
Malawian Police Officer Killed by Truck

A police officer Sgt Alekeni Game who joined the police in 2016 has died after being hit by a truck while on duty.
According to reports the incident happened at Mwanza Border.
The truck lost breaks and it went on to hit the roadblock gate behind him.
More details to follow…

Ghananian Model Explains Of Doing Breast Implant Three Times (Watch Video)

Ghanaian businesswoman and philanthropist, model, Confidence Haugen has opened up on her plastic surgery journey which began in 1999.
The former Big Africa representative for Ghana revealed the number of times she had a breast implant in a video sighted by
In an episode on her ‘Konfidence Uncut’, she disclosed that she had a breast implant on three occasions.
In her quest to get boobs that will make her confident, the entrepreneur said she passed through the hands of three surgeons, two males and one female.
Unfortunately, the first two of the surgeries were not up to her expectation.
Watch Video Below:

Nigerian Woman Burns Her 8-Year-Old Nephew Over Groundnuts

An 8-year-old boy was scarred with hot iron by his aunt because he ate the 50 Naira groundnut she left in the house.
The incident happened at Anantigha, Calabar South, on Sunday, August 16, when the aunt returned from Sunday service to discover that the groundnut was gone.
She questioned the boy about it, then plugged in an electric iron and used it to burn his back and buttocks. When she was done, she refused to give him food.
Woman burns her 8-year-old nephew
Old scars on the boy’s burnt fingers also revealed that it isn’t the first time she has abused him since he started living with her about three years ago.
Speaking with Vanguard on Monday, August 17, the Principal Counsel, Basic Rights Initiative, James Ibor Esq., said they received a call from Girl Power Initiative, GPI, about a lady who had been assaulting her nephew with hot iron, burning stove and other hot objects.
According to Ibor, she plugged an electric iron and burnt the boys back and buttocks because he ate the N50  left-over groundnut and that was not the first time that such was happening.
He said:
“From what the boy has told us, which is also very visible, he has been tortured and traumatised, and the boy is in serious pains. From here we are taking him to a medical facility where he can get adequate care.
“We have written to the Police and the state Ministry of Humanities and Social Welfare to enable us take good care of him in our own shelter home, because we cannot allow the child to go back to the aunty again.
“We have also invited the father, because the mother is late. Further actions can be taken as he and two of his siblings live with the said aunty.
“It is unfortunate that this kind of dastardly act and injury can be inflicted on a child. Even if he ate the groundnut, there is no justification for this kind of wickedness.”

Two arrested for over murder of son

Police in Salima have arrested a couple on suspicion that they murdered their three-year-old son in order to save their marriage.
Salima Police Publicist, Jacob Khembo identified the couple as Stain Chingwege, 32 and Mtisunge Banda 22.
Khembo said the incident happened on August 12, 2020 at Mangwe village around Kaphatenga area where the couple is believed to have agreed to murder the child ‘because Chingwege did not like the step son.’
“The deceased was a step son to Chingwege while Banda was the biological mother. The father is reported to have been unhappy with the child and asked the wife to take the child to his biological father or to any of the relatives,” said Khembo.
He said the family has been having quarrels now and then because of the child and resorted to killing him so as to save their marriage, which the mother agreed.
Said Khembo: “The two killed the child and buried him in a bushy area around the fields. People from the area became suspicious when they saw dogs with decomposed human parts and reported the matter to police."
He added: “When police visited the scene, Ireen Milward, grandmother to the deceased told the law enforcers that she noticed that her grandson has been missing for some time and became suspicious that her daughter might have killed her son.”
Banda is reported to have revealed the ordeal to police that they indeed killed their son on agreement with her husband.
Preliminary postmortem results released by medical officers from Salima district hospital showed that death was due to strangulation secondary to suffocation according to Khembo.
The two will appear in court soon to answer charges of murder which is contrary to section 209 of the penal code.
Both suspects come from Mangwe village in the area of Traditional Authority Salima in the district.

