
How Ammonium Nitrate Caused Deadly Blast In Lebanon

A large stockpile of ammonium nitrate is believed to have caused the explosion in the Port of Beirut.

An explosion at a warehouse in the Port of Beirut, Lebanon, killed more than 70 people and left more than 4,000 people injured on Tuesday. In the aftermath of the explosion, videos uploaded to social media show plumes of red-brown smoke and the apocalyptic extent of the destruction, with buildings leveled for miles. According to a report by Al Jazeera, Lebanon Prime Minister Hassan Diab said the explosion was fueled by a stockpile of over 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate, confiscated and stored for approximately six years at the port.

The explosive potential of ammonium nitrate is well understood and has been used in numerous terrorist attacks including the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. So what is ammonium nitrate, why is it explosive and why do we use it?

Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound containing the element nitrogen (as well as hydrogen and oxygen) and is commonly used in agriculture as fertilizer. Plants rely on photosynthesis, converting sunlight to energy using chlorophyll. Nitrogen is an essential element for this process and ammonium nitrate is particularly good, compared with other fertilizers, at delivering plants nutrients.
It’s also an explosive compound and is used around the world in mining and construction operations requiring detonations. Under normal conditions, the chemical is highly stable. It can explode after exposure to contaminants or fuel oil and then heated, which sets off a cascade of reactions.

When heated to above 170 degrees Fahrenheit, ammonium nitrate begins to undergo decomposition. But with rapid heating or detonation, a chemical reaction can occur that converts ammonium nitrate to nitrogen and oxygen gas and water vapor. The products of the reaction are harmless — they’re found in our atmosphere — but the process releases huge amounts of energy.
“The idea in making any sort of explosive is to go from a high energy compound to a low energy one,” explains Ian Rae, a professor at the University of Melbourne. “The energy given out is what you get as explosive power.”
This also requires pressure to build up in a confined space, without being able to dissipate. Burning ammonium nitrate in an open field, for instance, isn’t likely to result in an explosion, Rae said.
Additionally, in the explosion, not all of the ammonium nitrate is used up and exploded. Some of it decomposes slowly creating toxic gases like nitrogen oxides. It’s these gases that are responsible for the red-brown plume of smoke seen in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, Rae said.

After the fireball erupts in the video above, you can immediately see the shock wave expanding away from the blast. Moisture in the air is quickly condensed, forming a white sphere around the explosion zone. It’s not clear what else may have been ignited or exploded in the blast — or what was stored at the docks — but Prime Minister Diab is expected to make this information known “soon,” according to The Guardian.

Because of ammonium nitrate’s explosive potential, countries and unions impose strict regulations on how to store and process it. “It is generally kept under controlled conditions and modified volumes to minimize chances of explosion,” says Brent Kaiser, a plant biologist at the University of Sydney. In Australia, the storage and use of ammonium nitrate is monitored to prevent these types of explosions occurring, Kaiser said.

The accidental detonation of ammonium nitrate has resulted in a number of accidents in the last century. In 2015, explosions partly caused by the detonation of around 800 tons of ammonium nitrate rocked the Beijing port of Tianjin, killing 173 people.

An explosion of ammonium nitrate was responsible for the worst industrial accident in US history in 1947. A ship in the harbor of Texas City, Texas, carrying approximately 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate caught fire, supposedly via a discarded cigarette, causing a series of explosions that killed 581 people.
Two explosions are said to have rocked the port. Though the causative agent of the larger, second explosion appears to be ammonium nitrate, the full scale of the devastation in Lebanon isn’t yet completely understood and an investigation will be performed. “What happened today will not come to pass without accountability,” Diab said. He has also announced that Wednesday will be a national day of mourning in the country and the port and surrounding region has been declared a disaster zone.

“This is clearly a very significant explosion, and the reported number of deaths is likely to be far higher than currently identified,” said David Caldicott, a senior clinical lecturer in medicine at the Australian National University.

