
Zomba couple arrested for allegedly killing its 2 year old son

A couple in Zomba has been arrested for allegedly killing its 2 year old son.

The two have been identified as Edson Peter Kaopya and Esther Jonasi.

It is alleged that in January this year, Kaopya got irritated when his stepson spilt cooking oil he had bought and pushed him onto the floor.

Police say it was after the two noted that the child did not show any sign of life that they agreed to burry the breathless child in their garden.

The couple, then relocated from Kalupya Village to a nearby Village, Namikango, after the landlord and neighbours kept on asking them the whereabouts of the child.

They had however been telling the community that the child was with his grandparents in Mulanje.

According to Zomba Police publicist, Patricia Supuliyano, the woman only revealed of the ordeal having been questioned by her close relations.

Although the woman tried to commit, suicide, she was successfully treated before being arrested along with her husband.

The two have since been charged with three counts of murder, concealing death and the woman will also answer a separate charge of attempted suicide.

Kaopya comes from Sanjika Village, T/ A Kwataine, Ntcheu District and Esther comes from Kamoto Village T/ A Mkanda Mulanje.

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