Oldest Person In The US Celebrates Her 116th Birthday

If Hester was born in 1905, she is the sixth oldest person in the world; if she was born in 1904, then she is the third oldest person in the world, behind 116-year-old Lucile Randon and 117-year-old Kane Tanaka, from Japan.
Hester celebrated her 116th (or possibly 115th) with a drive-by birthday bash. Credit: Charlotte Observer
But wherever Hester ranks in the Supercentenarians Super League (not an actual league, in case that wasn’t clear), the important thing is that she got to celebrate yet another birthday with friends, family and members of the community driving by her house in Charlotte, North Carolina, honking and waving to mark the occasion.
Oldest Person In The US Celebrates Her 116th Birthday
Ordinarily, Hester’s birthday draws a big crowd, with the family cooking food outside the house, but clearly in the age of Covid-19 a drive-by birthday bash was a better idea.
But if you’re hoping Hester might share a few tips for a long and healthy life then you’ve got another thing coming.
Asked by the Charlotte Observer what the secret was to her old age, she replied: “I don’t know.”
Pushed for a little bit of elaboration from one of her many granddaughters, she added: “I just live right, all I know.”
Fair enough.
By the way, when I said she had many granddaughters, that was a bit of an understatement.
Hester got married to John Ford when she was 14 (it was a different time) and gave birth to the first of their 12 children when she was 15.
John died in 1963, when he was less than half of Hester’s current age, but their children have added 68 grandchildren, 125 great-grandchildren, and at least 120 great-great-grandchildren to the family, according to the Charlotte Observer.
Why there isn’t an exact figure on great-great-grandchildren is not clear. Perhaps nobody can be ars*d counting precisely once you’ve passed the 100 mark – hence we don’t know her exact age either.
Speaking at her birthday do granddaughter Mary Hill, an ordained minister, said: “We just thank God for just keeping her here for us, because it gives us hope.
“We would never want her to be here if she was sick. We want her to have a great quality of life in her elder years. We don’t want her to be sick or anything, and trying to hold on.
“We’re just a blessed family.”
Credit: Charlotte Observer

Burna Boy’s ‘Twice As Tall’ Hits No 1 In 14 Countries In Less Than 48 Hours

Nigerian Afrobeats maestro Burna Boy’s recently released album ‘Twice At All’ has reached the number spot on Nigeria and UK Apple albums, and 12 other countries.
Burna Boy dropped the highly anticipated album in the early hours of Friday, August, 14 and it received massive reviews both from fans and critics.
His album peaked at number 1 on UK Apple top albums, making him the first Nigerian artiste to achieve make such a great feat.
Twice As Tall, Burna Boy’s fifth studio work, also got five million streams just one hour after it dropped.
Asides from Nigeria and UK Apple albums, Twice As Tall also reached number 1 in South Africa, Ghana, Botswana, Gambia, Kenya, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman.
US rapper and legendary producer, P. Diddy said it deserves to win album of the year.

Thugs Rob Chipiku shop In Rumphi

Police in Rumphi have launched a manhunt for eight thugs who broke into Chipiku Shop and walked away with over K1,112,139 million cash and assorted items.
Sergeant Tupeliwe Kabwilo, Rumphi Police Station Deputy PRO said the robbery occurred during the wee hours of August, 17, 2020 at Bolero.
“Reports filed at Rumphi Police show that the said thugs were in masks and and armed with panga knives. Six of the criminals tied up the two watchmen and forced them into the shop, while the other two robbers remained out side the shop.” Explained Kabwilo
The Rumphi Police Station Deputy PRO indicated that the robbers managed to get away with the sum of K1,112,139; two and half bricks of cigarettes; simcards and other assorted items whose value is not yet known.
“After their mission, the thugs left the two watchmen untied inside the shop and and locked them from outside. Police have since instituted investigations to trace the culprits.” Said Kabwino
Kabwino said police are appealing to members of the community to tip them if they have any information leading to the whereabouts of the suspects.
Credit: BeyondFM

Man Dies While ‘Doing It’ in Phalombe

In Phalombe, a 35 year old man has died suddenly while having sex with a sex worker.

The incident occurred on the night of August 17, 2020 around 09:40 hours at Kaduya village, Senior Chief Kaduya in the district.

The deceased has been identified as Charles Majawa.

Majawa is said to have hooked a sex worker within the trading center and booked a room to quench his libido.

But he ended up collapsing and becoming unconscious while in the act.

The sex worker notified her friends about the tragedy and later reported the matter to police.

The police and medical practitioner from Migowi Health Center viewed the body and confirmed death.

The postmortem revealed that death was due to excessive orgasm which caused blood vessels in the brain to rapture.

No foul play has been suspected.

Meanwhile the deceased body has since been taken to his home village for burial.

Majawa hailed from Matepwe Village, Senior Chief Kaduya in Phalombe District

YONECO Empowers Mzimba Communities

Youth Network and Counselling (YONECO) District Officer for Mzimba, Dunleck Pande has said communities need to develop mechanisms on how to follow up government funded development projects to avoid abuse.

Speaking after an interface with members of Titemwane Radio Listening Club Sunday at Enukweni in Mzimba, he said a number of government funded programmes were not concluded because people entrusted to run those abused funds.

Pande said strengthening radio listening clubs was essential in the promotion of community development accountability.