Watch How The Explosion Started>>>>

Govt Identifies Land For Construction of Military Hospital Identified

Deputy Minister of Defense has revealed that a site for construction of Military Referral Hospital has been identified.

The minister responsible Jean Sendeza made the revelation on Tuesday when she met the state vice president Saulos Chilima.

According to Sendeza, the land for the hospital has been identified in Lilongwe, Area 35.

Commenting on the matter, Chilima said there is a need for commercializing the Malawi Defense Force (MDF) and establishment of the Military Hospital is one of the process.

Chilima further said that he told the minister to prioritize the construction of the hospital since it is five years behind the schedule.

“I quickly suggested to the Minister that the hospital should be a priority because it has been five years behind schedule. And I am glad that the Minister reported that land has already been identified in Area 35 in Lilongwe,” Chilima said.

The vice president further said that the hospital once finalized will provide health services to Malawians and help government to save forex on foreign medical referrals.

Russia's worst-ever serial killer - who has confessed to killing 83 women - wishes he had been executed

Former policeman Mikhail Popkov, 56, (pictured) is currently serving a life sentence at a penal colony in Mordovia after being convicted of killing 81 women - many of whom he also raped

Russia's worst-ever serial killer, who has confessed to killing 83 women and has been branded The Werewolf, has said he wishes he had been executed.

Former policeman Mikhail Popkov, 56, is currently serving a life sentence at a penal colony in Mordovia after being convicted of killing 81 women - many of whom he also raped.

The serial killer, who only recently admitted to another two murders in the 1990s, has now expressed 'regret' for the first time over his reign of terror.

But police believe his final toll will be higher still with a senior investigator working on the case predicting more than 100 and possibly 'closer to 200'

In Nigeria, Fake COVID-19 Taskforce Officials Were Caught While Raping A Girl In A Bus

According to reports, some hoodlums parading as COVID-19 Taskforce Officials have caught red-handed, sexually molesting a young girl in Nkpor, Anambra State
The incident occurred on Tuesday, August 4, at Nkpor, Idemili North local government area of Anambra state, southeastern Nigeria.

It was gathered that, the angry residents of the area mobilized and destroyed their vehicle, as soon as it was confirmed that they were just hoodlums, posing the COVID-19 Taskforce.

Sources revealed that the Assailants were caught in the act, molesting a young girl, whose clothes and underwears could be seen in bus. They had reportedly arrested her for not wearing a face mask as directed by health officials and proceeded to carry out the act.

Here’s what an eyewitness said;

“Hoodlums parading themselves as COVID-19 task force were caught molesting and a having carnal knowledge of a young girl inside their vehicle at Nkpor – whom they claimed flouted the law mand ating the wear of Facemask in the State.”

Cash Madam And Friends Granted Bail

Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate Violet Chipawo has granted bail to Mera CEO Collins Magalasi and two other Mera officials, Patrick Maulidi and Bright Mbewe as well as businessperson Dorothy Shonga who are being accused of fraud and money laundering.

On Monday, the court denied the three bail on grounds that they will interfere with witnesses if released on bail.

Magalasi, his business associate Dorothy Shonga and Mera Public Relations Officer Patrick Maulidi are answering three counts of fraud, money laundering and entering into a contract with an employee through a K107 million procurement deal.

Lack of Trade Unions fueling sexual harassment in work places

Sexual harassment at work: 10 myths busted - Personnel Today

Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has expressed worry over lack of Trade Unions in the country.

According to MCTU, the shortfall of such unions is the main reason the country has high records of sexual harassment.

The Union further has revealed that a lot of women I work places suffer in silence due to lack of platforms to file their complaints.

Giving out an example, MCTU, cited the state funded broadcaster Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) that it has high record of sexual harassment cases.

According to MCTU this is so because MBC does not allow its workers to join Unions.

4 clerics of CCAP Blantyre Synod, back to work

Blantyre Synod of the CCAP Church has withdrawn a complaint against some of its ministers and has lifted suspension it imposed on them about two months ago.

