
Global coronavirus cases hit 20million and more than 734,000 people have now died in the pandemic

 The global number of Covid-19 cases has reached 20million and more than 734,000 people have now died, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre.

The grim milestone was reached in the early hours of Tuesday morning, UK time, with 20,011,186 cases worldwide.

A quarter (five million) of diagnosed infections have been in the US, where daily cases are continuing to rise.

Brazil comes second, having reached three million cases, followed by India (2.2million), Russia (almost 900,000) and South Africa (560,000). 

Health officials believe the real figure of cases worldwide is in fact far higher due to testing limitations and the fact as many as 40 per cent of people infected have no symptoms. 

The US has also suffered the most deaths at 163,331, while there have been 101,000 in Brazil, 52,000 in Mexico, 46,611 in the UK and more than 44,000 in India.

A quarter (five million) of diagnosed infections have been in the US

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