"For our communities to develop, we need them to have necessary skills and knowledge on how they can monitor and follow up on any development that is taking place in their areas.

"Communities need to take to task and question duty bearers on any issues pertaining development programmes1 from them," the District Officer said

Pande said failure to empower communities on such issues is counter development as some people divert project funds.

"This is why YONECO decided to strengthen community development monitoring by imparting such knowledge to radio listening clubs so that they put to task whoever is entrusted to lead their development programmes,” he added.

Chairperson for Titemwane Radio Listening Club, Nyson Dzimbili hailed YONECO for the initiative to empower them on how to monitor and investigate development progress in their areas.

"We have undergone trainings on how we can be monitoring development programs in our area and I can say that we are now able to see what is happening to various project funds.

“We are able to face various authorities and question them whenever we feel there are gray areas in any development that is taking place," he pointed out.

YONECO is running a three year Open Contracting Project in two districts of Mzimba and Phalombe with funding from HIVOS.

Through the project, YONECO is empowering radio listening clubs on how to monitor and follow upon government financed projects at community level to ensure accountability and transparency.

United States Agency Development Foundation Funds Mpepa Farming Cooperative In Kasungu With Over K72 million

The United States Agency Development Foundation (USADF), an independent body of the United States government has funded Mpepa farming cooperative in Kasungu with over K72 million in order to improve the farmers livelihoods and well-being.
USADF Malawi Country Coordinator, Lynda Ndovie Jere said on Friday that they were prompted to release the funds after learning that the cooperative had visionary and hardworking farmers.  
"A certain non-governmental organization that was working with the cooperative encouraged us to come and have a project with these farmers to improve their livelihoods and well-being. We thereafter came to evaluate their ability, vision and plans which convinced us that we will give our money to right hands," she said.
Jere added that they were hoping that the grant will boost the farmers’ operations and double their harvest and encouraged them to concentrate on Soya seed multiplication and Sunflower growing, saying the two crops have got high demand on the market.
Speaking after signing the agreement, chairperson for Mpepa farmer’s cooperative, Davie Nkhoma expressed his gratitude for the grant which he said it will help boost their operations and give them enough returns.
"The money will help us achieve plans that we have been having as a group and individually because we will employ our own extension workers who will be imparting us with new farming techniques to increase our produce," he said.
Trade Officer for Kasungu district council, Brino Kamanga also thanked the NGO for helping the farmers who he said are contributors of economic development in district as well as the country.
"This is a great development and we are very proud as a council because the profits which these farmers will make after selling their crops as a group will be used and invested in our district," he said.
Kamanga added to urge the farmers to continue working together as a group and not let the funds divide them.  
Mpepa cooperative started as farmers association in 2013 and later registered as a cooperative of 360 members all from Sub Traditional Authority Chinsinga in the district.  

Villagers kill man and his two sons, burn down their house and livest

In Kenya, three people, a man and his two sons, were killed in a village as burial plans for a murdered teacher went awry.

In compliance with Luhya tradition, mourners wanted the body of the murdered teacher, Ernest Opwondo Ndege, kept in his father’s compound ahead of the burial.

However, the murdered teacher’s father, Peter Ndege, declined the request since he is one of the suspect’s the tutor’s killing.

Angered by the open disregard of tradition, the mourners turned on the teacher’s killing him and his sons.

Police officers who had been deployed to the compound in anticipation of the chaos were forced to fire in the air to restore order.

But the mourners turned them too, pelted their car with stones injuring the police inspector in charge.

Not yet calmed down, they burned down the house of the late teacher’s father and their livestock.

During the melee, one of the police officers put a bullet hole in the late teacher’s casket as mourners turned on the hearse.

Villagers claimed that Ndeke and his two sons hired the gunmen who shot dead the teacher over a dispute over a parcel of land that he had sold without consulting them.

The incident occurred on Friday evening, August 14.

Police told reporters that two suspects involved in the killing of the man and his two sons have been arrested and will be arraigned.

Pregnant Zambian Woman Jumps From 2nd Floor In Germany, Allegedly To Escape Vicious Fiance

A 39 year old Germany-based Zambian musician Cassy Nyemba has sustained serious damages on her spinal code, had three of her ribs broken, lost some fingers, and suffered serious injuries around her waist after she was brutally beaten by her fiance.

Nyemba who was also three months pregnant jumped from the second (2nd) floor of a building in trying to save herself from her vicious fiance.

Meanwhile, her 60 year old fiance (suspect) has allegedly committed suicide by jumping from the 13th floor of an apartment building which they were living in.

Zambia’s First Secretary for Press and Public Relations Kellys Kaunda has revealed this in a statement.