Four ministers were suspended after they publicly accused the Synod of playing partisan party politics ahead of the June Fresh presidential Elections.

General Secretary for the Synod, Reverend Dr. Billy Gama, says the matter has been solved internally.

“We have resolved the issues administratively and internally. We don’t have outstanding issues with anybody. We have one synod and it is Blantyre synod and one family,” Dr. Gama said.

The communication which was sent to the ministers seen by Zodiak Online says that there are, therefore, no ongoing disciplinary processes against them in the spirit of peaceful coexistence.

“By copy of this letter, your respective Presbyteries are advised of this development and you may proceed with your pastoral duties as before,” reads the letter.


1. Dr. Samson Lembani, Chief Advisor on Public Policy and Governance - Kasiya, Lilongwe
2. Mr. Chancellor Kaferapanjira, Chief Economic Advisor. - Malembo Vge, T/A Khongoni, Lilongwe.
3. Mr. Chris Chaima Banda, Chief Advisor on Strategy and Manifesto Implementation - Lilongwe
4. Mr Prince Kapondamgaga, Chief of Staff, State Residences - Lilongwe
5. Lexten Kachama, Deputy Chief of Staff statehouse - T/A Kalolo, Lilongwe.
6. John Bizwick, MRA Commissioner General - Dedza
7. Wilson Banda, RBM Governor - Lilongwe
8. Zangazanga Chikhosi - Chief secretary to government - Lilongwe
9. Hon. Richard Chimwendo Banda, Minister of Homeland Security - Dowa
10. Hon. Eisenhower Mkaka, Minister of Foreign Affairs - Lilongwe
11. Hon. Ulemu Msungama, Minister of Sports - Lilongwe
12. Hon. Lobin C. Lowe, Minister of Agriculture - Lilongwe
13. Hon. Felix Mlusu, Minister of Finance - Lilongwe
14. Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, Minister of Health - Kasungu
15. Hon. Kenny Kandodo, Minister of Labour - Kasungu
16. Hon. Newton Kambala, Minister of Energy - Lilongwe
17. Hon. Nancy Tembo, Minister of Forestry & Natural Resources - Dedza
18. Hon. Sosten Gwengwe, Minister of Trade - Lilongwe
19. Hon. Agnes Nkusa Nkhoma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture - Mchinji
20. Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa, Dep. Minister of Education - Kasungu
21. Hon. Halima Alima Daud, Dep. Minister of Local Govt - Dowa
22. Mrs. Colleen Zamba, Chief Advisor on Sustainable Development Goals and International Relations - Lilongwe
23. Gideon Kalumbu, State Residences Director of Finance - Lilongwe
24. Christina Chatika, PS Trade- Lilongwe
25. Patrick Zimpita, Ps Transport - Lilongwe
26. Mr Peter Simbani, Ps Industry- Ntchisi
27. Mr Kennedy Nkhoma, Ps Homeland security- Dowa

Man jailed for defiling two teen sisters in Nkhota-Kota

A 27 year-old-man in Nkhota-Kota has been sentenced to six and seven years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling two sisters in a row.

The incident occurred on July 10, 2020, at Chiperera village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhanga in the district.

The sisters, aged 9 and 12, were enticed by the convict with K200 so as not to reveal to anyone.

Police Prosecutor Inspector Wilson Asibu told the court that the two went to Chiterera traditional dance at night and they met the convict, Edward Banda, who is also their neighbor.

Banda called the minors into his house and enticed them with a K200 banknote to share amongst themselves.

He then fulfilled his libidinous desire with a warning to kill them if they attempted to spill the beans.

The issue came to light after the victims' mother noticed that one of the daughters had difficulties in walking.

The suspect was arrested and appeared before Nkhotakota First Grade Magistrate court on July 29.

First Grade Magistrate Fred Juma Chilowetsa convicted and sentenced Banda to 6 and 5 years imprisonment with hard labour on two counts of defilement.

