different kinds of herbs and fruits that will boost your sex drive

1. Ginger

Ginger is a common type of root spice originally grown in China.
Ginger has a very strong aroma. Though ginger is used to help indigestion, ginger serves as a sex booster.
It helps to increase the sexual performance. Ginger contains gingerol which is related to capsaicin that is found in chilli pepper.
Gingerol gives a sudden warmth to the body, that increases blood flow which increases sexual arousal for both man and woman and improved penis erection for the man.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is known to be a natural viagra.
It contains phytonutrients called citrulline which relaxes the blood vessels and improves circulation of blood around the genitals.
It helps to treat erectile dysfunction and increase the libido. Unlike viagra, consuming watermelon doesn’t have side effects.

3. Banana

Banana is another fruitthat boosts sexual. Banana helps to boost the libido with the presence of bromelain.
Bromelain is an enzyme which increases the libido and helps to fight impotence in men.
Banana is also rich in potassium and contains a vitamin called riboflavin which increases the body’s overall energy levels.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng is a fleshy root plant that comes in different varieties. But the most common types of ginseng are the American ginseng and Asian ginseng.
But the Asian ginseng is best in boosting libido. Studies have shown that ginseng helps to boost the testosterone in men, which means it makes the men function more in bed.
Also, ginseng helps to improve erection of men with erectile dysfunction and it reduces infertility in men.

5. Honey

Honey is also a sexual stimulant.
The honey base contains a type of mineral by the name boron which boosts testosterone in men and also putting oestrogen to good use.
Daily and regular intake of honey helps to boost sperm cells production and also aids in the revitalisation of both the male and female reproductive organs

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