And Kaunda said Zambia’s Ambassador to Anthony Mukwita has expressed sadness on the matter.

Mukwita narrated that Nyemba escaped her attacker’s attempt to strangle her to death in her sleep around 9hrs on Monday morning.

He said reports from police investigations revealed that Nyemba’s fiancé used a rope and tied it around her neck and began to violently squeeze it with the aim to murder her.

“He then used a pillow to suffocate her but failing, he attempted to reach for a knife which gave Nyemba a slight chance at escaping. The balcony was the only available option,” said Mukwita.

He added that eyewitness said Nyemba jumped from the second floor or 9 meters down and lay motionless on the ground as neighbors called for an ambulance.

Mukwita said as the medics were attending to Nyemba, a man, later identified as Nyemba’s fiance fell down from the 13th floor of the apartment building and died instantly.

Elderly Family Escapes Mob Over Witchcraft Allegations

Police in Zomba on Friday rescued an elderly couple from an angry mob that wanted to kill them over witchcraft allegations.

Eastern region police assistant spokesperson Tionge Kayenda says the angry mob wanted to set on fire the 63 year old husband and the 56 year old wife after a 16 year old girl alleged that the two taught her witchcraft.

The girl further alleged the couple forced her kill a young sister who on July 31st this year, collapsed in a bathroom and died.

Sergeant Kayenda says the matter was taken to a traditional chief but before passing judgement on Friday, the angry community mobilised itself and started stoning the house of the elderly couple in traditional authority Mwambo, and later attempted to torch it.

"We intervened timely and managed to rescue the two who are being kept at a safer place," says Kayenda.

Meanwhile, police is appealing to the public to report such cases to police rather than enforcing the law on their own.

Somali Hotel Is Attacked By Explosive Terrorist, Several Injured (Watch Video)

Several dead and around many more wounded Sunday evening after a thunderous car suicide bomber exploded the security gates of an upscale hotel open in the Lido beach area of Mogadishu, Somalia. In what was a terrifying and chaotic episode of violence.
According to Col. Ahmed Aden, a police officer, the attackers invaded the Elite Hotel, a new establishment popular amongst the young crowd of the capital city.
Sadiq Adan Ali, a spokesman of the Somali police force, briefly described the nature of events, "Totally, those who have been killed or passed away in the accident, the attack, were 16. Eleven (of them were) Somali civilians and five of them terrorists. The other remaining was 13 wounded or injured persons."
The nation’s security forces managed to subdue the situation after a nearly 5-hour siege which ended in the taking the lives of the four remaining assailants. They were rebels hailing from the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabab, allies of Al-Qaida and had taken hostages of young men and women at dinner at the site. All hostages were rescued and evacuated and ambulance workers at the scene reported that at least 28 people had been wounded.

BBNaija: Kaisha Evicted

Kaisha has been evicted from the Big Brother Naija Lockdown House. 

I have known that she is in love with Neo but would not admit it.  On eviction, Kaisha admits that she liked Neo in the #BBNaija House and was ready to crash his love ship. 

She also says she's not surprised that the Housemates Voted her out.

Nigerian Lady Narrates How She Got Pregnant For A Ghost

A twitter user with handle @Pluto_GP_ has narrated how he was dated a Ghost for four years and even had a baby girl with her.

The man from South Africa, his story has been trending Online with lots of reactions that's why i decided to bring it here.

Read Below:

I dated a girl for 4 years, she fell pregnant and gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby, bare in mind I've never met her family before. So we decided to take it to the next level, pay damages first and lobola, she took me to her parents place, when we got there I introduced Introduced myself, family started crying non stop, I was very confused as to what was happening.
Mo'girl was seated next to me not saying a word Father then told me their child had passed away 6 years ago, they took me to her grave, at the tombstone was the Jacket I bought her, one she wore on our way to her parents, her favorite jacket

I needed a wheelchair right away went back home to our nanny we left the baby with, our baby was still there as we left her, she's turning 2 next month.
Can't believe I had s*x with a dead person for 4 years, konje why did I have to meet her parents, wouldn't have know she was dead, her women on top was flames

How do I explain the child when she grows up?, "your mother died 6 years before you were born" 2020 finish me off please akhant
I steal have flashbacks of how her parents scrome when I told them I was there to pay damages for her dead girl I just made pregnant

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Veteran Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde tests positive for COVID-19
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Youths in Black as Eze Charity Who Was Raped and Strangled to Death is Buried in Tears (Photos)
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What's Happening in Nigeria? 3 Cases of Related Inhumanity Recorded within 7days
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#BBNaija: Am Not Surprise Housemates Voted me Out Tonight - Kaisha
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Reactions As Kaisha Has Been Evicted from #BBNaija Lockdown House
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2 Terrorists Arrested in Southern Kaduna, Gun & Dagger Recovered (photos)
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04 August