The victims and the convict all hail from Chiperera village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhanga in Nkhotakota.

councilors, chiefs in Thyolo agree to reject Dr. Medson Matchaya as district commissioner


A final decision has been made by councilors and chiefs in Thyolo district rejecting Dr. Medson Matchaya as their District Commissioner.

The decision was made during a three hour emergency council meeting held on Monday.

The district council chairperson Sandram Maulana told Zodiak Online after the meeting that reasons for rejecting Dr. Matchaya are reports that he messed up things in Nkhotakota because of his arrogance and poor financial management.

“We cannot accept an officer who was chased away from another district after messing up things there but we are ready to accept any DC except Dr. Matchaya,” said Councilor Maulana.

But Traditional Authority Khwethemule said a decision to reject Dr. Matchaya was made by majority of council members but he said he sees no wisdom rejecting him based on rumors without first appreciating his performance.

“The minority was against the decision to reject Dr. Matchaya and in the end a consensus reached is that he should not come to Thyolo but as for me I would have loved we allowed him to come and then see his performance other than rejecting him basing on rumors,” said T/A Khwethemule.

Speaking to Zodiak Online in an interview Executive Director of National Local Government Finance Committee under the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Mr. Alufeyo Banda said his coming was to hear from the councilors and chiefs reasons for rejecting Dr. Matchaya as their DC and he said the Ministry will make its determination on the matter.

“As of now Thyolo has no DC and we will appoint someone to act as the DC in two days to come while waiting for the ministry’s determination,” said Banda.

Last week Monday and Tuesday councilors, chiefs and concerned citizens sent two letters separately to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development rejecting Dr. Matchaya as the new DC and a day later the council’s staff wrote the Ministry accepting him as the DC.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Muhlabase Mughogho acknowledged receiving the letters.

“As the ministry we cleared Dr. Matchaya of any wrong doing and he was transferred from Nkhotakota because of the prevailing situation,” said Mughogho.

Dr. Matchaya was going to Thyolo to replace Justin Kathumba who has gone to Neno to replace Blessings Nkhoma who is now in Nkhotakota.

41-year-old man in cooler for illegal possession of Hippo teeth

Poacher arrested over hippo's teeth | Face Of Malawi
A 41-year-old man is in the police cooler in Mangochi for illegal possession of specimen of endangered species contrary to Section 110(b) of National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Mangochi Police Deputy Spokesperson, Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi, who has identified the suspect as Matola Ishmael, said they arrested him with the hippo teeth on the evening of August 2, 2020 in the area of Traditional Authority Chowe in Mangochi.

“On this particular day, Wildlife Crime Investigation Unit Officers were tipped by members of the public that the said suspect was offering for sale pieces of raw ivory.

“The officers, in conjunction with Mangochi Police detectives, rushed to the scene and arrested Ishmael after they found him with nine pieces of hippopotamus teeth,” Said Daudi.

However, Tepani Daudi said Preliminary investigations have also revealed that on July 27, 2020, the National Parks and Wildlife officers killed a hippo in the area after villagers complained that the dangerous animal was destroying farm produce around the area.

Tepani Daudi said Ishmael will appear before court after investigations are completed and she thanked the members of the public for their support in the fight against wildlife crime in the district.

Cleaners at Thyolo district hospital down tools to force employers to pay two months salaries

Cleaners at Thyolo district hospital working under Zamathu Investment have put down their tools in attempt to force their employer pay them their two months salaries.

The cleaners who are 37 in total told us their employer has been playing hide and seek games each time they ask for their salaries which they say is K25, 000 each per month.

They said up until today, they have not been paid their June and July salaries.

“We have been working at Thyolo district hospital since 2014 with two different companies and were receiving their salaries in time but since the coming of Zamathu Investment in July, 2019, we have been struggling to receive our already meager salaries,” said the cleaners.

They said they started boycotting work on Monday afternoon to force their employer pay them their two month salary arrears.

6 rescued from traffickers

Police in Mchinji district has rescued six people including a two-year-old who were being trafficked into neighboring Zambia.

