Nine of the imported cases were identified through routine screening at Mwanza border. The other two imported cases are Tanzanian truck drivers and have returned to Tanzania.
In total, Malawi has recorded 4,752 cases including 152 deaths. Of these cases, 1,047 are imported infections and 3,705 are locally transmitted.
Cumulatively, 2,529 cases have now recovered bringing the total number of active cases to 2,071. The average age of the cases is 36.7 years, the youngest case being aged 1 month, the oldest being 98 years and 66.8% are male.
The country has so far conducted 35,751 COVID-19 tests in 45 COVID-19 testing sites of which 414 tests have been done in the past 24 hours.
Meanwhile, Phuka has urged people in the country to continue observing prevention measures.