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Ex-MDF soldier in custody for crimes in Ntcheu

A 37-year-old man is under custody of Ntcheu Police on charges of impersonating a public officer and being found in possession of a motorcycle suspected to have been stolen.
The suspect Fiskan Nyirenda, was arrested at a drinking joint at Lizulu Trading Centre on August 9 while in the process of selling a Rico motorcycle.
According to Ntcheu Police spokesperson Hastings Chigalu, during their routine foot patrols at the Trading centre, Lizulu Police officers came across the suspect who was carelessly spending money on beer.
It was learnt that for two days, he kept telling people that he is a serving member of the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), and was in the area for other engagements.
“Fiskani Nyirenda failed to convince the police with valid identities to substantiate his claim that he is a serving member of MDF.
“Furthermore, when asked to produce valid documents for the Rico motorcycle he was offering for sale at a price of K140,000 he failed.
This prompted the police to thoroughly search him and he was found with one MDF battle drill uniform, a person's national identity card and a batch of different motorcycle keys.
Police enquiries have revealed that the suspect was sacked from the Defence Force in 2017 for absenting himself without leave while at Cobbe Barracks.
They have also managed to trace the rightful owner of the national identity card through the National Registration Bureau (NRB).
The owner, who is an uncle to the suspect, said his identity went missing together with other belongings when the suspect left him sometime in Mchinji.
Nyirenda hails from Bondo Village, Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu.
He will appear in court on 14th August to answer charges of impersonating a public officer and being found in possession of property suspected to have been stolen.
The motorcycle is still at Ntcheu Police Station for identification.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delays election over Covid-19

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she is delaying the country's parliamentary election by four weeks to October 17 after the reemergence of Covid-19 in the country last week.
The announcement on Tuesday that locally acquired cases of coronavirus had been confirmed in the New Zealand's biggest city, Auckland, prompted the government to introduce strict level three lockdown measures on August 12. This comes after around 100 days without community spread.
The rest of the country was put into level two lockdown, with both lockdown periods extended until at least August 26 as further cases of coronavirus were confirmed.
The general election was due to take place on September 19, with Parliament rising on August 6 and campaigning had already begun before the lockdowns were introduced.

Man Demands Back His Lobola After Discovering Wife Has Been Sleeping With Pastor

A 43-year-old man is demanding back his lobola after discovering that his 40 year old wife has been sleeping with a pastor “before and after each Sunday service”.

The man, identified as Lucas Jobe, says his wife would go to church early in order to sleep with the pastor before each service.

She would then stay behind for another “round of special prayers”.

The affair, reports the Daily Sun, has remained a secret for over eight months. It only became public after another member of the church decided to snitch.

Jobe who hails from Gauteng in South Africa says he could not believe his ears when story of the affair between his wife and a pastor at his church was laid naked before him.

“I didn’t believe the story. I confronted my wife and she denied it at first, but she confessed after a long argument” Jobe told Daily Sun.

Lucas wondered how the pastor could preach knowing what he had done.

“I wonder how it felt for my wife to sing and read the holy book knowing what she’d done before church. They’re evil.”

But Jobe’s ex-wife says she only cheated because her ex-husband was unavailable unlike the pastor who “listened to my problems and gave me good advice”.

She, however, pleaded for “a second chance” saying she is very sorry for her entanglement with the pastor.

33 year-old is sentenced to 12 years for raping 6-year-old

The Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate’s court on Friday sentenced 33-year-old Wyson Juma to 12 years in prison with hard labour for raping a 6-year-old girl.
Mangochi Police Station Deputy Publicist Amina Tepani Daudi said Juma and the victim are neighbours and the victim had been assisting him with house chores since he stays alone.
Daudi added that on the evening of August 2, 2020 as usual, the convict took the girl to his house where they prepared food and ate together.
Juma took advantage of the environment and he threatened the girl before raping her.
The victim left the house in tears and narrated the ordeal to her parents who reported the matter at Makokola Police Unit.
A medical form was issued and the results from Koche Health Centre confirmed the rape. Appearing in court, Juma pleaded guilty to the charge.
In mitigation, Juma asked for the court’s lenience but the state quashed his appeal, saying such cases are on the increase in the district and put girls’ lives under threat, hence a stiff punishment would deter others.
When passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono concurred with the state and sentenced Juma to 12 years custodial sentence.
Wyson Juma hails from Mtanga Village, Traditional Authority Chimwala in Mangochi.

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