The alleged trafficker, James Dunde, has been detained while the victims are also in safe custody at Mchinji police since yesterday.

Preliminary findings show that the six people were being taken to work on a tobacco farm in Zambia.

2 in-cooler over theft by trick in Mulanje

A 29 year old man is in police custody in Mulanje for allegedly stealing K500, 000 from his business partner by trick before raping his wife.

Mulanje Police Spokesperson Sub-Inspector Gresham Ngwira said it is alleged that Frank Mtambo borrowed K500, 000 from his partner (name withheld) who stays at Mponela in Dowa district and he promised to give him a Sienta vehicle as collateral.

He said the business partner in company of his wife travelled to Mulanje to Mtambo’s house to collect the vehicle.

“While discussing the vehicle issue, Mtambo changed the subject and convinced his partner to seek charms from a herbalist identified as Goliati Walasi for wealth accumulation,” said Ngwira.

Ngwira said the man collected the charms and Mtambo advised him to send his wife there to collect additional charms.

“Unsuspecting man accepted the order but when the wife went there, Mtambo fooled her that he had to sleep with her as part of the couple’s rituals or else she would go mad and it is alleged that he raped the woman right in the herbalist’s house,” said Ngwira.

Upon reaching home in Dowa, the wife revealed the matter to her husband who travelled back to Mulanje and launched the complaint to police.

Police then arrested Mtambo and charged him with theft by trick and rape offences while the herbalist has been charged with theft by trick offence.

Malawi Loses Head Of Criminal Investigation Department

Head of the Criminal Investigation Department-CID in the Malawi Police Service Bob Mtekama has died.

National Police spokesperson James Kadadzera has confirmed the development but could not give details on cause of death.

Mtekama, whose rank was Deputy Commissioner of Police, was appointed a few weeks ago as Head of CID.

Masturbation Is Better Than Sleeping With Just Anyone Says Nigerian Model

Former beauty queen, Sandra Benede has shared her thoughts about masturbation in a comment she shared on Instagram.

According to Sandra, there is nothing wrong with masturbation and it is something she can do. She further disclosed that masturbation is better than sleeping with just anyone.

She wrote;

Nigerian Pastor Allegedly Impregnated Two Underaged Sisters

A minister in the popular Nigerian church, Lord’s Chosen has been accused of raping two underage sisters for years and finally impregnating them under the guise of casting out “bad luck” from them.

Pastor Nduka Anyanwu, who ministers in the Lord’s Chosen Church, Canaan Land branch in Oshodi, allegedly impregnated the sisters aged 17 and 13.

According to an NGO known as Stop The Abuse, Nduka allegedly began raping the younger girl when she was just 9 and began raping the older girl when she was only 16.

They also alleged that the parents of the girls knew but allowed the pastor to carry on because he told them it’s the only way he could remove the “spiritual mark” on them that “repels good things”.

According to the NGO, the pastor said that he wants the older sister to keep the pregnancy and he’ll marry her but asked that the younger sister aborts her pregnancy because what happened between them was a mistake.

Police officers at the Makinde Police Station arrested the pastor and he’s now in their custody. Stop The Abuse Foundation wrote:

Pastor Nduka Anyanwu who should be better known as Pastor Penis has allegedly raped and impregnated two sisters aged 17 and 13 years and has said he wants the older girl to keep the pregnancy because he wants to marry her but that the younger one should abort her own pregnancy as sexually defiling her was a mistake which he regretted even though he has had carnal knowledge of her uncountable times.

The wicked pastor who claims he is a minister from the Lord’s Chosen Church , Canaan land branch, Oshodi has been sexually defiling the younger girl since she was 9 years old and the older girl since she was 16 years under the pretext that she had a spiritual mark on her body that repels good things and the only way to remove the mark was to have carnal knowledge of her. She refused vehemently and reported to her parents who insisted that she must accept.

Drama however ensued when a team of advocates from Stop The Abuse Foundation and Child Advocates and Vulnerable Person’s Network tried to get him arrested with the help of policemen from Makinde Police Station,Oshodi. The parents of the survivors adamantly refused the arrest of the abuser because he is a man of God and has already promised to marry their older daughter. He was eventually arrested by the determined police officers who refused to be compromised. Thanks to the DPO of Makinde Police Station and his able and gallant police officers

Why did Manchester United Fail To Land Jude Bellingham from Birmingham City

Jude Bellingham arrives for Borussia Dortmund medical | Transfermarkt
Jude Bellingham

Manchester United missed out on the signing of Jude Bellingham from Birmingham City.

The teenage star was pursued by the Red Devils, even being given a tour of their Carrington training ground and meeting with Sir Alex Ferguson.

But Bellingham opted to head to the Bundesliga and follow in Jadon Sancho’s footsteps by joining Borussia Dortmund to further his development.

ESPN have now claimed that United missed out on Bellingham after they refused to match his £56,000-a-week wage offer from Dortmund.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was reportedly ready to throw Bellingham straight into his first-team squad.
Ole with the Glazer family

But club owners the Glazer family and executive vice-chairman Woodward were unwilling to sanction the deal.

They did not feel comfortable shelling out almost £3million a year in wages on a player with just one year of senior football under his belt.

As a result, they decided against matching Dortmund’s offer and he headed to Germany.

The deal could rise to £22.75million if future clauses and add-ons are met.

Bellingham is already in training at his new club as they started pre-season this week.

After his move, the 17-year-old said: “I chose Borussia Dortmund because it is the perfect step for my development. I am just glad that saga is over.

“It was a lot of annoyance to me and there was a lot of noise around at the time when all I wanted to do was play for Birmingham City.

large blast in the Lebanese capital kills atleast 50, lives many injured

Image may contain: outdoor
A large blast in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has killed at least 50 people and injured more than 2,700 others, the health minister says.
It is not yet clear what caused the explosion. Videos show smoke billowing from a fire before the blast, which is followed by a mushroom cloud.
Hospitals are said to be overwhelmed and many buildings have been destroyed.
Lebanon's internal security chief said the blast happened in an area housing highly explosive materials.
A BBC journalist at the scene reported dead bodies and severe damage, enough to put the port of Beirut out of action.
The explosion comes at a sensitive time for Lebanon, with an economic crisis reigniting old divisions. Tensions are also high ahead of Friday's verdict in a trial over the killing of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005.
Officials are pointing to an accident rather than a deliberate act as a possible cause.
The interior minister said first reports suggested what he called explosive material stored at the port had blown up.
Prime Minister Hassan Diab called it a catastrophe and said those responsible must be held to account.
He spoke of a "dangerous warehouse" which had been there since 2014, but said he would not pre-empt the investigation.
Local media showed people trapped beneath rubble. A witness described the first explosion as deafening, and video footage showed wrecked cars and blast-damaged buildings.

Man in cooler for impersonating police officer

Lingadzi Police Station has arrested Chikumbutso Jimmy James, 29, for personating a Public Officer working under Kanengo Police Station in Lilongwe.

Lingadzi Police Station Spokesperson, Salome Zgambo told Malawi News Agency (Mana) Tuesday in Lilongwe that Police received a tip-off from well wishers that the suspect kept on bringing different motor cycles and bicycles to his house at Senti location in the City.

“Following that tip, the reporter led a team of detectives and managed to arrest the suspect,”she explained.

Zgambo pointed out that in the course of investigations, the suspect was found with Police camouflaged uniform, a mountain bike and Plasma TV screen.

“The uniform comprises of two pairs of trousers, a shirt, and a pair of boots, cane stick, and head dress,” she said.

The Spokesperson said upon interviewing the suspect, he failed to explain clearly where he got the uniform and the matter is still under investigation.

James hails from Kaphale Village in the Area of Traditional Authority (TA) Tambala in Dedza.

-Malawi News Agency-

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